Class wais.WAISTermDocInfo
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Class wais.WAISTermDocInfo


public class WAISTermDocInfo
extends Object
Container for document specific information for WAIS terms. Each instance of a WAISTermDocInfo is associated with a document in a result set.

Constructor Index

 o WAISTermDocInfo(float, int)
Construct a new WAISTermDocInfo

Method Index

 o GetTermFrequency()
return the number of occurrences of the term in the document.
 o GetWeight()
return the weight of the term with respect to the document.


 o WAISTermDocInfo
  public WAISTermDocInfo(float weight,
                         int termFrequency)
Construct a new WAISTermDocInfo
weight - Weight of the term with respect to the document.
termFrequency - The number of occurrences of the term in the document.


 o GetWeight
  public float GetWeight()
return the weight of the term with respect to the document.
 o GetTermFrequency
  public int GetTermFrequency()
return the number of occurrences of the term in the document.

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