CS212 Materials
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- Lecture #1, Introduction, Thursday
August 26
- Lecture #2, Function Abstraction and
the Substitution Model of Evaluation, Tuesday August 31
- Lecture #3, Iteration and
Induction, Thursday September 2
- Lecture #4,
Higher-order procedures, Tuesday September 7
- Lecture #5, Analysis of algorithms, Thursday September 9
- Lecture #6, Data abstraction,
Tuesday September 14.
- Lecture #7, Lists and structural
induction, Thursday September 16
- Lecture #8,
Symbolic Differentiation, Tuesday September 23 (source)
- Lecture #9, Generic
Operations, Thursday September 25
- Lecture #10,
Reasoning about lists, Tuesday September 28
- Lecture #11, Side effects and
the environment model, Thursday September 30
- Lecture #12, Local State
- Lecture #13, Stacks
- Lecture #14, Heaps
- Lecture #15, Introduction to Object
Oriented Programming.
- Lecture #16, More Object oriented
- Lecture #17, Sorting and Quicksort
- Lecture #18, Metacircular
- Lecture #19, Macros
- Lecture #20, Streams
- Lecture #21, Infinite
- Lecture #22, Compilers
- Lecture #23, Computability
- Garbage Collection
- Extra lecture, Continuations
- Extra lecture, The Y-combinator
Lecture notes for each lecture will be available soon after the lecture

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