The judgment
defines a function
from A to B whose rule is given by the expression b. We know this from
the functionality constraint implicit in the judgment, i.e. if a=a' in the
type A, then
b[a/x]=b[a'/x] in the type B. Likewise if b1 is an
expression in x and b' is an expression in x' then
defines such a function. The two rules b, b'are considered equal on equal a, a' in A. Also it is part of the judgment
b[a/x]=b'[a'/x']. To this extent at least the notion of equality on
these functions is extensional.
Let us look at patterns of functionality that involve functions as arguments.
The addition function on N is represented by
We know that the pattern of definition used to form
addL, multL, expL can be
extended to any binary function f from
to N using
fLk(l)=L(l; k; h, t, a. f(h, a)). For any specific f we can write this
function fLk(l), but we would like to express the general fact as a function
of f, saying: for any function from
to N and any k in N,
L(l; k; h, t, a. f(h, a)) is a functional expression in l, k and f.
In order to say this, we need a type for f. The notation
is the type used in section 2. We can add
as a type expression for A and B types. But we also need
canonical values for the type, what should they be? Can we use
as a notation for a function in
It would be acceptable to use just that notation; it is even similar to the
Bourbaki notation
(see [15]). But
in fact we do not need the type information to define the evaluation relation
nor to describe the typing rule. So we could simply use
Instead we adopt the lambda notation
more familiar in computer
science as we did in sections 1 and 2.
We also need notation for function application. We write ap(f; a) for the application of function f to argument a, but often display this as f(a). The new evaluation rules are:
This rule generates the type
as a