
Tools and Applications

General Use

  • The PDG Python Library
  • LaTeX library (.sty) for links in the margins to and from proofs elsewhere (e.g., in appendix)

    download restatelinks.sty using the link above,
    save it in the same folder as your .tex document, and
    use it something like this:

    %% example.tex
    % this is the file restatelinks.sty you can download above
    \usepackage{amsthm,thmtools} % need theorem restate
        % instead of beginning a "thm", begin a "linked" environment
        \begin{linked}[Fancy Theorem Name]{thm}{label} 
            THEOREM TEXT
        ... intermediate text ...
        \recall{thm:label} % re-state the theorem
        % use "lproof" to get nice colors & a target for forward reference
        \begin{lproof} \label{proof:label}
            PROOF TEXT

Cornell CIS: Links & Web Apps

  • Materials for Grad Seminar, the weekly PhD/MS student meeting and seminar.
    I organized the event from Fall 2019 to Spring 2024, except for a 2-semester pandemic lapse.
    Seminar Schedules: [Spring 24] [Fall 23] [Fall 22]

  • The TA Hour Reporting System, which I built in 2021, collects (anonymous) statistics about TA workload among graduate students. The results are shared with the Computer Science Graduate Organization (CSGO) and the CS department. Here are some slides(.pptx) describing the motivations and designs. Another outcome of this effort to improve life for TA’s was the official CS dept TA handbook, meant to clarify the opaque details of the matching process and what can be expected of a TA.

  • depricated CSGO Buddy System, an opt-out (random) group assignment and chat system, used by the CSGO 2020-2021 to facilitate regular student meetings during the start of the pandemic.