Welcome to CS Academic Advising!

If you are trying to reach a CS academic advisor, you'll find contact info for Ryan MarcheneseCarl Cornell, and Lindsay Glasner below.

However, if you have questions about the following, please contact the appropriate department:

1. CS course enrollment issues: Find CS enrollment information and submit a help ticket to the Course Enrollment Team here: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courseinfo/enrollment  

2. Petitioning college-level requirements: Reach out to your college advising office (Engineering Advising or Arts and Sciences Advising Dean)

3. Changing graduation date: Engineering students should reach out to Ryan or Carl in CS Advising; Arts & Sciences students should reach out to your Advising Dean

4. Approval of CPT (for International students): See CS CPT Process

5. Financial Aid: See Cornell's Department of Financial Aid

Ryan Marchenese 
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Advising
518 Rhodes Hall (please note that at times I may be working remotely)

Office Hours (in-person):  For Spring 2025 semester, only on days when classes are in session

Monday:  None
Tuesday:  2:00 - 3:30pm  
Wednesday:  2:00 - 3:30pm  (NO office hours March 12)
Thursday:  2:00 - 3:30pm  
Friday:  10:00 - 11:30am  (NO office hours March 14)

Individual Appointments (in-person or virtual): Schedule an Advising Appointment (select Bowers CIS Student Services).

Please email me with questions and concerns.

Ryan works primarily with students with last names A-H. He provides general advising to CS majors and those interested in the CS major, the CS and Game Design Minors, and CS department policy.

Carl Cornell 
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Advising
519 Rhodes Hall 

Spring schedule : MWRF: In-Person / T: Remote

Office Hours:  Staring 2/3/25, only offered while classes are in session.

Monday:  2:00pm - 3:30pm
Tuesday:  2:00pm - 3:30pm (No office hours Mar 11)(Virtual Only, Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94033200927?pwd=vBYAA3KDKACbok1yj3M2f4AmY3x1Cs.1)
Wednesday:  9:30am - 11:00am
Thursday: 10:30am - 12:00pm (noon)
Friday: None

Individual Appointments (in-person or virtual): Schedule an Advising Appointment (select Bowers CIS Student Services)

Please email me with any questions and concerns.

Carl works primarily with students with last names I-Q and internal and external transfer students. He provides general advising to majors and non-majors with regard to the CS major curriculum, the CS and Game Design Minors, and policy. He also meets with prospective students and families and those students wishing to transfer to the CS program from inside and outside of Cornell.

Lindsay Glasner
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Advising
516 Rhodes Hall

Spring schedule : MTWF: In-Person / R: Remote

Office Hours (in-person):  For Spring 2025 semester, only on days when classes are in session

Monday:  9:30 - 11:00am
Tuesday:  9:30 - 11:00am
Wednesday:  None
Thursday:  12:30-2:00pm (Zoom Only)
Friday:  12:30 - 2:00pm

Individual Appointments (in-person or virtual): Schedule an Advising Appointment (select Bowers CIS Student Services).

Please email me with questions and concerns.

Lindsay works primarily with students with last names R-Z. She provides general advising to CS majors and those interested in the CS major, the CS and Game Design Minors, and CS department policy.