Class wais.WAISDictionary
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Class wais.WAISDictionary


public class WAISDictionary
extends Object
A WAIS dictionary file, containing all the terms and information on those terms in the source. Refer to Section 4.3.6 of the freeWAIS documentation for a description of the structure of dictionary files.

Constructor Index

 o WAISDictionary(String, String, String)
Contruct a WAIS dictionary object from a database name and (possibly null) database field name.

Method Index

 o Close()
 o FindTerm(String)
Return a WAISDictionary term object representing an entry in the WAISDictionary.
 o GetNextTerm()
Return the next dictionary term at the current file position.


 o WAISDictionary
  public WAISDictionary(String indexLocation,
                        String database,
                        String field) throws SourceException
Contruct a WAIS dictionary object from a database name and (possibly null) database field name.
indexLocation - The pathname of the directory in which index files for the repsecitve source are located.
database - The source name of the database
field - The field name of the dictionary (may be null).


 o Close
  public void Close()
 o GetNextTerm
  public WAISDictionaryTerm GetNextTerm() throws SourceException
Return the next dictionary term at the current file position. Note that the client of this method MUST NOT make any other method calls on a current WAISDictionary object in between calls to this method (others may change the file pointer)
 o FindTerm
  public WAISDictionaryTerm FindTerm(String termString) throws SourceException
Return a WAISDictionary term object representing an entry in the WAISDictionary.
termString - The term to locate in the dictionary.

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