Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import CRAlternatingSum.
Require Import CRseries.
Require Export CRArith.
Require Import CRIR.
Require Import iso_CReals.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import PowerSeries.
Require Import CRpower.
Require Import Exponential.
Require Import RealPowers.
Require Import Compress.
Require Import Ndigits.
Require Import ModulusDerivative.
Require Import ContinuousCorrect.
Require Import CRsign.
Require Import Q_in_CReals.
Require Import Qround.
Require Import CornTac.
Require Import theory.int_pow.
Require Import abstract_algebra.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Opaque CR.
Opaque Exp.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.


exp is implement by its alternating Taylor's series.

Section ExpSeries.
Variable a:Q.

Definition expSequence := mult_Streams Qrecip_factorials (powers a).

Lemma Str_nth_expSequence : n, (Str_nth n expSequence = (1#P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n)))*a^n)%Q.
 intros n.
 unfold expSequence.
 unfold mult_Streams.
 rewrite Str_nth_zipWith.
 rewrite ->(Str_nth_powers_int_pow _ (cast nat Z)).
 now rewrite Str_nth_Qrecip_factorials.

The exponential is first defined on [-1,0].
Hypothesis Ha: 0 a 1.

Lemma expSequence_dnn : DecreasingNonNegative expSequence.
 apply mult_Streams_dnn.
  apply Qrecip_factorials_dnn.
 apply powers_dnn.

Lemma expSequence_zl : Limit expSequence 0.
 eapply mult_Streams_zl.
  apply Qrecip_factorials_zl.
 apply powers_nbz.

End ExpSeries.

Lemma exp_ps_correct : a (n:nat) H,
  inj_Q IR ((((-(1))^n)*Str_nth n (expSequence (-a)))%Q) = Exp_ps n (inj_Q IR a) H.
 intros a n H.
 stepr (inj_Q IR ((1 # P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n))) × a ^ n)%Q).
  apply inj_Q_wd;simpl.
  setoid_replace (a^n)%Q with ((-(1))^n×(-a)^n)%Q.
  rewrite <- Qmult_power.
  setoid_replace (- (1) × - a) with a by (simpl; ring).
 generalize H; clear H.
 induction n.
  intros H.
  unfold pring.
 intros H.
 stepl (([1][/](nring (S n))[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*](inj_Q IR a)[*]Exp_ps n (inj_Q IR a) H).
  change (nring (R:=IR) n[+][1]) with (nring (R:=IR) (S n)).
  rstepl ((([1][/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*]
    ([1][/]nring (R:=IR) (fact n)[//]nring_fac_ap_zero IR n))[*]
      (nexp IR n (inj_Q IR a[-][0])[*]inj_Q IR a)).
  apply mult_wd;[|rational].
  assert (X:=(mult_resp_ap_zero _ _ _ (nringS_ap_zero IR n) (nring_fac_ap_zero IR n))).
  rstepl ([1][/]((nring (R:=IR) (S n))[*]nring (R:=IR) (fact n))[//]X).
  apply div_wd;[rational|].
  apply eq_symmetric.
  change (fact n + n × fact n)%nat with (S n*(fact n))%nat.
  apply nring_comm_mult.
 stepl (inj_Q IR ((1#(P_of_succ_nat n))*a*((1 # P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n))) × a ^ n))%Q).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  change ((1 # P_of_succ_nat n) × a × ((1 # P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n))) × a ^ n) ==
    (1 # P_of_succ_nat (pred (S n × fact n))) × a ^ S n)%Q.
  replace (P_of_succ_nat (pred (S n × fact n))%nat) with
    (P_of_succ_nat (pred (S n)) × P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n)))%positive.
   rewrite <- pred_Sn.
   rewrite inj_S.
   unfold Zsucc.
   rewriteQpower_plus'; auto with ×.
   change ((1 # P_of_succ_nat n × P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n))%positive))%Q
     with ((1 # P_of_succ_nat n) × (1#P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n))))%Q.
  apply nat_of_P_inj.
  rewrite nat_of_P_mult_morphism.
  repeat rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
  rewrite <- pred_Sn.
  rewrite S_predn.
   rewrite S_predn.
   cut (0 < S n × fact n)%nat;[auto with *|apply (lt_O_fact (S n))].
  cut (0 < fact n)%nat;[auto with *|apply (lt_O_fact n)].
 stepl (([1][/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*]inj_Q IR a[*]
   inj_Q IR ((1 # P_of_succ_nat (pred (fact n))) × a ^ n)%Q); [apply mult_wdr; apply IHn|].
 apply eq_symmetric.
 eapply eq_transitive;[apply inj_Q_mult|].
 eapply eq_transitive;[apply mult_wdl;apply inj_Q_mult|].
 apply mult_wdl.
 apply mult_wdl.
 change (1 # P_of_succ_nat n)%Q with (1/P_of_succ_nat n)%Q.
 assert (A:inj_Q IR ((P_of_succ_nat n):Q)[=]nring (S n)).
  stepl (inj_Q IR (nring (S n))).
   apply inj_Q_nring.
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  clear - n.
  induction n.
  unfold Qeq.
  rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
  repeat (rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism || rewrite Zpos_plus_distr).
 assert (B:inj_Q IR (P_of_succ_nat n:Q)[#][0]).
  stepl (nring (R:=IR) (S n)).
   apply nringS_ap_zero.
  apply eq_symmetric;assumption.
 eapply eq_transitive;[apply inj_Q_div|].
 instantiate (1:=B).
 apply div_wd.
  rstepr ([0][+][1]:IR).
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).

Lemma Qle_ZO_flip : a, -(1) a 0 0 (-a) 1.
 intros a [H0 H1].
 auto with ×.
  change 0 with (-0).
  apply Qopp_le_compat.
 change 1 with (- (-(1))).
 apply Qopp_le_compat.

Definition rational_exp_small_neg (a:Q) (p:-(1) a 0) : CR
:= let p':= (Qle_ZO_flip p) in @InfiniteAlternatingSum (expSequence (-a)) (expSequence_dnn p') (expSequence_zl p').

Lemma rational_exp_small_neg_wd (a1 a2 : Q) (p1 : -(1) a1 0) (p2 : -(1) a2 0) :
  a1 = a2 rational_exp_small_neg p1 = rational_exp_small_neg p2.
  intros E. unfold rational_exp_small_neg.
  apply InfiniteAlternatingSum_wd.
  unfold expSequence.
  now rewrite E.

Lemma rational_exp_small_neg_correct : (a:Q) Ha,
 (@rational_exp_small_neg a Ha == IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)))%CR.
 intros a Ha.
 unfold rational_exp_small_neg.
 apply: InfiniteAlternatingSum_correct.
 intros n.
 clear Ha.
 apply exp_ps_correct.

Program Definition CRe_inv := @rational_exp_small_neg (-1) _.
Next Obligation. constructor; discriminate. Qed.

exp is extended to work on [-2^n, 0] for all n.
Lemma shrink_by_two : n a, (-(2^(S n)))%Z a 0 (-(2^n))%Z (a/2) 0.
 intros n a [H0 H1].
  apply Qmult_lt_0_le_reg_r with 2.
  change ((-(2 ^ n)%Z) × 2 a / 2 × 2).
  rewriteZpower_Qpower; auto with ×.
  rewrite (inj_S n) in H0.
  replace LHS with (-(2%positive^n×2^1)) by simpl; ring.
  rewrite <- Qpower_plus;[|discriminate].
  replace RHS with a by (simpl; field; discriminate).
  change (- (2 ^ Zsucc n)%Z a) in H0.
  rewriteZpower_Qpower in H0.
  auto with ×.
 apply: (fun a bmult_cancel_leEq _ a b (2:Q));simpl.
 replace LHS with a by (simpl; field; discriminate).
 replace RHS with 0 by simpl; ring.

Fixpoint rational_exp_neg_bounded (n:nat) (a:Q) : (-(2^n))%Z a 0 CR :=
match n return (-(2^n))%Z a 0 CR with
| O ⇒ @rational_exp_small_neg a
| S n'
  match (Qlt_le_dec_fast a (-(1))) with
  | left _fun HCRpower_N_bounded 2 (1#1) (compress (rational_exp_neg_bounded n' (shrink_by_two n' H)))
  | right H'fun Hrational_exp_small_neg (conj H' (proj2 H))

Local Opaque compress CRpower_N_bounded.
Lemma rational_exp_neg_bounded_wd_aux (a1 a2 : Q) (n1 n2 : nat) (p1 : (-(2^n1))%Z a1 0) (p2 : (-(2^n2))%Z a2 0) :
  n1 n2 a1 = a2 rational_exp_neg_bounded n1 p1 = rational_exp_neg_bounded n2 p2.
  revert n2 a1 a2 p1 p2.
  induction n1.
   intros [|n2] a1 a2 p1 p2 En Ea.
    now apply rational_exp_small_neg_wd.
   case (Qlt_le_dec_fast a2 (- (1))); intros E2.
    destruct (Qlt_not_le _ _ E2).
    now rewrite <-Ea.
   now apply rational_exp_small_neg_wd.
  intros [|n2] a1 a2 p1 p2 En Ea.
   inversion En.
  case (Qlt_le_dec_fast a1 (- (1))); case (Qlt_le_dec_fast a2 (- (1))); intros E2 E3.
     rewrite IHn1. easy. now apply le_S_n. now rewrite Ea.
    destruct (Qle_not_lt _ _ E2). now rewrite <-Ea.
   destruct (Qle_not_lt _ _ E3). now rewrite Ea.
  now apply rational_exp_small_neg_wd.

Lemma rational_exp_neg_bounded_wd (a1 a2 : Q) (n1 n2 : nat) (p1 : (-(2^n1))%Z a1 0) (p2 : (-(2^n2))%Z a2 0) :
  a1 = a2 rational_exp_neg_bounded n1 p1 = rational_exp_neg_bounded n2 p2.
  destruct (total (≤) n1 n2); intros E.
   now apply rational_exp_neg_bounded_wd_aux.
  symmetry in E |- ×. now apply rational_exp_neg_bounded_wd_aux.

Lemma rational_exp_neg_bounded_correct_aux (a : Q) :
  a 0 (CRpower_N_bounded 2 (1 # 1)) (IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR (a / 2)))) = IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)).
 intros Ea.
 rewrite <- CRpower_N_bounded_correct.
  apply IRasCR_wd.
  set (a':=inj_Q IR (a/2)).
  rstepl (Exp a'[*]Exp a').
  stepl (Exp (a'[+]a')); [| now apply Exp_plus].
  apply Exp_wd.
  unfold a'.
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_plus IR).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  change (a / (2#1) + a / (2#1) == a). field.
 apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall.
  apply less_leEq; apply Exp_pos.
 stepr ([1]:IR).
  apply Exp_leEq_One.
  stepr (inj_Q IR 0); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)].
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
  apply mult_cancel_leEq with (2:Q).
  change (a/2×20).
  now replace LHS with a by (simpl; field; discriminate).
 rstepl (nring 1:IR).
 apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).

exp works on all nonpositive numbers.
Lemma rational_exp_neg_bounded_correct : n (a:Q) Ha,
 (@rational_exp_neg_bounded n a Ha = IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)))%CR.
 unfold rational_exp_neg_bounded.
 induction n.
  apply rational_exp_small_neg_correct.
 intros a Ha.
 destruct (Qlt_le_dec_fast a (- (1))).
  clear IHn.
  now apply rational_exp_neg_bounded_correct_aux.
 apply rational_exp_small_neg_correct.

Lemma rational_exp_bound_power_2 : (a:Q),
  a 0 (-2^(Z_of_nat match (Qnum a) with |Z0O | Zpos xPsize x | Zneg xPsize x end))%Z a.
 intros [[|n|n] d] Ha; simpl.
  elim Ha.
 change (0<=(-(n#d) + - (-2^Psize n)%Z)).
 rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
 change (n # d - - (2 ^ Psize n)%Z).
 replace RHS with ((2^Psize n)%Z:Q) by simpl; ring.
 unfold Qle.
 change (n × 1 2 ^ Psize n × d)%Z.
 apply Zmult_le_compat; try auto with ×.
 clear - n.
 apply Zle_trans with (n+1)%Z.
  auto with ×.
 induction n.
   change (Psize (xI n)) with (1 + (Psize n))%nat.
   rewrite inj_plus.
   rewrite Zpower_exp; try auto with ×.
   rewrite Zpos_xI.
   replace LHS with (2*(n+1))%Z by ring.
   apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with ×.
  change (Psize (xO n)) with (1 + (Psize n))%nat.
  rewrite inj_plus.
  rewrite Zpower_exp; try auto with ×.
  rewrite Zpos_xO.
  apply Zle_trans with (2*(n+1))%Z.
   auto with ×.
  apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with ×.

Definition rational_exp_neg (a:Q) : a 0 CR.
 intros Ha.
 eapply (rational_exp_neg_bounded).
  apply (rational_exp_bound_power_2 Ha).
 apply Ha.

Lemma rational_exp_neg_wd (a1 a2 : Q) (p1 : a1 0) (p2 : a2 0) :
  a1 = a2 rational_exp_neg p1 = rational_exp_neg p2.
  intros E.
  now apply rational_exp_neg_bounded_wd.

Lemma rational_exp_neg_correct : (a:Q) Ha,
 (@rational_exp_neg a Ha == IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)))%CR.
 intros a Ha.
 apply rational_exp_neg_bounded_correct.

exp(x) is bounded below by (3^x) for x nonpositive, and hence exp(x) is positive.
Lemma CRe_inv_posH : ('(1#3) CRe_inv)%CR.
 unfold CRle.
 apply CRpos_nonNeg.
 CR_solve_pos (1#1)%Qpos.

Lemma rational_exp_neg_posH (q : Qpos) (n:nat) (a:Q) :
 -n a a 0 '(q : Q) CRe_inv '(q^n) IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)).
 intros Hn Ha small.
 rewrite <- IR_inj_Q_as_CR.
 rewrite <- IR_leEq_as_CR.
 stepl (inj_Q IR q[^]n); [| now (apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_power)].
 assert (X:[0][<]inj_Q IR q).
  stepl (inj_Q IR 0); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)].
  apply inj_Q_less.
  now destruct q.
 astepl (inj_Q IR q[!](nring n)[//]X).
 unfold power.
 apply Exp_resp_leEq.
 destruct n.
  rstepl ([0]:IR).
  stepl (inj_Q IR 0); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)].
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
 apply (fun a b ⇒ (shift_mult_leEq' _ a b _ (nringS_ap_zero IR n))).
  apply nring_pos; auto with ×.
 stepr (inj_Q IR (a/(S n))).
  apply Exp_cancel_leEq.
  astepl (inj_Q IR q).
  assert (Ha0 : -(1)<=(a/S n)<=0).
    replace RHS with ((a + S n)*(1/(S n))) by (simpl; field;discriminate).
    replace LHS with (0*(1/(S n))) by simpl; ring.
    apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht;simpl.
     replace RHS with (a + - (- (P_of_succ_nat n))) by simpl; ring.
     rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
    rewrite <- (Qmake_Qdiv 1 (P_of_succ_nat n)).
   replace RHS with (0*(1/(S n))) by simpl; ring.
   apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht;simpl.
   rewrite <- (Qmake_Qdiv 1 (P_of_succ_nat n)).
  rewrite <- (rational_exp_small_neg_correct Ha0).
  apply CRle_trans with CRe_inv.
   apply small.
  unfold CRe_inv.
  do 2 rewrite → (rational_exp_small_neg_correct).
  rewrite <- IR_leEq_as_CR.
  apply Exp_resp_leEq.
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
 assert (X0:inj_Q IR (inject_Z (S n))[#][0]).
  stepl (inj_Q IR (nring (S n))).
   stepl (nring (S n):IR); [| now (apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR (S n)))].
   apply (nringS_ap_zero).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  apply nring_Q.
 stepl (inj_Q IR a[/]_[//]X0).
  apply div_wd.
   apply eq_reflexive.
  stepl (inj_Q IR (nring (S n))).
   apply inj_Q_nring.
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  apply nring_Q.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 apply inj_Q_div.

Lemma rational_exp_neg_posH' (c : Qpos) (a : Q) :
  a 0 '(c : Q) CRe_inv '(c ^ (-Qfloor a) : Q) IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)).
 intros Ha small.
 assert (X0:(0 -Qfloor a)%Z).
  apply Z.opp_nonneg_nonpos.
  rewrite Q.Zle_Qle.
  apply Qle_trans with a; [| assumption].
  now apply Qfloor_le.
 setoid_replace (c ^ (-Qfloor a)) with (c ^ Z_to_nat X0).
  apply rational_exp_neg_posH; trivial.
  rewrite <- (Z_to_nat_correct X0).
  rewrite inject_Z_opp, Qopp_involutive.
  now apply Qfloor_le.
 now rewrite <- Z_to_nat_correct.

Lemma rational_exp_neg_pos : (a:Q) Ha,
 CRpos (@rational_exp_neg a Ha).
 intros a Ha.
  ((1#3)^(-Qfloor a))%Qpos. simpl.
 rewrite rational_exp_neg_correct.
 apply (rational_exp_neg_posH' (1#3)); trivial.
 apply CRe_inv_posH.

exp is extended to all numbers by saying exp(x) = 1/exp(-x) when x is positive.
Definition rational_exp (a:Q) : CR.
 destruct (Qle_total 0 a).
  refine (CRinv_pos ((1#3)^(Qceiling a))%Qpos (@rational_exp_neg (-a) _)).
  apply (Qopp_le_compat 0); assumption.
 apply (rational_exp_neg q).

Lemma rational_exp_pos_correct (a : Q) (Pa : 0 a) (c : Qpos) :
  ('c IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR (-a)%Q)))%CR
  CRinv_pos c (IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR (-a)))) = IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)).
 intros Ec.
 assert (X: (IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR (-a)%Q)) >< 0)%CR).
  right. c.
  now ring_simplify.
 rewrite (CRinvT_pos_inv c X); trivial.
 rewrite <- IR_recip_as_CR_2.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 eapply eq_transitive;[|apply div_wd; apply eq_reflexive].
 apply Exp_inv'.
 rstepl ([--][--](inj_Q IR a)).
 now csetoid_rewrite_rev (inj_Q_inv IR a).

Lemma rational_exp_correct (a : Q) :
 (rational_exp a = IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR a)))%CR.
 unfold rational_exp.
 destruct (Qle_total 0 a).
  rewrite rational_exp_neg_correct.
  apply rational_exp_pos_correct.
  apply (rational_exp_neg_posH' (1#3)).
   change (-a -0).
   now apply Qopp_le_compat.
  now apply CRe_inv_posH.
 now apply rational_exp_neg_correct.

Lemma rational_exp_square (a : Q) :
  a 0 CRpower_N_bounded 2 (1 # 1) (rational_exp (a / 2)) = rational_exp a.
 rewrite 2!rational_exp_correct.
 now apply rational_exp_neg_bounded_correct_aux.

Lemma rational_exp_opp (c : Qpos) (a : Q) :
  0 a '(c : Q) rational_exp (-a) CRinv_pos c (rational_exp (-a)) = rational_exp a.
  rewrite ?rational_exp_correct.
  intros. now apply rational_exp_pos_correct.

Lemma rational_exp_lower_bound (c : Qpos) (a : Q) :
  a 0 '(c : Q) CRe_inv '(c ^ (-Qfloor a) : Q) rational_exp a.
 rewrite rational_exp_correct.
 now apply rational_exp_neg_posH'.


Definition CRe : CR := rational_exp 1.

Lemma CRe_correct : (CRe = IRasCR E)%CR.
 unfold CRe.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 csetoid_replace (inj_Q IR 1) ([1]:IR).
 rstepr (nring 1:IR).
 apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).

Hint Rewrite <- CRe_correct : IRtoCR.

Opaque inj_Q.

exp is uniformly continuous below any given integer.
Definition exp_bound (z:Z) : Qpos :=
(match z with
 |Z0 ⇒ 1#1
 |Zpos p(3#1)^p
 |Zneg p(1#2)^p

Lemma exp_bound_bound : (z:Z) x, closer (inj_Q IR (z:Q)) x AbsIR (Exp x)[<=]inj_Q IR (exp_bound z:Q).
 intros [|z|z]; simpl; intros x Hx; apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR;
   (apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall;[apply less_leEq; apply Exp_pos|]).
   stepr ([1]:IR).
    apply Exp_leEq_One.
    stepr (inj_Q IR (0%Z:Q)).
    apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
   rstepl (nring 1:IR).
   apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
  apply leEq_transitive with (Exp (Max x [0])).
   apply Exp_resp_leEq.
   apply lft_leEq_Max.
  stepr (Three[!](inj_Q IR (z:Q))[//](pos_three IR):IR).
   astepl (E[!](Max x [0])[//]pos_E).
   apply real_power_resp_leEq_both; try solve [IR_solve_ineq (1#1)%Qpos].
    apply rht_leEq_Max.
   apply Max_leEq; auto.
   stepl (inj_Q IR 0).
    apply inj_Q_leEq.
    simpl; auto with ×.
   apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
  stepl (Three[!]nring (nat_of_P z)[//]pos_three IR).
   astepl (Three[^](nat_of_P z):IR).
   stepl ((inj_Q IR (3:Q))[^](nat_of_P z)).
    stepl (inj_Q IR (3^z)).
     apply inj_Q_wd.
     apply eq_symmetric.
    rewrite <- convert_is_POS.
    apply inj_Q_power.
   apply nexp_wd.
   apply (inj_Q_nring IR 3).
  apply power_wd.
   apply eq_reflexive.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  rewrite <- convert_is_POS.
  stepl (inj_Q IR (nring (nat_of_P z))).
   apply (inj_Q_nring).
  apply inj_Q_wd; apply nring_Q.
 stepr (Half[!](inj_Q IR (z:Q))[//](pos_half IR):IR).
  astepl (Exp [--][--]x).
  astepl ([1][/]_[//](Exp_ap_zero [--]x)).
  unfold Half.
  astepr (([1][!]inj_Q IR (z:Q)[//]pos_one _)[/]((Two[!]inj_Q IR (z:Q)[//]pos_two _))[//]power_ap_zero _ _ _).
  astepr ([1][/]((Two[!]inj_Q IR (z:Q)[//]pos_two _))[//]power_ap_zero _ _ _).
  apply recip_resp_leEq.
   apply power_pos.
  astepr (E[!][--]x[//]pos_E).
  apply real_power_resp_leEq_both; try solve [IR_solve_ineq (1#1)%Qpos].
   stepl (inj_Q IR 0).
    apply inj_Q_leEq.
    simpl; auto with ×.
   apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
  rstepl ([--][--](inj_Q IR (z:Q))).
  apply inv_resp_leEq.
  stepr (inj_Q IR ((Zneg z):Q)).
  astepr (inj_Q IR ([--](z:Q))).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  simpl; reflexivity.
 stepl (Half[!]nring (nat_of_P z)[//]pos_half IR).
  astepl (Half[^](nat_of_P z):IR).
  stepl ((inj_Q IR ((1#2):Q))[^](nat_of_P z)).
   stepl (inj_Q IR ((1#2)^z)).
    apply inj_Q_wd.
    apply eq_symmetric.
   rewrite <- (convert_is_POS z).
   apply inj_Q_power.
  apply nexp_wd.
  assert (X:(inj_Q IR (2:Q))[#][0]).
   stepr (inj_Q IR 0).
    apply inj_Q_ap; discriminate.
   apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
  stepr ((inj_Q IR 1)[/]_[//]X).
   stepl (inj_Q IR (1/2)).
    apply inj_Q_div.
   apply inj_Q_wd.
   apply eq_symmetric; apply Qmake_Qdiv.
  apply div_wd.
   rstepr (nring 1:IR).
   apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 2).
 apply power_wd.
  apply eq_reflexive.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 rewrite <- convert_is_POS.
 stepl (inj_Q IR (nring (nat_of_P z))).
  apply (inj_Q_nring).
 apply inj_Q_wd; apply nring_Q.

Lemma exp_bound_uc_prf : z:Z, is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun arational_exp (Qmin z a)) (Qscale_modulus (exp_bound z)).
 intros z.
 assert (Z:Derivative (closer (inj_Q IR (z:Q))) I Expon Expon).
  apply (Included_imp_Derivative realline I).
 apply (is_UniformlyContinuousD None (Some (z:Q)) I _ _ Z).
  intros q [] H.
  apply rational_exp_correct.
 intros x [] H.
 apply: exp_bound_bound.

Definition exp_bound_uc (z:Z) : Q_as_MetricSpace --> CR :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (@exp_bound_uc_prf z).

exp for any real number upto a given integer.
Definition exp_bounded (z:Z) : CR --> CR := (Cbind QPrelengthSpace (exp_bound_uc z)).

Lemma exp_bounded_correct : (z:Z) x, closer (inj_Q _ (z:Q)) x (IRasCR (Exp x)==exp_bounded z (IRasCR x))%CR.
 intros z x Hx.
 assert (Z:Continuous (closer (inj_Q IR (z:Q))) Expon).
  apply (Included_imp_Continuous realline).
 apply (fun a b c ⇒ @ContinuousCorrect _ a Expon Z b c x I); auto with ×.
 intros q [] H.
 transitivity (exp_bound_uc z q);[|].
  change (' q)%CR with (Cunit_fun _ q).
  unfold exp_bounded.
  rewrite → (Cbind_correct QPrelengthSpace (exp_bound_uc z) (Cunit_fun Q_as_MetricSpace q)).
  apply: BindLaw1.
 change (rational_exp (Qmin z q) == IRasCR (Exp (inj_Q IR q)))%CR.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 apply Exp_wd.
 apply inj_Q_wd.
 rewrite <- Qle_min_r.
 apply leEq_inj_Q with IR.

exp on all real numbers. exp_bounded should be used instead when x is known to be bounded by some intenger.
Definition exp (x:CR) : CR := exp_bounded (Qceiling (approximate x ((1#1)%Qpos) + (1#1))) x.
Lemma exp_bound_lemma : x : CR, (x ' (approximate x (1 # 1)%Qpos + 1)%Q)%CR.
 intros x.
 assert (X:=ball_approx_l x (1#1)).
 rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball in X.
 destruct X as [X _].
 simpl in X.
 rewrite <- CRplus_Qplus.
 apply CRle_trans with (doubleSpeed x).
  rewrite → (doubleSpeed_Eq x); apply CRle_refl.
 intros e.
 assert (Y:=X e).
 simpl in ×.
 do 2 (unfold Cap_raw in *; simpl in × ).
 replace RHS with (approximate x (1 # 1)%Qpos +
   - approximate x ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × e))%Qpos + - - (1 # 1)%Qpos) by simpl; QposRing.

Lemma exp_correct : x, (IRasCR (Exp x) = exp (IRasCR x))%CR.
 intros x.
 unfold exp.
 apply exp_bounded_correct.
 apply leEq_transitive with (inj_Q IR ((approximate (IRasCR x) (1 # 1)%Qpos + 1)));
   [|apply inj_Q_leEq; simpl;auto with *].
 apply exp_bound_lemma.
Lemma exp_bound_exp : (z:Z) (x:CR),
 (x 'z
  exp_bounded z x == exp x)%CR.
 intros z x H.
 unfold exp.
 set (a:=(approximate x (1 # 1)%Qpos + 1)).
 rewrite <- (CRasIRasCR_id x).
 rewrite <- exp_bounded_correct.
  rewrite <- exp_bounded_correct.
  change (CRasIR x [<=] inj_Q IR (Qceiling a:Q)).
  autorewrite with IRtoCR.
  apply CRle_trans with ('a)%CR.
   apply exp_bound_lemma.
  auto with ×.
 change (CRasIR x [<=] inj_Q IR (z:Q)).
 autorewrite with IRtoCR.
Lemma exp_Qexp : x : Q, (exp (' x) = rational_exp x)%CR.
 intros x.
 rewrite <- IR_inj_Q_as_CR.
 rewrite <- exp_correct.
 rewrite <- rational_exp_correct.

Instance: Proper ((=) ==> (=)) rational_exp.
  intros x1 x2 E.
  rewrite <-2!exp_Qexp.
  now rewrite E.