Class wais.WAISDictionaryTerm
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Class wais.WAISDictionaryTerm


public class WAISDictionaryTerm
extends Object
Class to represent the information held in an entry in the WAIS dictionary file. The three relevant pieces of information are: - the string that is the term - the location in the inverted index file of this term - the number of documents in the source that contain this term.

Constructor Index

 o WAISDictionaryTerm(String, long, int)
Construct a new WAISDictionaryTerm

Method Index

 o GetInvertedFileLocation()
Return the inverted index file offset of this term.
 o GetNumberDocuments()
Return the number of documents in the source that this term appears in.
 o GetTerm()
Return the term associated with this instance.


 o WAISDictionaryTerm
  public WAISDictionaryTerm(String term,
                            long loc,
                            int number)
Construct a new WAISDictionaryTerm
term - The string that is the term.
loc - The location in the inverted index file of this term
number - The number of documents in the source that contain this term.


 o GetTerm
  public String GetTerm()
Return the term associated with this instance.
 o GetInvertedFileLocation
  public long GetInvertedFileLocation()
Return the inverted index file offset of this term.
 o GetNumberDocuments
  public int GetNumberDocuments()
Return the number of documents in the source that this term appears in.

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