
Require Export CLogic.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Peano_dec.
Require Import Zsec.
Require Export QArith.
Require Import stdlib_omissions.Q.

Close Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope Q_scope.


About Q

We define the structure of rational numbers as follows. First of all, it consists of the set of rational numbers, defined as the set of pairs ⟨a,n⟩ with a:Z and n:positive. Intuitively, ⟨a,n⟩ represents the rational number a[/]n. Then there is the equality on Q: ⟨a,m⟩=⟨b,n⟩ iff an [=] bm. We also define apartness, order, addition, multiplication, opposite, inverse an de constants 0 and 1.

Instance Q_default : @DefaultRelation Q Qeq | 2.

Definition Qap (x y : Q) := ~(Qeq x y).
Infix "/=" := Qap (no associativity, at level 70) : Q_scope.

Definition Qinv_dep (x : Q) (x_ : Qap x 0) := Qinv x.


Lemma Q_non_zero : x : Q, (x/=0) Qnum x 0%Z.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma ap_Q_irreflexive0 : x : Q, Not (x/=x).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma ap_Q_symmetric0 : x y : Q, (x/=y) y/=x.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma ap_Q_cotransitive0 : x y : Q, (x/=y)
  z : Q, (x/=z) or (z/=y).
 intros x y X z.
 unfold Qap in |- ×.
 case (Qeq_dec x z).
  intro e.
  red in |- ×.
  intro H0.
  apply X.
  exact (Qeq_trans x z y e H0).
 intros n.
 intro H.
 elim n.

Lemma ap_Q_tight0 : x y : Q, Not (x/=y) x==y.
 intros x y.
 red in |- ×.
  unfold Qap in |- ×.
  case (Qeq_dec x y).
   intro e.
  intro n.
  elim H.
  intro H0.
  elim n.
 intro H.
 unfold Qap in |- ×.
 red in |- ×.
 intro H0.
 elim H0.


Lemma Qplus_strext0 : x1 x2 y1 y2 : Q,
 (x1+y1/=x2+y2) (x1/=x2) or (y1/=y2).
 unfold Qap in |- ×.
 intros x1 x2 y1 y2 X.
 case (Qeq_dec x1 x2).
  intro e.
  red in |- ×.
  intro H0.
  apply X.
  apply Qplus_comp; auto.


Lemma Qmult_strext0 : x1 x2 y1 y2 : Q,
 (x1×y1/=x2×y2) (x1/=x2) or (y1/=y2).
 intros x1 x2 y1 y2 X.
 case (Qeq_dec x1 x2).
  intros ?.
  apply X.
  apply Qmult_comp; auto.

Lemma nonZero : x : Q, ~(x==0)
  ~(Qmake (Zsgn (Qnum x) × Qden x)%Z (posZ (Qnum x))==0).
 intro x.
 unfold Qeq in |- ×.
 unfold Qnum at 2 6 in |- ×.
 repeat rewrite Zmult_0_l.
 unfold Qden at 1 3 in |- ×.
 repeat rewrite Zplus_0_l.
 repeat rewrite Zmult_1_r.
 simpl in |- ×.
 intro H.
 cut (Zsgn (Qnum x) 0%Z).
  intro H0.
  cut (Zpos (Qden x) 0%Z).
   intro H1.
   intro H2.
   elim H0.
   exact (Zmult_integral_l (Qden x) (Zsgn (Qnum x)) H1 H2).
  apply Zgt_not_eq.
  auto with zarith.
 apply Zsgn_3.
 intro; elim H; auto.


Lemma Qinv_strext : (x y : Q) x_ y_,
 ~(Qinv_dep x x_==Qinv_dep y y_) ~(x==y).
 firstorder using Qinv_comp.

Lemma Qinv_is_inv : (x : Q) (Hx : x/=0),
 (x×Qinv_dep x Hx==1) (Qinv_dep x Hx×x==1).
 intros x Hx.
  now apply (Qmult_inv_r x).
 now apply (Qmult_inv_r x).


Program Definition Zdec_sign (z: Z): (z < Z0)%Z + (Z0 < z)%Z + (z = Z0) :=
  match z with
  | Zneg pinl _ (inl _ _)
  | Zpos pinl _ (inr _ _)
  | Z0inr _ _

Next Obligation. reflexivity. Qed.
Next Obligation. reflexivity. Qed.

Program Definition Qdec_sign (q: Q): (q < 0) + (0 < q) + (q == 0) :=
  match Zdec_sign (Qnum q) with
  | inl (inr H) ⇒ inl _ (inr _ _)
  | inl (inl _) ⇒ inl _ (inl _ _)
  | inr _inr _ _

Next Obligation. unfold Qlt. simpl. rewrite Zmult_1_r. assumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. unfold Qlt. simpl. rewrite Zmult_1_r. assumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. unfold Qeq. simpl. rewrite Zmult_1_r. assumption. Qed.

Lemma Qlt_strext_unfolded : x1 x2 y1 y2 : Q,
 (x1<y1) (x2<y2) or (x1/=x2) or (y1/=y2).
Proof with auto.
 intros x1 x2 y1 y2 E.
 destruct (Q_dec x2 y2) as [[|] | ]...
  destruct (Qeq_dec x1 x2) as [G | ]...
  right. right. apply Qnot_eq_sym, Qlt_not_eq. apply Qlt_trans with x2...
  eapply Qlt_compat. symmetry. apply G. reflexivity. assumption.  right.
 destruct (Qeq_dec x1 y2) as [G|G].
  right. apply Qnot_eq_sym, Qlt_not_eq.
  eapply Qlt_compat. symmetry. apply G. reflexivity. assumption.
 left. unfold Qap. intro F. apply G. transitivity x2...

Lemma Qlt_is_antisymmetric_unfolded : x y : Q, (x<y) Not (y<x).
 intros x y E1 E2.
 apply (Qlt_irrefl x).
 eapply Qlt_trans; eauto.

Lemma Qlt_gives_apartness : x y : Q, Iff (x/=y) ((x<y) or (y<x)).
Proof with intuition.
 intros x y; split; intros E.
  destruct (Q_dec x y)...
 destruct E.
  apply Qlt_not_eq...
 apply Qnot_eq_sym, Qlt_not_eq...


We consider the injection inject_Z from Z to Q as a coercion.

Coercion inject_Z : Z >-> Q.

Lemma injz_plus : m n : Z,
 (inject_Z (m + n):Q)==(inject_Z m:Q)+inject_Z n.
 intros m n.
 unfold inject_Z in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold Qeq in |- ×.
 unfold Qnum at 1 in |- ×.
 unfold Qden at 2 in |- ×.
 replace ((m + n) × 1)%Z with (m + n)%Z.
  replace (Qnum (Qmake m 1+Qmake n 1)%Q × 1)%Z with (Qnum (Qmake m 1+Qmake n 1)).
   unfold Qplus in |- ×.
   simpl in |- ×.

Lemma injZ_One : (inject_Z 1:Q)==1.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

We can always find a natural Qnumber that is bigger than a given rational Qnumber.

Theorem Q_is_archemaedian0 : x : Q,
 {n : positive | x<Qmake n 1%positive}.
 intro x.
 case x.
 intros p q.
  (P_of_succ_nat (Zabs_nat p)).
 red in |- ×.
 unfold Qnum at 1 in |- ×.
 unfold Qden in |- ×.
 apply toCProp_Zlt.
 simpl in |- ×.
 rewrite Zmult_1_r.
 apply Zlt_le_trans with (P_of_succ_nat (Zabs_nat p) × 1)%Z.
  rewrite Zmult_1_r.
  case p; simpl in |- *; auto with zarith.
   intros; rewrite P_of_succ_nat_o_nat_of_P_eq_succ; rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
   change (p0 < p0 + 1)%Z in |- ×.
   auto with zarith.
  intros; unfold Zlt in |- *; auto.
 change (P_of_succ_nat (Zabs_nat p) × 1%positive P_of_succ_nat (Zabs_nat p) × q)%Z in |- ×.
 apply Zmult_le_compat_l.
  change (Zsucc 0 q)%Z in |- ×.
  apply Zgt_le_succ.
  auto with zarith.
 auto with zarith.

Lemma Qle_is_not_lt : x y : Q, x y ¬ y < x.
Proof. firstorder using Qle_not_lt Qnot_lt_le. Qed.

Lemma Qge_is_not_gt : x y : Q, x y y x.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma Qgt_is_lt : x y : Q, x > y IFF y < x.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma QNoDup_CNoDup_Qap(l: list Q): QNoDup l IFF CNoDup Qap l.
Proof with auto.
 induction l; simpl; split; intro...
   apply NoDup_nil.
   apply IHl. inversion_clear H...
  apply (CForall_prop _).
  intros ? A.
  inversion_clear H.
  intro E.
  apply H0.
  rewrite E.
  apply in_map...
 apply NoDup_cons. 2: firstorder.
 destruct (proj1 (in_map_iff _ _ _) H) as [x [H0 H1]].
 destruct X.
 apply (snd (@CForall_prop Q (Qap a) l) c0 x)...
 rewrite <- (Qred_correct x).
 rewrite H0.
 apply Qred_correct.