
MathClasses-style operational & structural classes for a Russell-style metric space (i.e. MetricSpace). We don't put this in MathClasses because for reasons of interoperability with the existing MetricSpace it is still bound to stdlib Q rather than an abstract Rationals implementation.
We used to have mspc_ball take a Qpos instead of a Qinf. Because it is sometimes convenient to speak in terms of a generalized notion of balls that can have infinite or negative radius, we used a separate derived definition for that (which return False for negative radii, True for an infinite radius, and reduced to setoid equality for a radius equal to 0). This kinda worked, but had a big downside. The derived generalized ball relation (let's call it "gball") was defined using case distinctions on the finiteness and sign of the radius. These case distinctions routinely got in the way, because it meant that e.g. gball for the product metric space did not reduce to the composition of gballs derived for the constituent metrics spaces. Consequently, both the basic ball and the generalized ball relation were used side-by-side, and converting between the two was a constant annoyance.
Because of this, we now use the generalized type for the "basic" ball. Now the product metric space's (generalized) ball relation is defined directly in terms of the constituent metric spaces' balls, and so reduces nicely. It also means that there is now a single ball relation that is used everywhere.
Of course, when defining the ball relation for a concrete metric space, the generalization to a Qinf parameter implies "more work". Fortunately, the additional work can be factored out into a smart constructor (defined later in this module) that takes the version with a Qpos parameter and extends it to Qinf in the way described above. All the ball's properties can be lifted along with this extension.

  Context `{!Equiv X} `{!MetricSpaceBall}.

  Class MetricSpaceClass: Prop :=
    { mspc_setoid : Setoid X
    ; mspc_ball_proper:> Proper (=) mspc_ball
    ; mspc_ball_inf: x y, mspc_ball Qinf.infinite x y
    ; mspc_ball_negative: (e: Q), (e < 0)%Q x y, ¬ mspc_ball e x y
    ; mspc_ball_zero: x y, mspc_ball 0 x y x = y
    ; mspc_refl:> e, (0 e)%Qinf Reflexive (mspc_ball e)
    ; mspc_sym:> e, Symmetric (mspc_ball e)
    ; mspc_triangle: (e1 e2: Qinf) (a b c: X),
         mspc_ball e1 a b mspc_ball e2 b c mspc_ball (e1 + e2) a c
    ; mspc_closed: (e: Qinf) (a b: X),
         ( d: Qpos, mspc_ball (e + d) a b) mspc_ball e a b }.

  Context `{MetricSpaceClass}.
Local Existing Instance mspc_setoid.
Two simple derived properties:
  Lemma mspc_eq a b: ( e: Qpos, mspc_ball e a b) a = b.
  Proof with auto.
   apply mspc_ball_zero.
   apply mspc_closed.
   setoid_replace (@plus Qinf _ 0 d) with (d: Qinf)...
   change (0 + d == d). ring.
  Lemma mspc_ball_weak_le (q q': Qinf): (q q')%Qinf x y: X, mspc_ball q x y mspc_ball q' x y.
  Proof with auto.
   destruct q, q'; simpl; intros...
     assert (q0 == q + (q0 - q))%Q as E by ring.
     rewrite E.
     change (mspc_ball (Qinf.finite q + Qinf.finite (q0 - q)%Q) x y).
     apply mspc_triangle with y...
     apply mspc_refl.
     apply QArith_base.Qplus_le_r with q.
    apply mspc_ball_inf.

Instances can be bundled to yield MetricSpaces:
  Program Definition bundle_MetricSpace: MetricSpace :=
   @Build_MetricSpace (mcSetoid_as_RSetoid X) mspc_ball _ _.

  Next Obligation. apply mspc_ball_proper; assumption. Qed.

  Next Obligation. Proof with auto.
   constructor; try apply _.
      intro e. apply mspc_refl...
     intros. apply (mspc_triangle e1 e2 a b c)...
    intros. apply mspc_closed...
   apply mspc_eq.

.. which obviously have the same carrier:

  Goal X bundle_MetricSpace.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

End MetricSpaceClass.

Instance: Params (@mspc_ball) 2.

Hint Resolve Qlt_le_weak Qplus_lt_le_0_compat.

We now define the smart constructor that builds a MetricSpace from a ball relation with positive radius.

Section genball.

    `{Setoid X}
    (R: Qpos relation X) `{!Proper (QposEq ==> (=)) R} `{ e, Reflexive (R e)} `{ e, Symmetric (R e)}
    (Rtriangle: (e1 e2: Qpos) (a b c: X), R e1 a b R e2 b c R (e1 + e2)%Qpos a c)
    (Req: (a b: X), ( d: Qpos, R d a b) a = b)
    (Rclosed: (e: Qpos) (a b: X), ( d: Qpos, R (e + d)%Qpos a b) R e a b).

  Definition genball: MetricSpaceBall X := λ (oe: Qinf),
    match oe with
    | Qinf.infiniteλ _ _, True
    | Qinf.finite e
      match Qdec_sign e with
      | inl (inl _) ⇒ λ _ _ , False
      | inl (inr p) ⇒ R (exist (Qlt 0) e p)
      | inr _equiv

  Definition ball_genball (q: Qpos) (a b: X): genball q a b R q a b.
   unfold genball.
   destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|U].
     destruct q.
     apply (Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded 0 x); assumption.
    apply Proper0; reflexivity.
   destruct q.
   simpl in U.
   revert q.
   rewrite U.
   apply Qlt_irrefl.

  Lemma genball_alt (q: Q) (x y: X):
    genball q x y
        match Qdec_sign q with
        | inl (inl _) ⇒ False
        | inl (inr p) ⇒ genball q x y
        | inr _x=y
   unfold genball. simpl.
   split; destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|]; auto.

  Instance genball_Proper: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) genball.
  Proof with auto; intuition.
   unfold genball.
   intros u e' E.
   destruct u, e'.
      change (q = q0) in E.
      destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|]; destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|].
              repeat intro...
             exfalso. revert q1. apply Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded. rewrite E...
            exfalso. revert q1. rewrite E. rewrite q2. apply Qlt_irrefl.
           exfalso. revert q1. rewrite E. apply Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded...
          apply Proper0...
         exfalso. revert q1. rewrite E, q2. apply Qlt_irrefl.
        exfalso. revert q2. rewrite <- E, q1. apply Qlt_irrefl.
       exfalso. revert q2. rewrite <- E, q1. apply Qlt_irrefl.
      intros ?? A ?? B. rewrite A, B...
     repeat intro...
   repeat intro.

Instance: e, Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> iff) (genball e).
Proof. intros; now apply genball_Proper. Qed.

  Lemma genball_negative (q: Q): (q < 0)%Q x y: X, ¬ genball q x y.
  Proof with auto.
   unfold genball.
   intros E ??.
   destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|U]; intro...
    apply (Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded 0 q)...
   revert E.
   rewrite U.
   apply Qlt_irrefl.

  Lemma genball_Reflexive (q: Qinf): (0 q)%Qinf Reflexive (genball q).
  Proof with auto.
   repeat intro.
   unfold genball.
   destruct q...
   destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|]; intuition...
   apply (Qlt_not_le q 0)...

  Global Instance genball_Symmetric: e, Symmetric (genball e).
  Proof with auto.
   intros [q|]... simpl. destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|]; try apply _...

  Lemma genball_triangle (e1 e2: Qinf) (a b c: X): genball e1 a b genball e2 b c genball (e1 + e2) a c.
  Proof with auto.
   intros U V.
   destruct e1 as [e1|]...
   destruct e2 as [e2|]...
   apply genball_alt.
   apply genball_alt in U.
   apply genball_alt in V.
   destruct (Qdec_sign (e1 + e2)) as [[G | I] | J];
   destruct (Qdec_sign e1) as [[A | B] | C];
   destruct (Qdec_sign e2) as [[D | E] | F]; intuition.
              revert G. apply (Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded _ _)...
             revert G. rewrite F, Qplus_0_r. apply (Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded _ _ B)...
            revert G. rewrite C, Qplus_0_l. apply (Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded _ _ E)...
           revert G. rewrite C, F. apply Qlt_irrefl.
          change (genball (exist _ e1 B + exist _ e2 E )%Qpos a c).
          apply ball_genball.
          apply Rtriangle with b; apply ball_genball...
         rewrite <- V. Admitted.
  Lemma genball_closed :
    ( (e: Qinf) (a b: X), ( d: Qpos, genball (e + d) a b) genball e a b).
  Proof with auto with ×.
   unfold genball.
   destruct e...
   destruct Qdec_sign as [[|]|].
     assert (0 < (1#2) × -q)%Q.
      apply Qmult_lt_0_compat...
      apply Qopp_Qlt_0_l...
     pose proof (H2 (exist _ _ H3)).
     refine (genball_negative _ _ _ _ H4).
     apply Qopp_Qlt_0_l...
     setoid_replace (- ((1 # 2) × q))%Q with (-q × (1#2))%Q by (simpl; ring).
     apply Qmult_lt_0_compat...
     apply Qopp_Qlt_0_l...
    apply Rclosed.
    apply ball_genball.
    apply (H2 d).
   apply Req.
   apply ball_genball.

  Instance genball_MetricSpace: @MetricSpaceClass X _ genball.
  Proof with auto.
   constructor; try apply _.
        unfold mspc_ball. simpl...
       apply genball_negative.
     apply genball_Reflexive.
    apply genball_triangle.
   apply genball_closed.

End genball.

Bundled MetricSpaces immediately yield instances of the classes:

Instance: ∀ X: MetricSpace, MetricSpaceBall X := λ X, @genball X _ (@ball X).

Instance class_from_MetricSpace (X: MetricSpace): MetricSpaceClass X.
 apply genball_MetricSpace; try apply _.
     apply msp_refl, X.
    apply msp_sym, X.

Section products.

  Context `{MetricSpaceClass X} `{MetricSpaceClass Y}.

  Global Instance: MetricSpaceBall (X × Y)
    := λ e a b, mspc_ball X e (fst a) (fst b) ∧ mspc_ball Y e (snd a) (snd b).

  Global Instance: MetricSpaceClass (X × Y).
  Proof with auto.
   pose (mspc_setoid X).
   pose (mspc_setoid Y).
           apply _.
          repeat intro.
            rewrite <- H3, <- H4, <- H5. apply H6.
           rewrite <- H3, <- H4, <- H5. apply H6.
          split. rewriteH3, H4, H5. apply H6.
          rewriteH3, H4, H5. apply H6.
         split. apply (mspc_ball_inf X).
         apply (mspc_ball_inf Y).
        repeat intro.
        destruct H4.
        apply (mspc_ball_negative X _ H3 _ _ H4).
       change ((mspc_ball X 0 (fst x) (fst y) ∧ mspc_ball Y 0 (snd x) (snd y)) ↔ x = y).
       rewrite (mspc_ball_zero X), (mspc_ball_zero Y). reflexivity.
      split. apply (mspc_refl X)...
      apply (mspc_refl Y)...
     split; apply (@symmetry _ _ ); try apply _; apply H3.     split.
     apply (mspc_triangle X) with (fst b).
      apply H3.
     apply H4.
    apply (mspc_triangle Y) with (snd b).
     apply H3.
    apply H4.
    apply (mspc_closed X). apply H3.
   apply (mspc_closed Y). apply H3.

End products.

Definition vector_zip {X Y} {n} : Vector.t X nVector.t Y nVector.t (X × Y) n :=
  Vector.rect2 (λ n _ _, Vector.t (X × Y) n)
    (Vector.nil _)
    (λ _ _ _ r (x: X) (y: Y), Vector.cons _ (x, y) _ r).

Section vector_setoid.

  Context `{Setoid X} (n: nat).

  Global Instance: Equiv (Vector.t X n) := Vector.Forall2 equiv.

  Global Instance vector_setoid: Setoid (Vector.t X n).
  Proof with auto.
     repeat intro.
     unfold equiv.
     unfold Equiv_instance_0.
     induction x; simpl; constructor...

End vector_setoid.
Section vectors.

  Context `{MetricSpaceClass X} (n: nat).

  Global Instance: MetricSpaceBall (Vector.t X n) := λ e, Vector.Forall2 (mspc_ball X e).

  Global Instance: MetricSpaceClass (Vector.t X n).
  Proof with auto.
   pose proof (mspc_setoid X).
           apply _.

End vectors.

I decided to experiment with a class used strictly to declare a metric space's components in a section using Context without also declaring the metric space structure itself, and risking accidental parameterization of the section context on the proof of that metric space structure if such parametrization is unneeded (for instance because there is already a UniformContinuous constraint which incorporates the metric space proof.

Class MetricSpaceComponents X `{Equiv X} `{MetricSpaceBall X}: Prop.

Next, we introduce classes for uniform continuity (which is what we're really after, since we will use these to automatically derive uniform continuity for various forms of function composition).

Implicit Arguments mspc_ball [[X] [MetricSpaceBall]].

Class Canonical (T: Type): Type := canonical: T.

Instance: ∀ {T: Type}, Canonical (TT) :=

Instance: Canonical (QposQinf) := Qinf.finiteQposAsQ.

Instance composed_Proper `{Equiv A} `{Equiv B} `{Equiv C} (f: BC) (g: AB):
  Proper (=) fProper (=) gProper (=) (fg).
Proof with auto.
 repeat intro.
 unfold Basics.compose.
 apply H2.
 apply H3.

Instance: Proper (QposEq ==> (=)) QposAsQ.
Proof. repeat intro. assumption. Qed.

Require Import util.Container.

Definition Ball X R := prod X R.
Hint Extern 0 (Equiv (Ball _ _)) ⇒ eapply @prod_equiv : typeclass_instances.

Section Ball.
  Context X `{MetricSpaceBall X} (R: Type) `{Canonical (RQinf)}.

  Global Instance ball_contains: Container X (Ball X R) := fun bmspc_ball (canonical (snd b)) (fst b).

  Context `{Equiv X} `{Equiv R} `{!MetricSpaceClass X} `{!Proper (=) (canonical: RQinf)}.

  Global Instance ball_contains_Proper: Proper (=) (In: Ball X RXProp).
  Proof with auto.
   repeat intro.
   unfold In, ball_contains.
   apply (mspc_ball_proper X)...
    apply Proper0.
    apply H3.
   apply H3.
End Ball.

Section sig_metricspace.

  Context `{MetricSpaceClass X} (P: XProp).

  Global Instance sig_mspc_ball: MetricSpaceBall (sig P) := λ e x y, mspc_ball e (` x) (` y).

  Global Instance sig_mspc: MetricSpaceClass (sig P).
  Proof with auto.
   pose proof (mspc_setoid X).
           apply _.
          repeat intro.
          change (mspc_ball x (` x0) (` x1) = mspc_ball y (` y0) (` y1)).
          apply (mspc_ball_proper X)...
         repeat intro.
         change (mspc_ball Qinf.infinite (` x) (` y)).
         apply (mspc_ball_inf X).
        repeat intro. apply (mspc_ball_negative X e H2 (` x) (` y))...
       change (mspc_ball 0 (` x) (` y) ↔ (` x) = (` y)).
       apply (mspc_ball_zero X).
      repeat intro.
      change (mspc_ball e (` x) (` x)).
      apply (mspc_refl X)...
     repeat intro.
     change (mspc_ball e (` y) (` x)).
    repeat intro.
    apply (mspc_triangle X e1 e2 (` a) (` b))...
   apply (mspc_closed X e (` a) (` b))...

End sig_metricspace.

Instance Qpos_mspc_ball: MetricSpaceBall Qpos := @sig_mspc_ball Q_as_MetricSpace _ (Qlt 0).
Instance Qpos_mspc: MetricSpaceClass Qpos := @sig_mspc Q_as_MetricSpace _ _ _ (Qlt 0).

Instance: Cast QnnInf.T Qinf :=
  λ x, match x with
    | QnnInf.InfiniteQinf.infinite
    | QnnInf.Finite qQinf.finite q

Section uniform_continuity.

  Context `{MetricSpaceComponents X} `{MetricSpaceComponents Y}.

  Class UniformlyContinuous_mu (f: XY): Type := { uc_mu: QposQposInf }.

  Context (f: XY) `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu f}.

  Class UniformlyContinuous: Prop :=
    { uc_from: MetricSpaceClass X
    ; uc_to: MetricSpaceClass Y
    ; uniformlyContinuous: ∀ (e: Qpos) (a b: X), mspc_ball (uc_mu e) a bmspc_ball e (f a) (f b) }.

If we have a function with this constraint, then we can bundle it into a UniformlyContinuousFunction:

  Context `{uc: UniformlyContinuous}.

  Let hint := uc_from.
  Let hint' := uc_to.

Note that wrap_uc_fun also bundles the source and target metric spaces, because UniformlyContinuousFunction is expressed in terms of the bundled data type for metric spaces.

End uniform_continuity.

Implicit Arguments uc_mu [[X] [Y] [UniformlyContinuous_mu]].

Local uniform continuity just means that the function restricted to any finite balls is uniformly continuous:

Section local_uniform_continuity.

  Context `{MetricSpaceComponents X} `{MetricSpaceComponents Y}.

  Definition restrict (b: Ball X Qpos) (f: XY): sig ((∈ b)) → Y
    := f ∘ @proj1_sig _ _.

  Class LocallyUniformlyContinuous_mu (f: XY): Type :=
    luc_mu (b: Ball X Qpos):> UniformlyContinuous_mu (restrict b f).

  Context (f: XY) {mu: LocallyUniformlyContinuous_mu f}.

  Class LocallyUniformlyContinuous: Prop :=
    { luc_from: MetricSpaceClass X
    ; luc_to: MetricSpaceClass Y
    ; luc_uc (b: Ball X Qpos): UniformlyContinuous (restrict b f) }.

  Context `{LocallyUniformlyContinuous}.

  Instance luc_Proper: Proper (=) f.
  Proof with simpl; intuition.
   repeat intro.
   pose proof luc_to.
   apply (mspc_eq Y).
   set (b := (x, e): Ball X Qpos).
   destruct H5.
   specialize (luc_uc0 b).
   destruct luc_uc0.
   unfold restrict in uniformlyContinuous0.
   unfold Basics.compose in ×.
   pose proof (mspc_setoid X).
   assert (xb).
    subst b. unfold In, ball_contains. simpl.
    apply (mspc_refl X)...
   assert (yb).
    rewrite <- H6...
   apply (uniformlyContinuous0 e (exist _ x H9) (exist _ y H10)).
   change (mspc_ball (uc_mu (restrict b f) e) x y).
   rewrite <- H6.
   apply (mspc_refl X).
   set (uc_mu (restrict b f) e).
   destruct q; simpl...

End local_uniform_continuity.

Section local_from_global_continuity.

  Context `{MetricSpaceComponents X} `{MetricSpaceComponents Y}.

  Context (f: XY) {mu: UniformlyContinuous_mu f} {uc: UniformlyContinuous f}.

  Instance local_from_global_uc_mu: LocallyUniformlyContinuous_mu f
    := λ _, Build_UniformlyContinuous_mu _ (uc_mu f).

  Instance local_from_global_uc: LocallyUniformlyContinuous f.
  Proof with auto.
     apply uc.
    apply uc.
   pose proof (uc_from f).
   pose proof (uc_to f).
   constructor; try apply _.
   apply (uniformlyContinuous f).

End local_from_global_continuity.

Normally, we would like to use the type class constraints whenever we need uniform continuity of functions, including in the types for higher order functions. For instance, we would like to assign an integration function for uniformly continuous functions a type along the lines of: ∀ (f: sig (∈ r) → CR) `{!UniformlyContinuous f}, CR However, dependent types like these get in the way when we subsequently want to express continuity of this higher order function itself. Hence, a modicum of bundling is hard to avoid. However, we only need to bundle the components of the uniformly continuous function itself---there is no need to also start bundling source and target metric spaces the way UniformlyContinuousFunction and wrap_uc_fun do. Hence, we now introduce a record for uniformly continuous functions that does not needlessly bundle the source and target metric spaces.

Section shallowly_wrapped_ucfuns.

  Context `{@MetricSpaceComponents X Xe Xb} `{@MetricSpaceComponents Y Ye Yb}.

  Record UCFunction: Type := ucFunction
    { ucFun_itself:> XY
    ; ucFun_mu: UniformlyContinuous_mu ucFun_itself
    ; ucFun_uc: UniformlyContinuous ucFun_itself }.

  Global Instance: ∀ (f: UCFunction), Proper (=) (f: XY).
  Proof. intros. destruct f.
   set (local_from_global_uc_mu ucFun_itself0).
   apply (@luc_Proper X _ _ Y _ _ ucFun_itself0 l).
   apply (local_from_global_uc _).

End shallowly_wrapped_ucfuns.

Existing Instance ucFun_mu.
Existing Instance ucFun_uc.

Implicit Arguments UCFunction [[Xe] [Xb] [Yb] [Ye]].
Implicit Arguments ucFunction [[X] [Xe] [Xb] [Y] [Yb] [Ye] [ucFun_mu] [ucFun_uc]].

Section delegated_mspc.

  Context (X: Type) `{MetricSpaceClass Y} (xy: XY).

  Instance delegated_ball: MetricSpaceBall X := λ e a b, mspc_ball e (xy a) (xy b).

  Instance delegated_equiv: Equiv X := λ a b, xy a = xy b.

  Instance delegated_mspc: MetricSpaceClass X.
  Proof with intuition.
          repeat intro.
          unfold mspc_ball, delegated_ball.
          apply (mspc_ball_proper Y)...
         unfold mspc_ball, delegated_ball.
         apply (mspc_ball_inf Y).
        repeat intro.
        apply (mspc_ball_negative Y e H1 (xy x) (xy y))...
       unfold mspc_ball, delegated_ball.
       rewrite (mspc_ball_zero Y).
      unfold mspc_ball, delegated_ball.
      repeat intro.
      apply (mspc_refl Y e H1).
     unfold mspc_ball, delegated_ball.
     repeat intro.
     apply (mspc_sym Y)...
    unfold mspc_ball, delegated_ball.
    intros e1 e2 a b c.
    apply (mspc_triangle Y e1 e2).
   unfold mspc_ball, delegated_ball.
   apply (mspc_closed Y)...

End delegated_mspc.

Section proper_functions.

  Context `{Setoid A} `{MetricSpaceClass B}.

  Let T := (@sig (AB) (Proper equiv)).

  Global Instance: Equiv T := λ x y, proj1_sig x = proj1_sig y.

  Let hint' := mspc_setoid B.

  Global Instance: Setoid T.
  Proof with intuition.
     intros ????.
     destruct x...
    repeat intro.   Admitted.

  Global Instance: MetricSpaceBall T := λ e f g, Qinf.le 0 e ∧ ∀ a, mspc_ball e (` f a) (` g a).

  Global Instance ProperFunction_mspc: MetricSpaceClass T.
  Proof with simpl; auto; try reflexivity.
   constructor; try apply _.
            rewrite <- H2.
            apply H5.
           rewrite <- H2.
           rewrite <- (H3 a). 2: reflexivity.
           rewrite <- (H4 a). 2: reflexivity.
           apply H5...
           rewrite H2. apply H5.
          rewrite H2.
          rewrite (H3 a). 2: reflexivity.
          rewrite (H4 a). 2: reflexivity.
          apply H5.
         apply (mspc_ball_inf B).
        repeat intro.
        unfold mspc_ball in H3.
        destruct H3.
        simpl in H3.
        apply (Qlt_not_le e 0)...
       unfold mspc_ball.
       unfold MetricSpaceBall_instance_2.
        repeat intro.
        destruct H2.
        destruct x.

End proper_functions.

Section uc_functions.

  Context `{MetricSpaceClass A} `{MetricSpaceClass B}.

  Global Instance: Equiv (UCFunction A B) := equiv: relation (AB).

  Let hint := mspc_setoid A.
  Let hint' := mspc_setoid B.

  Global Instance: Setoid (UCFunction A B).
  Proof with intuition.
     intros ????.
     set (_: Proper (=) (ucFun_itself x)).
     destruct x...
    repeat intro.   Admitted.

  Global Instance: MetricSpaceBall (UCFunction A B) := λ e f g, Qinf.le 0 e ∧ ∀ a, mspc_ball e (f a) (g a).

  Global Instance UCFunction_MetricSpace: MetricSpaceClass (UCFunction A B).
  Proof with simpl; auto; try reflexivity.
   constructor; try apply _.
            rewrite <- H3.
            apply H6.

End uc_functions.

If source and target are /already/ bundled, then we don't need to rebundle them when bundling a uniformly continuous function:

Program Definition wrap_uc_fun' {X Y: MetricSpace} (f: XY)
  `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu f}
  `{@UniformlyContinuous X _ _ Y _ _ f _}:
    UniformlyContinuousFunction X Y :=
  @Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction X Y f (uc_mu f) _.

Next Obligation. Proof with auto.
 intros ????.
 assert (mspc_ball (uc_mu f e) a b).
  revert H0.
  set (uc_mu f e).
  destruct q...
  apply <- (ball_genball (@ball X) q)...
 pose proof (uniformlyContinuous f e a b H1).
 apply ball_genball...
 apply _.

Conversely, if we have a UniformlyContinuousFunction (between bundled metric spaces) and project the real function out of it, instances of the classes can easily be derived.

Open Scope uc_scope.

Section unwrap_uc.

  Context {X Y: MetricSpace} (f: X --> Y).

  Global Instance unwrap_mu: UniformlyContinuous_mu f := { uc_mu := mu f }.

  Global Instance unwrap_uc_fun: UniformlyContinuous f.
  Proof with auto.
   constructor; try apply _.
   unfold uc_mu, unwrap_mu.
   destruct f.
   simpl. intros.
   unfold mspc_ball.
   unfold MetricSpaceBall_instance_0.
   apply ball_genball.
    apply _.
   apply uc_prf.
   set (mu e) in ×.
   destruct q...
   apply ball_genball...
   apply _.

End unwrap_uc.

Extentionally equal functions are obviously equally uniformly continuous (with extensionally equal mu's):

Lemma UniformlyContinuous_proper `{MetricSpaceClass X} `{MetricSpaceClass Y} (f g: XY)
  `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu f} `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu g}:
  (∀ x, f x = g x) → (∀ e, uc_mu f euc_mu g e) →
    UniformlyContinuous fUniformlyContinuous g.
 constructor; try apply _.
 intros ????.
 pose proof (mspc_ball_proper Y).
 pose proof (mspc_setoid X).
 pose proof (mspc_setoid Y).
 rewrite <- (H3 a).
 rewrite <- (H3 b).
 apply (uniformlyContinuous f).
 rewrite H4. auto.

We now show that a couple of basic functions are continuous:
The identity function is uniformly continuous:

Section id_uc. Context `{MetricSpaceClass X}.
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous_mu ( X) := { uc_mu := Qpos2QposInf }.
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous ( X).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. intros. assumption. Qed.
End id_uc.

Constant functions are uniformly continuous:

Section const_uc. Context `{MetricSpaceClass X} `{MetricSpaceClass Y} (y: Y).
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous_mu (@Basics.const Y X y) := { uc_mu := λ _, QposInfinity }.
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous (@Basics.const Y X y).
  Proof. repeat intro. constructor; try apply _. intros. apply (mspc_refl Y e). simpl. auto. Qed.
End const_uc.

Mapping both of a pair's components by uniformly continuous functions is uniformly continuous:

Section exist_uc.
  Context `{MetricSpaceComponents X} `{MetricSpaceComponents Y} (P: YProp)
    (f: XY) (g: ∀ x, P (f x)) `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu f} `{!UniformlyContinuous f}.

  Global Instance exist_mu: UniformlyContinuous_mu (λ x: X, exist P (f x) (g x)) := { uc_mu := uc_mu f }.

  Global Instance exist_uc: UniformlyContinuous (λ x: X, exist P (f x) (g x)).
  Proof with auto.
     apply (uc_from f).
    pose proof (uc_to f).
    apply _.
   apply (uniformlyContinuous f).
End exist_uc.

Section map_pair_uc.
  Context `{MetricSpaceComponents X} `{MetricSpaceComponents Y}
    `{MetricSpaceComponents A} `{MetricSpaceComponents B}
    (f: XY) `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu f} `{!UniformlyContinuous f}
    (g: AB) `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu g} `{!UniformlyContinuous g}.

  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous_mu (map_pair f g) :=
    { uc_mu := λ x, QposInf_min (uc_mu f x) (uc_mu g x) }.

  Let hint := uc_from g.
  Let hint' := uc_to g.
  Let hint'' := uc_from f.
  Let hint''' := uc_to f.

  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous (map_pair f g).
  Proof with auto.
   constructor; try apply _. intros.
End map_pair_uc.

The diagonal function is uniformly continuous:

Section diagonal_uc.
  Context `{MetricSpaceClass X}.

  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous_mu (@diagonal X) := { uc_mu := Qpos2QposInf }.

  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous (@diagonal X).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. intros ??? E. split; auto. Qed.
End diagonal_uc.

fst/snd/pair are uniformly continuous:

Section pairops_uc.
  Context `{MetricSpaceClass A} `{MetricSpaceClass B}.

  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous_mu (@fst A B) := { uc_mu := Qpos2QposInf }.
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous_mu (@snd A B) := { uc_mu := Qpos2QposInf }.
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous_mu (uncurry (@pair A B)) := { uc_mu := Qpos2QposInf }.
  Global Instance: ∀ a, UniformlyContinuous_mu (@pair A B a) := { uc_mu := Qpos2QposInf }.

  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous (@fst A B).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. intros ??? P. apply P. Qed.
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous (@snd A B).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. intros ??? P. apply P. Qed.
  Global Instance: UniformlyContinuous (uncurry (@pair A B)).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. intros ??? P. apply P. Qed.
  Global Instance: ∀ a, UniformlyContinuous (@pair A B a).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. intros ??? P. split. apply (mspc_refl A). simpl. auto. apply P. Qed.
End pairops_uc.

Section compose_uc.
  Context `{MetricSpaceComponents X} `{MetricSpaceComponents Y} `{MetricSpaceComponents Z'}
   (f: YZ') `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu f} `{!UniformlyContinuous f}
   (g: XY) `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu g} `{!UniformlyContinuous g}.

  Global Instance compose_mu: UniformlyContinuous_mu (fg)%prg :=
    { uc_mu := λ e, QposInf_bind (uc_mu g) (uc_mu f e) }.

  Let hint := uc_from g.
  Let hint' := uc_to g.
  Let hint'' := uc_to f.

  Global Instance compose_uc: UniformlyContinuous (fg)%prg.
  Proof with auto.
   constructor; try apply _.
End compose_uc.

Section curried_uc.
  Context `{MetricSpaceClass X} `{MetricSpaceClass Y} `{MetricSpaceClass Z'} (f: XYZ')
   `{fmu1: ∀ x: X, UniformlyContinuous_mu (f x)}
   `{fuc1: ∀ x: X, UniformlyContinuous (f x)}
   `{fmu: !UniformlyContinuous_mu (λ p, f (fst p) (snd p))}
   `{fuc: !UniformlyContinuous (λ p, f (fst p) (snd p))}.

  Local Notation F := (λ x: X, {| ucFun_itself := λ y: Y, f x y; ucFun_mu := fmu1 x; ucFun_uc := fuc1 x |}).

  Global Instance curried_mu: UniformlyContinuous_mu F := { uc_mu := uc_mu (λ p, f (fst p) (snd p)) }.

  Global Instance curried_uc: UniformlyContinuous F.
  Proof with simpl; auto.
   constructor; try apply _.
   simpl in ×.
   destruct fuc.
   apply (@uniformlyContinuous0 e (a, a0) (b, a0)).
   set (q := uc_mu (λ p, f (fst p) (snd p)) e) in ×.
   destruct q...
    apply (mspc_refl Y)...
   apply (mspc_ball_inf _).
End curried_uc.

Class HasLambda `{X: Type} (x: X): Prop.

Instance lambda_has_lambda `(f: AB): HasLambda (λ x, f x).
Instance application_has_lambda_left: ∀ `(f: AB) (x: A), HasLambda fHasLambda (f x).
Instance application_has_lambda_right: ∀ `(f: AB) (x: A), HasLambda xHasLambda (f x).

Section lambda_uc.

  Context `{MetricSpaceComponents A} `{MetricSpaceComponents B} (f: AB).

  Global Instance lambda_mu `{!HasLambda f} {free_f: AB} `{!PointFree f free_f} `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu free_f}: UniformlyContinuous_mu f.
  Proof. constructor. apply UniformlyContinuous_mu0. Defined.

  Context `{!HasLambda f} {free_f: AB} `{!PointFree f free_f} `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu free_f} `{!UniformlyContinuous free_f}.

  Global Instance lambda_uc: UniformlyContinuous f.
   destruct UniformlyContinuous0.
     apply _.
    apply _.
   destruct uc_from0.
   destruct uc_to0.
   unfold PointFree in PointFree0.
   rewrite PointFree0.
   apply uniformlyContinuous0.
   unfold uc_mu in H5.
   simpl in H5.
End lambda_uc.

Module test.
Section test.

    `{MetricSpaceClass A}
    (f: AAA)
    `{!UniformlyContinuous_mu (uncurry f)} `{!UniformlyContinuous (uncurry f)} `{!Proper (=) f}.

  Definition t0: UniformlyContinuous_mu (λ (x: A), f (f x x) (f x (f x x))) := _.

End test.
End test.