Require Import CLogic.
Require Export CRlattice.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import COrdAbs.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import CornTac.
Require Import canonical_names.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.
Opaque CR Qmin Qmax Qred.

Strict Inequality

First we defined positivity. We define positivity to contain a positive rational witness of a lower bound on x. This seems the best way because this witness contains exactly the information needed for functions (such as inverse and logorithm) that have domains restricted to the positive reals.
Definition CRpos (x:CR) := sig (fun e:Qpos' e x)%CR.

Lemma CRpos_wd : x y, (x==y)%CR (CRpos x) (CRpos y).
 intros x y Hxy [e H].
 abstract ( rewrite <- Hxy; assumption ).

This is a characterization closer to Bishop's definiton. If we replace 2*e with e, the theorem still holds, but it could be very expensive to call. We prefer to avoid that.

Program Definition CRpos_char (e:Qpos) (x:CR) (H: (2#1)*e (approximate x e)): CRpos x := e.

Next Obligation.
 change (CRle (inject_Q_CR (QposAsQ e)) x).
 intros a.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 apply Qle_trans with (-(1#2)×a).
  apply Qmult_le_0_compat; auto with ×.
 destruct (regFun_prf x e ((1#2)*a)%Qpos) as [_ X].
 stepr (approximate x ((1 # 2) × a)%Qpos + (1#2)*a + e + - ((2#1)*e)); [|simpl; ring].
 rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff; apply Qle_trans with (approximate x e); try assumption; simpl in X.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in X; rewriteQle_minus_iff; autorewrite with QposElim in X.
 stepr (e + (1 # 2) × a + - (approximate x e - approximate x ((1 # 2) × a)%Qpos)). assumption.
 simpl. ring.

Negative reals are defined similarly.
Definition CRneg (x:CR) := sig (fun e:Qposx ' (-e)%Q)%CR.

Lemma CRneg_wd : x y, (x==y)%CR (CRneg x) (CRneg y).
 intros x y Hxy [e H].
 abstract ( rewrite <- Hxy; assumption ).

Program Definition CRneg_char (e:Qpos) (x:CR) (H: (approximate x e) -(2#1)×e): CRneg x := e.

Next Obligation.
 change (x '(-e)%Q)%CR.
 intros a; simpl; unfold Cap_raw; simpl; apply Qle_trans with (-(1#2)×a).
  rewriteQle_minus_iff; ring_simplify.
  apply Qmult_le_0_compat; auto with ×.
     destruct (regFun_prf x e ((1#2)*a)%Qpos) as [X _];
       (stepr ( - e + - approximate x ((1 # 2) × a)%Qpos + (1 # 2) × a + approximate x e + - approximate x e); [|simpl; ring]);
         rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff; apply Qle_trans with (-(2#1)×e); try assumption; simpl in X;
           rewriteQle_minus_iff in X; rewriteQle_minus_iff; autorewrite with QposElim in X;
             (stepr (approximate x e - approximate x ((1 # 2) × a)%Qpos +
               - - (e + (1 # 2) × a)); [| simpl; ring]); assumption).

Strict inequality is defined in terms of positivity.
Definition CRltT (x y:CR) := CRpos (y-x)%CR.

Infix "<" := CRltT : CR_scope.

Lemma CRltT_wd : x1 x2, (x1==x2 y1 y2, y1==y2 x1 < y1 x2 < y2)%CR.
 intros x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy H.
 apply: CRpos_wd. 3:apply H.
 abstract ( rewrite <- Hx; rewrite <- Hy; reflexivity ).


Definition CRapartT (x y:CR) := (x < y or y < x)%CR.

Notation "x >< y" := (CRapartT x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : CR_scope.

Lemma CRapartT_wd : x1 x2, (x1==x2 y1 y2, y1==y2 x1><y1 x2><y2)%CR.
 intros x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy [H|H];[left;apply (CRltT_wd Hx Hy)|right;apply (CRltT_wd Hy Hx)];assumption.


The modulus of continuity for multiplication by a constant.
Definition Qscale_modulus (a:Q) (e:Qpos) : QposInf :=
match a with
| 0 # _QposInfinity
| (Zpos an) # adQpos2QposInf ((ad # an) × e)
| (Zneg an) # adQpos2QposInf ((ad # an) × e)

Lemma Qscale_modulus_elim : (P:QposInf Type) (x:Q) (e:Qpos),
(x==0 P QposInfinity)%Q
( y:Qpos, AbsSmall (e/y)%Q (x)%Q (P y))
P (Qscale_modulus x e).
 intros P [xn xd] e H1.
 cut ( xn:positive, ( y : Qpos, AbsSmall (e/y)%Q (xn#xd)%Q P y)
   P (Qscale_modulus (xn # xd) e)).
  intros H H2.
  destruct xn as [|xn|xn].
    apply H1.
   apply H.
  apply H.
  intros y Hy.
  apply H2.
  change (Zneg xn # xd)%Q with ([--](xn # xd))%Q.
  apply inv_resp_AbsSmall.
 clear xn H1.
 intros xn H2.
 apply H2.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 stepl (/(xd#xn))%Q; [| simpl; field].
  change (/(xd#xn))%Q with (xn#xd)%Q.
  apply AbsSmall_reflexive.
 change (xd#xn==0)%Q with ((xd#xn)%Qpos==0)%Q.
 split; apply Qpos_nonzero.

Lemma Qscale_modulus_pos (a e: Qpos): P,
  Qscale_modulus a e Qpos2QposInf (exist (Qlt 0) (/ a × e)%Q P).
 revert a.
 intros [[[] ad] P]; try discriminate.
 simpl. unfold Qpos_inv, Qpos_mult.

Lemma Qscale_uc_prf (a:Q) : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun b:Qa×b) (Qscale_modulus a).
 revert a.
 intros [[|an|an] ad] e b0 b1 H.
   simpl in ×.
   setoid_replace ((0 # ad)) with 0 by constructor.
   unfold Qball.
   stepr 0; [| simpl; ring].
   apply zero_AbsSmall.
   auto with ×.
  simpl in ×.
  unfold Qball in ×.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  stepr ((an#ad)*(b0-b1)); [| simpl; ring].
  apply (fun x y ⇒ (AbsSmall_cancel_mult _ x y (ad#an))).
  stepl (((ad # an) × e)%Qpos:Q); [| simpl; QposRing].
  stepr (b0 - b1).
   apply H.
  stepr ((an#ad)*(ad#an)*(b0-b1)); [| simpl; ring].
  setoid_replace ((an#ad)*(ad#an)) with 1.
  unfold Qeq.
  rewrite Pmult_1_r.
  rewrite Pmult_comm.
 simpl in ×.
 unfold Qball in ×.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 stepr ((Zneg an#ad)*(b0-b1)); [| simpl; ring].
 apply (fun x y ⇒ (AbsSmall_cancel_mult _ x y (ad#an))).
 stepl (((ad # an) × e)%Qpos:Q); [| simpl;QposRing].
 stepr (b1 - b0).
  apply AbsSmall_minus.
  apply H.
 stepr ((Zneg an#ad)*(ad#an)*(b0-b1)); [| simpl; ring].
 setoid_replace ((Zneg an#ad)*(ad#an)) with ([--]1).
  simpl; ring.
 unfold Qeq.
 rewrite Pmult_1_r.
 rewrite Pmult_comm.

Scaling by a constant is Qmult lifted on one parameter.
Definition Qscale_uc (a:Q_as_MetricSpace) : Q_as_MetricSpace --> Q_as_MetricSpace :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Qscale_uc_prf a).

Definition scale (a:Q) : CR --> CR := Cmap QPrelengthSpace (Qscale_uc a).

Instance Qscale_uc_Proper: Proper (Qeq ==> @st_eq _) Qscale_uc.
Proof. intros ?? E ?. simpl. rewrite E. reflexivity. Qed.

Instance scale_Proper: Proper (Qeq ==> @st_eq _) scale.
Proof. intros ?? E ?. simpl ucFun. rewrite E. reflexivity. Qed.

CRboundAbs clamps a real number between -c and c where c is rational.
Definition QboundAbs (c:Qpos) := uc_compose (QboundBelow_uc (-c)) (QboundAbove_uc c).

Definition CRboundAbs (c:Qpos) := Cmap QPrelengthSpace (QboundAbs c).

Lemma QboundAbs_absorb: (a b:Qpos) (c:Q),
 a b
 QboundAbs b (QboundAbs a c) == QboundAbs a c.
 intros a b c H.
 setoid_replace (Qmin b (-a)) with (-a).
  rewrite <- Qmin_max_de_morgan.
  setoid_replace (Qmin b a) with (a:Q).
  rewrite <- Qle_min_r.
 rewrite <- Qle_min_r.
 rewrite <- Q_Qpos_plus.
 auto with ×.

Properties of CRboundAbs.
Lemma CRboundAbs_Eq : (a:Qpos) (x:CR),
 ('(-a)%Q x x ' a
 CRboundAbs a x == x)%CR.
 intros a x Ha Hb.
 unfold CRboundAbs.
 transitivity (uc_compose (Cmap QPrelengthSpace (QboundBelow_uc (-a))) (Cmap QPrelengthSpace (QboundAbove_uc a)) x).
  repeat rewriteCmap_fun_correct.
  apply: MonadLaw2.
 change (boundBelow (-a)%Q (boundAbove a x) == x)%CR.
 assert (X:(boundAbove a x==x)%CR).
  rewrite <- CRmin_boundAbove.
  rewrite <- CRle_min_r.
 rewrite <- CRmax_boundBelow.
 rewrite <- CRle_max_r.

Lemma QboundAbs_elim : (z:Qpos) (a:Q) (P:QProp),
((z a)%Q P z)
((a -z)%Q P (- z)%Q)
(AbsSmall (z:Q) a P (a))
P (QboundAbs z a).
 intros z a P H1 H2 H3.
 apply Qmax_case; apply Qmin_case; intros Z0 Z1; try solve [apply H1;assumption|apply H2;assumption].
  elim (Qle_not_lt _ _ Z1).
  apply: mult_resp_pos.
  apply Qpos_prf.
 apply H3.

The modulus of continuity for multiplication depends on the bound, c, on the second argument.
Definition Qmult_modulus (c:Qpos)(e:Qpos) : QposInf := (e / c)%Qpos.

Lemma Qmult_uc_prf (c:Qpos) : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun auc_compose (Qscale_uc a) (QboundAbs c)) (Qmult_modulus c).
Proof with simpl in *; auto with ×.
 intros e a0 a1 H b.
 simpl in ×.
 set (b' := Qmax (- c) (Qmin c b)).
 repeat rewrite → (fun xQmult_comm x b').
 apply Qscale_uc_prf.
 setoid_replace (e/c)%Qpos with (Qpos_inv c×e)%Qpos in H by QposRing.
 apply ball_ex_weak_le with (Qpos_inv c×e)%Qpos;[|assumption].
 unfold b'.
 destruct (Qpos_as_positive_ratio c).
 apply Qmax_case. subst c...
 apply Qmin_case. subst...
 intros H1 H2.
 destruct b as [[|bn|bn] bd]...
  apply mult_resp_leEq_rht...
  pose proof (recip_resp_leEq Q_as_COrdField c (bn # bd) (@Qpos_nonzero c) (@Qpos_nonzero (bn#bd)%Qpos))...
  subst c...
 try constructor.
 apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht...
 pose proof (recip_resp_leEq Q_as_COrdField c (bn # bd) (@Qpos_nonzero c) (@Qpos_nonzero (bn#bd)%Qpos))...
 subst c.
 apply H0...
 stepl (- (- (bn # bd))); [| simpl; ring].
 stepr (- (- (fst x # snd x))); [| simpl; ring]...

Definition Qmult_uc (c:Qpos) : Q_as_MetricSpace --> Q_as_MetricSpace --> Q_as_MetricSpace:=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Qmult_uc_prf c).

This multiply should be used when a bound on the absolute value of the second argument is known.
Definition CRmult_bounded (c:Qpos) : CR --> CR --> CR :=
Cmap2 QPrelengthSpace QPrelengthSpace (Qmult_uc c).

Instance: Proper (QposEq ==> @st_eq _) Qmult_uc.
 intros e1 e2 E x1 x2.
 apply ball_eq_iff. intro e.
 simpl. unfold QposEq in E. rewrite E. reflexivity.

Instance: Proper (QposEq ==> @st_eq _) CRmult_bounded.
 intros e1 e2 E x1 x2. simpl. rewrite E. reflexivity.

CR_b computes a rational bound on the absolute value of x

Hint Immediate Qabs_nonneg.
Lemma CR_b_pos (e : Qpos) (x : CR) : 0 < Qabs (approximate x e) + e.
  assert (Qabs (approximate x e) + e == Qabs (approximate x e) - (-e)). ring. rewriteH. clear H.
  apply: shift_zero_less_minus.
  apply Qlt_le_trans with 0; auto with ×.

Program Definition CR_b (e:Qpos) (x:CR) : Qpos := @mkQpos (Qabs (approximate x e) + e:Q) _.
Next Obligation. apply CR_b_pos. Qed.

Lemma CR_b_lowerBound : e x, (' (-CR_b e x)%Q x)%CR.
 intros e x e'.
 unfold CR_b.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 destruct (regFun_prf x ((1#2)*e')%Qpos e) as [H _].
 simpl in H.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in H.
 ring_simplify in H.
 eapply Qle_trans.
  apply H.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 clear H.
 apply Qabs_case; intros H; [repeat apply: plus_resp_nonneg; try assumption |ring_simplify];
   (apply: mult_resp_nonneg;[discriminate|apply Qpos_nonneg]).

Lemma CR_b_upperBound : e x, (x 'CR_b e x)%CR.
 intros e x e'.
 unfold CR_b.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 destruct (regFun_prf x ((1#2)*e')%Qpos e) as [_ H].
 simpl in H.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in H.
 ring_simplify in H.
 eapply Qle_trans.
  apply H.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 clear H.
 apply Qabs_case; intros H.
  ring_simplify;(apply: mult_resp_nonneg;[discriminate|apply Qpos_nonneg]).
 ring_simplify; repeat apply: plus_resp_nonneg;simpl.
  stepr ((2#1)*(-(approximate x e))); [| simpl; ring].
  apply: mult_resp_nonneg.
  apply (Qopp_le_compat (approximate x e) 0).
 (apply: mult_resp_nonneg;[discriminate|apply Qpos_nonneg]).

This version of multiply computes a bound on the second argument just in time. It should be avoided in favour of the bounded version whenever possible.
Instance CRmult: Mult CR := λ x y, ucFun2 (CRmult_bounded (CR_b (1#1) y)) x y.

Infix "×" := CRmult : CR_scope.

Lemma CRmult_bounded_weaken : (c1 c2:Qpos) x y,
((' (-c1)%Q y) (y ' c1) (c1 c2)%Q
CRmult_bounded c1 x y == CRmult_bounded c2 x y)%CR.
 intros c1 c2 x y Hc1a Hc1b Hc2.
 assert (Hy:=CRboundAbs_Eq _ Hc1a Hc1b).
 set (y':= (CRboundAbs c1 y)) in ×.
 transitivity (ucFun2 (CRmult_bounded c2) x y'); [|rewriteHy;reflexivity].
 assert (H: x:Qpos, (x×c1/c2)%Qpos x).
  intros a.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  change (((a× c1)[/](c2:Q)[//]@Qpos_nonzero c2)[<=](a:Q)).
  apply shift_div_leEq'.
   apply Qpos_prf.
  apply mult_resp_leEq_rht.
  apply Qpos_nonneg.
 change (ucFun2 (CRmult_bounded c1) x y == ucFun2 (CRmult_bounded c2) x y')%CR.
 rewrite <- (QreduceApprox_Eq x).
 set (x''':=(QreduceApprox x)).
 set (x':=faster x''' (fun x ⇒ (x × c1 /c2)%Qpos) H).
 transitivity (ucFun2 (CRmult_bounded c1) x' y).
  unfold x'.
 apply: regFunEq_e; intros e.
 do 3 (unfold Cap_raw; simpl).
 assert (X:=fun cQboundAbs_absorb _ _ c Hc2).
 unfold QboundAbs in X.
 simpl in X.
 clear X.
 replace (QposRed ((1 # 2) × e / c1 × c1 / c2)%Qpos) with (QposRed ((1 # 2) × e / c2)%Qpos);
   [repeat rewrite QposInf_bind_id;apply: ball_refl|].
 apply QposRed_complete.
 unfold QposEq.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 split;apply Qpos_nonzero.

Lemma CRmult_bounded_mult : (c:Qpos) (x y:CR),
 (' (-c)%Q y y ' c
  CRmult_bounded c x y == x×y)%CR.
 intros c x y Hc1 Hc2.
 unfold CRmult.
 set (d:=(CR_b (1 # 1) y)).
 destruct (Qle_total c d).
  apply CRmult_bounded_weaken; assumption.
 apply CRmult_bounded_weaken; try assumption.
  apply CR_b_lowerBound.
 apply CR_b_upperBound.
Lemma CRmult_scale : (a:Q) (y:CR), ((' a)*y==scale a y)%CR.
 intros a y.
 unfold CRmult.
 unfold CRmult_bounded.
 unfold ucFun2.
 unfold Cmap2.
 unfold inject_Q_CR.
 repeat rewriteCmap_fun_correct.
 transitivity (uc_compose (Cmap QPrelengthSpace (Qscale_uc a))
   (Cmap QPrelengthSpace (QboundAbs (CR_b (1#1) y))) y).
  repeat rewriteCmap_fun_correct.
  apply: MonadLaw2.
 repeat rewriteCmap_fun_correct.
 change (Cmap_slow (Qscale_uc a) (Cmap_slow_fun (QboundAbs (CR_b (1 # 1) y)) y) ==
   Cmap_slow (Qscale_uc a) y)%CR.
 apply uc_wd.
 rewrite <- (Cmap_fun_correct (Y:=Q_as_MetricSpace) QPrelengthSpace).
 apply: CRboundAbs_Eq.
  apply CR_b_lowerBound.
 apply CR_b_upperBound.
Lemma scale_Qmult : a b:Q, (scale a ('b)=='(a×b)%Q)%CR.
 intros a b.
 unfold scale.
 apply: MonadLaw3.


The modulus of continuity for inverse depends on a rational bound away from 0 of x.
Definition Qinv_modulus (c:Qpos) (e:Qpos) : Qpos := (c×c×e)%Qpos.

Lemma Qpos_Qmax : (a:Qpos) (b:Q), 0<Qmax a b.
 intros a b.
 apply Qmax_case; intros H.
  apply Qpos_prf.
 apply Qlt_le_trans with a.
  apply Qpos_prf.

Lemma Qinv_pos_uc_prf (c:Qpos) : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun a:Q/(Qmax c a) ) (Qinv_modulus c).
 intros e a0 a1 Ha.
 simpl in ×.
 unfold Qball in ×.
 eapply AbsSmall_cancel_mult.
  instantiate (1:=(Qmax c a0)*(Qmax c a1)).
  rewrite <- (QposAsmkQpos (Qpos_Qmax c a0)).
  rewrite <- (QposAsmkQpos (Qpos_Qmax c a1)).
  rewrite <- Q_Qpos_mult.
  apply Qpos_prf.
 assert (H : (a:Qpos) b, ¬(Qmax a b)==0).
  intros a b.
  rewrite <- (QposAsmkQpos (Qpos_Qmax a b)).
  apply Qpos_nonzero.
 stepr (Qmax c a1 - Qmax c a0); [| simpl; field; repeat split; apply H].
 eapply AbsSmall_leEq_trans.
  instantiate (1:=(c×c×e)).
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft;[|apply Qpos_nonneg].
  apply mult_resp_leEq_both; (apply Qpos_nonneg || apply Qmax_ub_l).
 change (ball (c×c×e) (Qmax c a1) (Qmax c a0)).
 apply ball_sym.
 apply QboundBelow_uc_prf.
 apply Ha.

Implicit Arguments Qinv_pos_uc_prf [].

Definition Qinv_pos_uc (c:Qpos) : Q_as_MetricSpace --> Q_as_MetricSpace :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Qinv_pos_uc_prf c).

Lemma Qinv_pos_uc_wd : (c1 c2:Qpos), (c1 c2) x, (c2 x) st_eq (Qinv_pos_uc c1 x) (Qinv_pos_uc c2 x).
 intros c1 c2 Hc x Hx.
 setoid_replace (Qmax c2 x) with x by (rewrite <- Qle_max_r; assumption).
 setoid_replace (Qmax c1 x) with x.
 rewrite <- Qle_max_r.
 apply Qle_trans with c2; assumption.

CRinv_pos works for inputs greater than c
Definition CRinv_pos (c:Qpos) : CR --> CR := (Cmap QPrelengthSpace (Qinv_pos_uc c)).

Lemma CRinv_pos_weaken : (c1 c2:Qpos), c1 c2 (x:CR), (' c2 x CRinv_pos c1 x == CRinv_pos c2 x)%CR.
 intros c1 c2 Hc x Hx.
 assert (X:((boundBelow c2 x)==x)%CR).
  rewrite <- CRmax_boundBelow.
  rewrite <- CRle_max_r.
 rewrite <- X.
 rewrite <- (QreduceApprox_Eq x).
 pose (f:=(fun e:Qpos(c1×c1/c2/c2)*e)%Qpos).
 assert (Y: e:Qpos, f e e).
  intros e.
  unfold f.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply: (mult_cancel_leEq _ (c1×c1/c2/c2×e) (e:Q) (c2×c2:Q)).
   apply: mult_resp_pos;apply: Qpos_prf.
  replace LHS with (e*(c1×c1)).
   apply mult_resp_leEq_lft;[|apply Qpos_nonneg].
   apply mult_resp_leEq_both;try assumption;apply Qpos_nonneg.
  simpl; field; apply Qpos_nonzero.
 transitivity (CRinv_pos c2 (boundBelow c2 (faster (QreduceApprox x) f Y))).
  apply: regFunEq_e.
  intros e.
  assert (Z:=Qinv_pos_uc_wd _ _ Hc).
  simpl in Z.
  rewriteZ;[|apply Qmax_ub_l].
  unfold Qinv_modulus.
  replace (QposRed (c1 × c1 × e)) with (QposRed (f (c2 × c2 × e)%Qpos)); [apply: ball_refl|].
  apply QposRed_complete.
  unfold f.
  unfold QposEq.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qpos_nonzero.

Instance CRinv_pos_uc_Proper : Proper (QposEq ==> @st_eq _ ==> @st_eq _) Qinv_pos_uc.
  intros [c1 ?] [c2 ?] E x1 x2 F. unfold QposEq in E. simpl in ×.
  rewrite E, F. reflexivity.

Instance: Proper (QposEq ==> @st_eq _) CRinv_pos.
  intros c1 c2 E x. simpl.
  setoid_replace (Qinv_pos_uc c1) with (Qinv_pos_uc c2).
  intros y. now apply CRinv_pos_uc_Proper.

Lemma CRinv_pos_Qinv : (c:Qpos) x, (c x)%Q (CRinv_pos c (' x) == (' (/x)))%CR.
 intros c x H.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 setoid_replace (Qmax c x) with x.
  apply: ball_refl.
 rewrite <- Qle_max_r.

CRinvT works for inputs apart from 0
Definition CRinvT (x:CR)(x_: (x >< 0)%CR) : CR.
 revert x_.
 intros [[c H]|[c H]].
  exact ((-(CRinv_pos c (-x)))%CR).
 exact (CRinv_pos c x).

Implicit Arguments CRinvT [].

Lemma CRinvT_pos_inv : (c:Qpos) (x:CR) x_,
 ('c x
  CRinv_pos c x == CRinvT x x_)%CR.
 intros c x [[e He]|[e He]] H.
  assert (X:(' e -x)%CR).
   rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq x).
   intros d.
   eapply Qle_trans.
    apply He.
   do 2 (unfold Cap_raw;simpl).
   apply Qle_refl.
  assert (' c ' (-e)%Q)%CR.
   eapply CRle_trans.
    apply H.
   intros d.
   eapply Qle_trans.
    apply X.
   do 2 (unfold Cap_raw;simpl).
   apply Qle_refl.
  elim (Qlt_not_le _ _ (Qpos_prf c)).
  assert (Y:=H0 (e)%Qpos).
  simpl in Y.
  do 2 (unfold Cap_raw in Y ;simpl in Y).
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in Y.
  ring_simplify in Y.
 assert (' e x)%CR.
  rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq x).
  intros d.
  eapply Qle_trans.
   apply He.
  do 2 (unfold Cap_raw;simpl).
  apply Qle_refl.
 destruct (Qle_total c e);[|symmetry]; apply: CRinv_pos_weaken; assumption.

Lemma CRinvT_wd : (x y:CR) x_ y_, (x == y CRinvT x x_ == CRinvT y y_)%CR.
 assert (X: x, (0 + x == x)%CR).
  intros x.
  transitivity (doubleSpeed x);[|apply: doubleSpeed_Eq].
  apply: regFunEq_e.
  intros e.
  unfold Cap_raw; simpl.
  apply: ball_refl.
 assert (Y: x, (x + - 0 == x)%CR).
  intros x.
  transitivity (doubleSpeed x);[|apply: doubleSpeed_Eq].
  apply: regFunEq_e.
  intros e.
  unfold Cap_raw; simpl.
  apply: ball_refl.
 intros x y [[c x_]|[c x_]] [[d y_]|[d y_]] H.
    change (-(CRinv_pos c (-x))== (-(CRinv_pos d (-y))))%CR.
    rewriteH in ×.
    rewriteX in ×. intros.
    apply: CRopp_wd.
    destruct (Qle_total c d);[|symmetry]; apply CRinv_pos_weaken; try assumption.
   elim (Qlt_not_le _ _ (Qpos_prf c)).
   rewriteX in ×.
   rewriteY in ×.
   rewriteH in ×.
   assert (Z:=Qplus_le_compat _ _ _ _ (x_ ((1#2)*d)%Qpos) (y_ ((1#2)*d)%Qpos)).
   simpl in Z.
   unfold Cap_raw in Z; simpl in Z.
   autorewrite with QposElim in Z.
   rewriteQle_minus_iff in Z.
   ring_simplify in Z.
  elim (Qlt_not_le _ _ (Qpos_prf c)).
  rewriteX in ×.
  rewriteY in ×.
  rewriteH in ×.
  assert (Z:=Qplus_le_compat _ _ _ _ (x_ ((1#2)*d)%Qpos) (y_ ((1#2)*d)%Qpos)).
  simpl in Z.
  unfold Cap_raw in Z; simpl in Z.
  autorewrite with QposElim in Z.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in Z.
  ring_simplify in Z.
 change (CRinv_pos c x== (CRinv_pos d y))%CR.
 rewriteH in ×.
 rewriteY in ×.
 destruct (Qle_total c d);[|symmetry]; apply CRinv_pos_weaken; try assumption.

Lemma CRinvT_irrelevant : x x_ x__, (CRinvT x x_ == CRinvT x x__)%CR.
 apply CRinvT_wd.