CS 1112: Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB

Lecture materials

No. Date Topics Lecture Slides Program Examples Highly Recommended Reading (Insight)
1 8/23 Tu Introduction Slides Preface & Software sections. Instructions on how to access the book are in the syllabus.
2 8/25 Th Programming basics: Variables, types, I/O, problem solving Slides squareSurfaceArea.m Section 1.1 (Just Plug It In!)
3 8/30 Tu Conditionals (if-construct) Slides strictlyIncreaseQuad.m, cricitalPointLoc.m Section 1.2
4 9/1 Th Conditionals, nested conditionals, logical operators Slides minQuadratic.m Section 1.2
5 9/6 Tu For loop Slides accumulateUserInput.m, avgShortStick.m Section 2.1
6 9/8 Th While loop Slides piCalc_for.m, piCalc_while.m Section 2.2
7 9/13 Tu For loops, while loops, and nested loops Slides DrawRect.m, DrawDisk.m, DrawStar.m, drawDemo.m (drawDemo contains the graphics settings you will use for drawing shapes), drawNestedStars.m, drawMoreNestedStars.m Section 3.1
8 9/15 Th Functions Slides dotsInRings.m, DrawColorDot.m, Polar2xy.m Section 5.1
9 9/20 Tu More Functions Slides polar2xy_out.m, polar2xy_print.m, polar2xy_script.m Section 5.3
10 9/22 Th Vectors (1D arrays) Slides numOdd.m, rollDie.m Section 6.1
11 9/27 Tu Vectors (1D arrays) and simulations Slides plottingLines.m, growingVec.m, RandWalk2D_mod.m, allLarger.m Section 6.2
12 9/29 Th Linear interpolation Slides fadingDisks.m Sections 4.1, 4.2
13 10/4 Tu Vectorized Computation, 2D arrays Slides dispMatrix.m, minInMatrix.m Section 7.1
14 10/6 Th More 2D arrays Slides Cheapest.m, ShowCheapest.m, drawCelebNetwork.m (uses constructs like cell arrays and char arrays that we have not covered in this class…. yet!) Section 7.2, 7.3 (both sections are optional—they detail cool things you can do with matrices but most of the important new syntax for matrices is in 7.1)
15 10/13 Th 2D arrays and images Slides babyYoda.jpg, babyYoda_bw.jpg, frameImage.m Section 12.1, 12.2
16 10/18 Tu Working with images (grayscale and color) Slides LawSchool.jpg, flipImg.m, flipImg_vectorized.m Section 12.4
17 10/20 Th Char arrays Slides blurImage.m, ManTakingPhoto.png Section 9.1
18 10/25 Tu Cell arrays Slides aminoAcidCounts.m, getAAIndex.m, getMnemonic.m, LinSearch.m Section 9.2
19 10/27 Th Cell arrays and file input Slides names.txt, countPalin.m, file2cellArray.m Section 11.1
20 11/1 Tu Cell arrays and file output (possibly start object-oriented programming) Slides drawNCards.m, cell2file_HallExample.m Section 11.2, (section 8.1 is highly optional but will help with this week's exercise)
21 11/3 Th Object-Oriented Programming: Objects, classes, and the constructor Slides Interval.m, demoInterval.m Why use object-oriented design? and Role of classes
22 11/8 Tu Object-Oriented Programming: methods, arrays of object, overriding, and overloading Slides Interval.m No reading (study for the exam)
23 11/10 Th More Object-Oriented Programming Slides Interval.m (you need to write the getWidth method in this file to be able to run widestInterval.m), intervalArray.m, widestInterval.m, LocalWeather (a new class) UBC Object-Oriented Programming reading. Unfortunately, our textbook does not cover OOP. This OOP tutorial from The University of British Columbia is the best resource I can find if you are struggling with OOP. Ignore any sentences mentioning structs, as we will not cover structs in this course.
24 11/15 Tu More Object-Oriented Programming: private vs public attributes, inheritance Slides Interval.m (with private components), Die.m, TrickDie.m
25 11/17 Th More Object-Oriented Programming: inheritance Slides See Die.m and TrickDie.m above. OOP Notes
26 11/22 Tu Recursion Slides
removeChar.m, MeshTriangle.m Section 14.1
27 11/29 Tu Sorting and searching Slides
mergeSort.m, merge.m, binarySearch.m, showBinarySearch.m Sections 14.2, 9.2
28 12/01 Th Sorting and efficiency Slides