The Environment Model
An environment is an association of names with values. To understand how
Scheme resolves variable names, we must understand how environments are created
and used.
A binding is an association of a single name (a variable) with a value.
We denote such a binding by name:value.
A frame is an unordered set of bindings, no two of which bind the same
name. For example, a frame might consist of the bindings x:10, y:15,
z:(4 5 6).
An environment consists of an ordered sequence of one or more frames. The
frames are arranged in a linear order starting from the "youngest'' frame,
the one associated with the procedure currently running, back to the
"oldest'' frame. Different frames can bind different sets of names, and two
frames in an environment may have different bindings for the same name.
The environment consisting of the oldest frame alone is called the global
environment. It contains the bindings of the Scheme language primitives such
as + and lambda. It is always there from the time of system
startup and never disappears.
When searching an environment for a given name, Scheme starts at the youngest
frame and continues searching older and older frames until a binding with that
name is found. If there is no binding in any frame for that name, a special
value is returned indicating that the name is not bound to anything in the
environment. This procedure is called lookup.
When an expression is evaluated, it is always evaluated in the context of some
environment. The appropriate evaluation rule is determined by the type of
expression that is being evaluated.
The value of an identifier with respect to a given environment is the value
given by the first frame containing a binding for that variable in the
lookup order as described above. The value is undefined if there is no frame
containing a binding for that name. This rule is often referred to as the lookup
rule. In other words, look in the youngest frame of the environment for a
binding of the given name. If there is no binding in this frame, go on to the
next frame and look there. Continue in this fashion until a binding for the name
is found, or until the frames are exhausted. Return the value that is found.
Evaluating a define expression always adds a binding to the oldest
(global) frame, bypassing all other frames in the environment. Thus all bindings
done with define are global definitions. If there are bindings for the
name in younger frames, they are ignored. The new binding associates the given
name with the value that results from evaluating the given expression in the
whole environment. No useful value is returned. Recall that this does not apply
to an internal define, since internal defines are just another
way of representing letrec.
Evaluating (set! var expr) in a given environment uses
the lookup rule to find the first binding of the variable var,
then changes that binding to a new value. The new value is the result of
evaluating expr in the given environment. Thus the environment
structure is changed by changing the value of the first binding found for the
given name. No useful value is returned.
The result of evaluating a lambda expression with respect to a given
environment is to create a new procedure object consisting of
- The formal parameters of the lambda.
- The body of the lambda.
- A pointer to the environment in which the lambda expression was
This is called a closure.
Conceptually, a procedure object is just the text of the lambda
expression together with a pointer to the environment where the lambda
expression was evaluated. That is, the procedure object stores the parameters
and the code (which were both part of the lambda expression) along with
the environment where the lambda expression was evaluated (which was
not part of the lambda expression). Note that evaluating a lambda
expression just creates a procedure object; it does not evaluate the body
of the lambda at that point! That happens only later, when the
procedure gets applied. This is essentially the same as the evaluation of lambda
expressions in the substitution model, only here there is additionally an
environment pointer.
The reason the environment pointer is included in closures is that we need a
means of resolving identifiers that occur in the body of the method that are not
parameters. We would like the values of these identifiers to be the ones in
effect when the method was created, not when it is called.
Evaluating a let expression
(let ((name1 exp1)
(name2 exp2)
(namek expk)) body)
in an environment creates a single frame that binds each expi.
This single frame is created after evaluating each expi,
and the frame holds all the bindings namei:expi.
The body is then evaluated in the context of this new environment that
starts at this single frame. Evaluating a let statement is essentially
the same as applying a procedure (see below).
On the other hand, evaluating a let* expression
(let* ((name1 exp1)
(name2 exp2)
(namek expk)) body)
in an environment creates a sequence of new frames with the specified bindings.
Each successive expi is evaluated in the environment
containing the new frames created by the first i-1 bindings. A
new frame is then created with the single binding namei:expi
and appended to the front of the environment. Finally the body
is evaluated in the environment with the k new frames.
This is not quite equivalent to creating a procedure object with one
parameter for each name (see the Application
Rule below), since here the bindings are done sequentially and k
different frames are created, whereas in the case of procedures, only one new
frame is created with all the bindings.
Lastly, evaluating a letrec expression
(letrec ((name1 exp1)
(name2 exp2)
(namek expk)) body)
in an environment creates a new frame and temporarily binds each namei
to a null value. Each expi is then evaluated in this
environment. After all expis are evaluated, the null
values are replaced such that there exists a binding for each namei:expi.
It is important that each expi be a lambda statement,
since looking up another namej while evaluating expi
before it is bound would cause unpredictable results.
To evaluate a compound expression in some environment, first evaluate all
the subexpressions in that environment, and then apply the value of the
first to the remaining values. The value of the first had better be a function,
or an error results.
To apply a compound procedure to a list of values, i.e. to call a procedure with
a specified set of values for the parameters:
- Create a new frame containing a binding for each formal parameter of the
procedure bound to the corresponding argument value. Add this new frame to
the front of the environment in the closure of the procedure being applied.
This is the environment in which the procedure object was created, as
discussed above under the evaluation of method
expressions; it is not the environment in which the application
takes place!
Note that the only operations that create frames are the application of a
procedure and let and its variants.
- Evaluate the body of the procedure with respect to the new
environment created in step 1.
Application of primitive procedures is done directly by Scheme. When
reasoning using the environment model, we handle application of primitive
procedures the same way as we did in the substitution model: just substitute the
© 1999 Cornell University Computer Science
Last Modified: 3/23/99 by Brandon Bray