Class results.TermStatistics
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Class results.TermStatistics


public class TermStatistics
extends Object
The statistics collected for terms within documents that are part of a STARTS results set. An instance of a TermStatistics is always attached to an instance of a Document.

Constructor Index

 o TermStatistics(String, String, long, float, long)
Construct a new term statistics

Method Index

 o GenerateStatsString()
Return a string represenation of this TermStats instance


 o TermStatistics
  public TermStatistics(String field,
                        String term,
                        long frequency,
                        float weight,
                        long documentFrequency)
Construct a new term statistics
field - The field of the term
term - The string that is the term itself.
frequency - The number of times that this term appears in the document.
weight - The weight of the query term in the document.
documentFrequency - The number of documents in the source that contain this term.


 o GenerateStatsString
  public String GenerateStatsString()
Return a string represenation of this TermStats instance
the string representation of the statistics for this term.

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