Knowledge arises when we judge a proposition to be true. A proposition Pbecomes an assertionassertion when we judge it to be true or
assert it. In Principia this judgment is called an assertion and
is written .
Normally we assert a proposition when we know it to be true, but people also make so-called ``blind assertions'' which are made without this knowledge but happen to be true because someone else knows this or the person ``speaking blindly'' discovers it later. (These ``blind assertions'' normally make a person, especially students in exams, anxious.)
Assertions are not the only form of knowledge. We follow Per Martin-Löf
[80] and speak also of judgments of the form
that we
discussed above. These are typing judgmentstyping judgment.
They also convey knowledge and need to be made evident, but we consider them as
a different category of knowledge from assertions. Indeed, we see that knowing
these judgments is part of knowing truth judgments because we must know that
the object P we are asserting is a proposition before (or as) we judge it to
be true.11
In section 2.1 we treated this notion in the background with
the notation
without explaining
judgments in general.
In most logic textbooks this judgment is reduced to a question of correct
parsing of formulas, i.e., is made syntactic and is thus prior to truth.
But we follow Russell and Martin-Löf in believing it to be a semantic
notion that can be treated in other ways when we formalize a theory.
For the predicate calculus, we leave most of these typing judgments implicit and adopt the usual convention that all the formulas we examine represent well-formed propositions. In the full typed logic this condition cannot be checked syntactically, and explicit typing judgments must be made.
In general, to make a judgment is to know it or for it to be evident. It does not make sense for a judgment to be evident without a person knowing it. However, we recognize that there are propositions which are true but were not known at a previous time. So at any time there are propositions which are not known, but will be asserted in the future.