Class results.ResultSet
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Class results.ResultSet


public class ResultSet
extends Object
The results set produced from a STARTS query

Constructor Index

 o ResultSet(Query, int)
Create a new results set

Method Index

 o AddNewDocument(Document)
Add a new document to the result set
 o GetDocuments()
Return the vector of documents in the result set
 o GetSortedDocuments()
Return the vector of sorted documents in the result set
 o MinScoreCheck()
Remove from the document list those documents whose score is less than the minimum score for the query.
 o ResultSetToSOIF()
Return a SOIFObject that is the SOIF representation of this result set.
 o SortResults(Field[], boolean[])
perform a multi-key sort based on the sort specification (SortFields and SortDescending) in the query context for this resultset.
 o TrimResults()
Trim the result set down to the size specified for the query


 o ResultSet
  public ResultSet(Query query,
                   int numDocuments)
Create a new results set
query - query context of the result set
numDocuments - number of documents in the results set


 o AddNewDocument
  public void AddNewDocument(Document document)
Add a new document to the result set
 o GetDocuments
  public Vector GetDocuments()
Return the vector of documents in the result set
the Vector of documents in the result set.
 o GetSortedDocuments
  public Vector GetSortedDocuments()
Return the vector of sorted documents in the result set
a sorted vector of the documents in the result set.
 o ResultSetToSOIF
  public SOIFObject ResultSetToSOIF()
Return a SOIFObject that is the SOIF representation of this result set.
a SOIF object representing the data in the reslt set.
 o MinScoreCheck
  public int MinScoreCheck()
Remove from the document list those documents whose score is less than the minimum score for the query.
the number of documents remaining after the culling process.
 o TrimResults
  public int TrimResults()
Trim the result set down to the size specified for the query
the number of documents remaining after the trimming process.
 o SortResults
  public void SortResults(Field sortFields[],
                          boolean sortDescending[]) throws SourceException
perform a multi-key sort based on the sort specification (SortFields and SortDescending) in the query context for this resultset.
Throws: SourceException
if an error occurs at the source deriving the information necessary for the sort.

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