
Require Import
  universal_algebra ua_homomorphisms canonical_names theory.categories abstract_algebra.
  categories.algebras forget_algebra.

Section subalgebras.
  Context `{Algebra sign A} (P: s, A s Prop).

  Fixpoint op_closed {o: OpType (sorts sign)}: op_type A o Prop :=
    match o with
    | xP x
    | ne_list.cons _ _λ d, z, P _ z op_closed (d z)

  Global Instance op_closed_proper: `{∀ s, Proper ((=) ==> iff) (P s)} o, Proper ((=) ==> iff) (@op_closed o).
  Proof with intuition.
   induction o; simpl; intros x y E.
    rewrite E...
   split; intros.
    apply (IHo (x z))... apply E...
   apply (IHo _ (y z))... apply E...

  Class ClosedSubset: Prop :=
    { subset_proper:> s, Proper ((=) ==> iff) (P s)
    ; subset_closed: o, op_closed (algebra_op o) }.

  Context `{ClosedSubset}.

  Definition carrier s := sig (P s).

  Hint Unfold carrier: typeclass_instances.

  Program Fixpoint close_op {d}: (o: op_type A d), op_closed o op_type carrier d :=
    match d with
    | _λ o c, exist _ o (c)
    | ne_list.cons _ _λ o c X, close_op (o X) (c X (proj2_sig X))

  Global Instance impl: AlgebraOps sign carrier := λ o, close_op (algebra_op o) (subset_closed o).

  Definition close_op_proper d (o0 o1: op_type A d)
    (P': op_closed o0) (Q: op_closed o1): o0 = o1 close_op o0 P' = close_op o1 Q.
  Proof with intuition.
   induction d; simpl in ×...
   intros [x p] [y q] U.
   apply (IHd _ _ (P' x p) (Q y q)), H2...

  Global Instance subalgebra: Algebra sign carrier.
  Proof. constructor. apply _. intro. apply close_op_proper, algebra_propers. Qed.

  Definition proj s := @proj1_sig (A s) (P s).

  Global Instance: HomoMorphism sign carrier A proj.
  Proof with try apply _.
   unfold impl, algebra_op.
   generalize (subset_closed o).
   unfold algebra_op.
   generalize (H o).
   induction (sign o); simpl; intuition.

  Instance: Injective (proj i).
    apply (@homo_proper sign carrier A
      (fun s : sorts sign ⇒ @sig_equiv (A s) (e s) (P s)) _ _ _ _).
    apply _.

  Global Instance: Mono (algebras.arrow _ proj) := {}.
   apply forget_algebra.mono.
   apply categories.product.mono.
   intro. apply setoids.mono.
   simpl. apply _.
  Qed. End subalgebras.

Hint Extern 10 (Equiv (carrier _ _)) ⇒ apply @sig_equiv : typeclass_instances.