
Require Import
  RelationClasses Morphisms Program
  universal_algebra canonical_names ua_subalgebra.

Section contents.
  Context `{InVariety et A} `{@ClosedSubset et A _ _ P}.
  Definition Pvars (vars: Vars et (carrier P) nat): Vars et A nat
    := λ s n, ` (vars s n).

  Program Fixpoint heq {o}: op_type (carrier P) o op_type A o Prop :=
    match o with
    | _λ a b, `a = b
    | ne_list.cons _ _λ a b, u, heq (a u) (b u)

  Instance heq_proper: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> iff) (@heq o).
  Proof with intuition.
   intros o x y U x0 y0 K.
   induction o; simpl in ×.
    destruct x, y.
    change (x = x1) in U.
    simpl in ×.
    split; intro.
     transitivity x...
     transitivity x0...
    transitivity x1...
    transitivity y0...
   assert ( u, x u = y u). intros. apply U...
   split; repeat intro.
    apply → (IHo (x u) (y u) (H1 u) (x0 (proj1_sig u)))...
    apply K...
   apply <- (IHo (x u) (y u) (H1 u) (x0 (proj1_sig u)))...
   apply K...

  Lemma heq_eval vars {o} (t: T et o): heq (eval et vars t) (eval et (Pvars vars) t).
  Proof with intuition.
   induction t; simpl...
     unfold Pvars...
    simpl in IHt1.
    generalize (IHt1 (eval et vars t3)). clear IHt1.
    apply heq_proper.
     pose proof (@eval_proper et (carrier P) _ _ _ nat (ne_list.cons y t1)).
     apply H1; try intro...
    pose proof (@eval_proper et A _ _ _ nat (ne_list.cons y t1)).
    apply H1...
    unfold heq in IHt2.     rewrite IHt2.
    apply (@eval_proper et A _ _ _ nat ( y))...
   unfold impl, algebra_op.
   generalize (subset_closed P o).
   unfold algebra_op.
   generalize (AlgebraOps0 o).
   induction (et o); simpl in ×...

  Lemma heq_eval_const vars {o} (t: T et ( o)): ` (eval et vars t) = eval et (Pvars vars) t.
  Proof. apply (heq_eval vars t). Qed.

  Lemma laws s: et_laws et s vars: a, nat carrier P a, eval_stmt et vars s.
  Proof with intuition.
   generalize (@variety_laws et A _ _ _ s H1 (Pvars vars)). clear H1.
   destruct s as [x [? [t t0]]].
   induction x as [A| [x1 [t1 t2]]]; simpl in *; intros.
    unfold equiv, sig_equiv.
    rewrite (heq_eval_const vars t).
    rewrite (heq_eval_const vars t0)...
   apply IHx, H1.
   rewrite <- (heq_eval_const vars t1).
   rewrite <- (heq_eval_const vars t2)...

  Global Instance: InVariety et (carrier P) := { variety_laws := laws }.

End contents.