Require Import
Ring abstract_algebra theory.rings.
Require Export
Class RingIdeal A (P : A → Prop) `{Ring A} : Prop :=
{ ideal_proper :> Proper ((=) ==> iff) P
; ideal_NonEmpty :> NonEmpty (sig P)
; ideal_closed_plus_negate : ∀ x y, P x → P y → P (x - y)
; ideal_closed_mult_r : ∀ x y, P x → P (x × y)
; ideal_closed_mult_l: ∀ x y, P y → P (x × y) }.
Notation Factor A P := (Quotient A (λ x y, P (x - y))).
Section ideal_congruence.
Context `{ideal : RingIdeal A P}.
Add Ring A2 : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory A).
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_plus_negate ideal_closed_mult_l ideal_closed_mult_r.
Lemma ideal_closed_0 : P 0.
Proof. destruct ideal_NonEmpty as [[x Px]]. rewrite <-(plus_negate_r x). intuition. Qed.
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_0.
Lemma ideal_closed_negate x : P x → P (-x).
Proof. intros. rewrite <- rings.plus_0_l. intuition. Qed.
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_negate.
Lemma ideal_closed_plus x y : P x → P y → P (x + y).
Proof. intros. assert (x + y = -(-x + -y)) as E by ring. rewrite E. intuition. Qed.
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_plus.
Global Instance: RingCongruence A (λ x y, P (x - y)).
intros x. now rewrite plus_negate_r.
intros x y E. rewrite negate_swap_r. intuition.
intros x y z E1 E2. mc_setoid_replace (x - z) with ((x - y) + (y - z)) by ring. intuition.
intros ?? E. now rewrite E, plus_negate_r.
intros x1 x2 E1 y1 y2 E2.
mc_setoid_replace (x1 + y1 - (x2 + y2)) with ((x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)) by ring. intuition.
intros x1 x2 E1 y1 y2 E2.
mc_setoid_replace (x1 × y1 - (x2 × y2)) with ((x1 - x2) × y1 + x2 × (y1 - y2)) by ring. intuition.
intros x1 x2 E.
mc_setoid_replace (-x1 - - x2) with (-(x1 - x2)) by ring. intuition.
Lemma factor_ring_eq (x y : Factor A P) : x = y ↔ P ('x - 'y).
Proof. intuition. Qed.
Lemma factor_ring_eq_0 (x y : Factor A P) : x = 0 ↔ P ('x).
transitivity (P ('x - cast (Factor A P) A 0)).
apply ideal_proper. unfold cast. simpl. ring.
End ideal_congruence.
Section kernel_is_ideal.
Context `{Ring A} `{Ring B} `{f : A → B} `{!SemiRing_Morphism f}.
Add Ring A3 : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory A).
Add Ring B3 : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory B).
Definition kernel : A → Prop := (= 0) ∘ f.
Global Instance: RingIdeal A kernel.
Proof with ring.
unfold kernel, compose, flip.
intros ? ? E. now rewrite E.
split. ∃ (0:A). apply preserves_0.
intros ?? E E'. rewrite preserves_plus, preserves_negate, E, E'...
intros ?? E. rewrite preserves_mult, E...
intros ?? E. rewrite preserves_mult, E...
End kernel_is_ideal.
Ring abstract_algebra theory.rings.
Require Export
Class RingIdeal A (P : A → Prop) `{Ring A} : Prop :=
{ ideal_proper :> Proper ((=) ==> iff) P
; ideal_NonEmpty :> NonEmpty (sig P)
; ideal_closed_plus_negate : ∀ x y, P x → P y → P (x - y)
; ideal_closed_mult_r : ∀ x y, P x → P (x × y)
; ideal_closed_mult_l: ∀ x y, P y → P (x × y) }.
Notation Factor A P := (Quotient A (λ x y, P (x - y))).
Section ideal_congruence.
Context `{ideal : RingIdeal A P}.
Add Ring A2 : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory A).
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_plus_negate ideal_closed_mult_l ideal_closed_mult_r.
Lemma ideal_closed_0 : P 0.
Proof. destruct ideal_NonEmpty as [[x Px]]. rewrite <-(plus_negate_r x). intuition. Qed.
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_0.
Lemma ideal_closed_negate x : P x → P (-x).
Proof. intros. rewrite <- rings.plus_0_l. intuition. Qed.
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_negate.
Lemma ideal_closed_plus x y : P x → P y → P (x + y).
Proof. intros. assert (x + y = -(-x + -y)) as E by ring. rewrite E. intuition. Qed.
Hint Resolve ideal_closed_plus.
Global Instance: RingCongruence A (λ x y, P (x - y)).
intros x. now rewrite plus_negate_r.
intros x y E. rewrite negate_swap_r. intuition.
intros x y z E1 E2. mc_setoid_replace (x - z) with ((x - y) + (y - z)) by ring. intuition.
intros ?? E. now rewrite E, plus_negate_r.
intros x1 x2 E1 y1 y2 E2.
mc_setoid_replace (x1 + y1 - (x2 + y2)) with ((x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)) by ring. intuition.
intros x1 x2 E1 y1 y2 E2.
mc_setoid_replace (x1 × y1 - (x2 × y2)) with ((x1 - x2) × y1 + x2 × (y1 - y2)) by ring. intuition.
intros x1 x2 E.
mc_setoid_replace (-x1 - - x2) with (-(x1 - x2)) by ring. intuition.
Lemma factor_ring_eq (x y : Factor A P) : x = y ↔ P ('x - 'y).
Proof. intuition. Qed.
Lemma factor_ring_eq_0 (x y : Factor A P) : x = 0 ↔ P ('x).
transitivity (P ('x - cast (Factor A P) A 0)).
apply ideal_proper. unfold cast. simpl. ring.
End ideal_congruence.
Section kernel_is_ideal.
Context `{Ring A} `{Ring B} `{f : A → B} `{!SemiRing_Morphism f}.
Add Ring A3 : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory A).
Add Ring B3 : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory B).
Definition kernel : A → Prop := (= 0) ∘ f.
Global Instance: RingIdeal A kernel.
Proof with ring.
unfold kernel, compose, flip.
intros ? ? E. now rewrite E.
split. ∃ (0:A). apply preserves_0.
intros ?? E E'. rewrite preserves_plus, preserves_negate, E, E'...
intros ?? E. rewrite preserves_mult, E...
intros ?? E. rewrite preserves_mult, E...
End kernel_is_ideal.