The evidence for an assertion is called a proof. Proving a proposition is the way of knowing it.13 When we judge that an expression is a proposition, we specify what counts as a proof of it. For the propositions it is easy to specify this. To prove we could cite an axiom, that is, we say it is self-evident. As we said before, has no proofs. To prove we prove P and prove Q. To prove we either prove P or prove Q. To prove we exhibit an element a of A and prove P(a).
To say what it means to prove we need to understand logical consequence or what is the same in this article, hypothetical proof. We write this as hypothetical judgmenthypothetical judgement which reads, assuming P is true, we can prove that Q is. What this means is that if we have a proof p of P, then we can build a proof qof Q using p.
To discuss nested implications such as we need to understand hypothetical judgments of the form which means that assuming we have proofs pi of Pi, we can find a proof q of Q.
To prove we need the hypothetical judgment which says that given any a of type A, we can find a proof of P(a). Combining these two forms of hypothetical judgments we will need to consider where Hi can be either a proposition or a type declaration such as .
This account of provability gives what we call a semantics of evidence. Depending on the interpretation of the functionality, judgments like or we can explain both classical and constructive logic in this way. These ideas will become clearer as we proceed.
In general, there is no systematic way to search for a proof. Indeed, the notion of proof we have in mind is not for any fixed formal system of mathematics. We are interested mainly in open-ended notions. Like the concept of a proposition, the concept of a proof is inexhaustible or open or creative. By [52] and [111] we know that for any consistent closed non-trivial formal system, we can systematically enlarge it, namely by adding a rule asserting its consistency or giving a definition of truth for that system.
For the collection of pure abstract propositions, there is a systematic way to search for a proof. If we want to describe this procedure, then it is necessary to have a representation of propositions as data that lets us access their structure. We can do this with the inductive definition of propositions given next, but it is more natural to build a representation that directly expresses the linguistic structures that we use when writing and manipulating formulas. This is the traditional approach to the study of logic and provability. We take it up in the subsections on Formulas and Formal Proofs.