Class wais.WAISDocuments
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Class wais.WAISDocuments


public class WAISDocuments
extends Object
A class to hold information on the documents in the WAIS source. This information is spread in strange ways across the document file and file name file. This class loads the information into hash tables so we can quickly do things in the inverted index file. If these in memory tables weren't created each extraction of information from the inverted index file would require a linear search through the document file. WARNING!! For a very large database with a very large number of documents this method of creating an in memory table of this information wouldn't work.

Constructor Index

 o WAISDocuments(String, String)
Construct a WAISDocument instance.

Method Index

 o GetDocumentEntryNumber(String)
given a filename (fully qualified) in the database, return the entryNumber of that filename in the document table.
 o GetDocumentNumberTerms(String)
given a filename return the number of terms.
 o GetNumberDocuments()
return the number of documents in the tables.


 o WAISDocuments
  public WAISDocuments(String indexLocation,
                       String dataBase) throws SourceException
Construct a WAISDocument instance.
indexLocation - The source specific location of the indexes.
dataBase - The indentifier of the database.


 o GetDocumentEntryNumber
  public int GetDocumentEntryNumber(String fileName) throws SourceException
given a filename (fully qualified) in the database, return the entryNumber of that filename in the document table.
fileName - The file name for which data is to be returned.
 o GetDocumentNumberTerms
  public long GetDocumentNumberTerms(String fileName) throws SourceException
given a filename return the number of terms.
fileName - The file name for which data is to be returned.
 o GetNumberDocuments
  public int GetNumberDocuments()
return the number of documents in the tables.

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