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CS212 Problem Sets
Electronic Submission
WARNING: If you are not registered for this course (CS212) and you try to use this submission system - you should know that any submitted file is verified against the NetId of students that are registered in the course. Any attempt to falsify your NetId will be considered a violation of Cornell University's Policy Regarding Abuse of Computers and Network Systems. We will locate whoever is responsible for any suspected case of forgery and refer the incident to the Judicial Administrator.

Welcome to the online submission site. Once you have finished your problem set and checked it for accuracy and stylistic elegance, you are ready to continue. If this is your first time using the CS212 submission system, you should read the comments at the bottom of this page. IMPORTANT: If you are doing this problem set with a partner, make sure that you use both UIDs.  If you forget to put both UIDs, we will believe that your partner did not do this problem set and we won't have a grade for him/her.

NetId: UID(s):
   Command: PS:



Much of your grade for problem sets depends on the accuracy of your code and its stylistic elegance. If the solution we receive lacks proper indentation and uses mysterious variable names, the course staff will not be impressed. In years past, students have dramatically over commented their code. Those who learn early and make their code easy to read and comprehend have reaped the benefits of higher grades.

Having trouble

In order to use this submission site, you will need to have Netscape 3.0 and above or Internet Explorer 4.0 and above. It also requires that you have JavaScript enabled.

If either of these do not hold true or you are having problems, you can submit using the email submission system. It is highly recommended that you use this submission site instead of the email submission system. If all else fails, notify us by sending a message. The earlier you let us know of problems, the more willing we are to help.  If it is five minutes before the deadline, we probably won't be there to help you.

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