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Considering a career in research and/or pursuing a Ph.D.? If you are interested in either or both, you will want to attend the Explore CS Research Workshop.
Event date: Saturday, November 7th, 2020. Noon to 4pm on Zoom
To participate you will need to fill out this Qualtrics form by Friday, November 6th at www.cs.cornell.edu/CSR2020. Previous research experience not required.
Workshop participants will learn about life as a Ph.D. student, the application process, and how to get involved in research. Participants will hear from Cornell alumni who are currently graduate students and current CS faculty members. An important goal of the program is to increase diversity in the computer science research community.
After the workshop, attendees who contribute to diversity in the computing field will have the opportunity to apply for funding to attend a conference in their area; to cover fees for Ph.D. program applications; as well as explore awards for summer research experience for undergraduates. Awards supported by Google’s exploreCSR program.
Workshop program
1. Opening remarks: Éva Tardos, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Computer Science and Chair
2. Opening talk by Deniz Altinbüken, Cornell CS Ph.D., 2016, now a Software Engineer and Tech Lead in the Infrastructure team at Google.
3. Panel discussion with former Cornell undergraduate students: Jialu Bao (Cornell ’19, Wisconsin-Madison, theory); Lloyd Brown (Cornell ’19, UC Berkeley, systems); Claire Liang (Cornell ’17, Cornell, robotics); Alana Marzoev (Cornell ’18, MIT, ML and systems); Jiaqi Su (Cornell ’17, Princeton, vision); Anna Yesypenko (Cornell ’17, UT Austin, scientific computing); Irene Yoon (Cornell ’19, UPenn, programming languages); and Shangdi Yu (Cornell ’19, MIT, algorithms).
Topics for the panel will include:
a. Do I want to get a Ph.D.?
b. What is life like as a Ph.D. student?
c. What is the process like to apply for a Ph.D.?
d. How do I find research topics? How do I explore research opportunities?
4. Small group discussions with the panel speakers (via zoom breakout groups)
5. Panel discussion with faculty members about what it takes to get accepted to great graduate programs with Rachit Agrawal, Anil Damle, Nika Haghtalab, and Adrian Sampson.