
Require Import
  Ring abstract_algebra interfaces.additional_operations
  interfaces.orders orders.minmax.

Section cut_minus_properties.
  Context `{FullPseudoSemiRingOrder R} `{!TrivialApart R}
    `{ x y, Decision (x = y)} `{!CutMinusSpec R cm}.

  Local Existing Instance pseudo_srorder_semiring.

  Add Ring SR: (rings.stdlib_semiring_theory R).
  Hint Resolve (@orders.le_flip R _ _).

  Global Instance cut_minus_proper: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) cut_minus | 1.
    intros x₁ x₂ E y₁ y₂ F.
    destruct (total (≤) x₂ y₂).
     rewrite cut_minus_0, cut_minus_0; try easy. now rewrite E, F.
    apply (right_cancellation (+) y₂).
    rewrite cut_minus_le by easy.
    rewrite <-E, <-F. apply cut_minus_le. now rewrite E, F.

  Global Instance cut_minus_mor_1: x : R, Setoid_Morphism (x ∸) | 0.
  Proof. split; try apply _. Qed.

  Global Instance cut_minus_mor_2: x : R, Setoid_Morphism (∸ x) | 0.
  Proof. split; try apply _. solve_proper. Qed.

  Hint Resolve cut_minus_0.
  Hint Resolve cut_minus_le.

  Lemma cut_minus_diag x : x x = 0.
  Proof. now apply cut_minus_0. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_nonneg_0_r x : 0 x x 0 = x.
  Proof. intros E. rewrite <-(rings.plus_0_r (x 0)). auto. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_0_l x : 0 x 0 x = 0.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_nonpos_0_r x : x 0 x 0 = 0.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_nonneg x y : 0 x y.
    destruct (total (≤) x y) as [E|E].
     apply orders.eq_le. symmetry. now auto.
    apply (order_reflecting (+ y)).
    now rewrite cut_minus_le; ring_simplify.

  Lemma cut_minus_le_r x y : y x x y + y = x.
  Proof cut_minus_le x y.

  Lemma cut_minus_le_l x y : y x y + (x y) = x.
  Proof. rewrite commutativity. now apply cut_minus_le. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_le_trans x y z : y x z y (x y) + (y z) = x z.
    intros. apply (right_cancellation (+) z).
    rewrite <-associativity, !cut_minus_le; try easy.
    now transitivity y.
  Hint Resolve cut_minus_le_trans.

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_distr x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ :
     y₁ x₁ y₂ x₂ (x₁ y₁) + (x₂ y₂) = (x₁ + x₂) (y₁ + y₂).
    intros E F. apply (right_cancellation (+) (y₁ + y₂)).
    rewrite cut_minus_le.
     setoid_replace (x₁ y₁ + (x₂ y₂) + (y₁ + y₂)) with (((x₁ y₁) + y₁) + ((x₂ y₂) + y₂)) by ring.
     now rewrite !cut_minus_le.
    now apply semirings.plus_le_compat.

  Lemma cut_minus_mult_distr_l x y z : 0 x x × (y z) = x × y x × z.
    intros E. destruct (total (≤) y z).
     rewrite !cut_minus_0; trivial.
     now apply (maps.order_preserving_nonneg (.*.) x).
    apply (right_cancellation (+) (x × z)).
    rewrite <-distribute_l, !cut_minus_le; try easy.
    now apply (maps.order_preserving_nonneg (.*.) x).

  Lemma cut_minus_mult_distr_r x y z : 0 x (y z) × x = y × x z × x.
    intros E. rewrite 3!(commutativity _ x).
    now apply cut_minus_mult_distr_l.

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_rev_l x y z : y z = (x + y) (x + z).
    destruct (total (≤) y z).
     rewrite !cut_minus_0; intuition.
    apply (right_cancellation (+) (x + z)).
    transitivity ((y z + z) + x); try ring.
    rewrite !cut_minus_le; try easy; try ring.
    now apply (order_preserving (x +)).

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_rev_r x y z : y z = (y + x) (z + x).
  Proof. rewrite !(commutativity _ x). now apply cut_minus_plus_rev_l. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_r x y z : 0 z x (y + z) = (x y) z.
    intros E. case (total (≤) x y); intros Exy.
     rewrite (cut_minus_0 x y) by easy.
     rewrite cut_minus_0_l, cut_minus_0; try easy.
     now apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r.
    rewrite (cut_minus_plus_rev_r y (x y) z).
    now rewrite cut_minus_le, commutativity.

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_l x y z : 0 y x (y + z) = (x z) y.
  Proof. rewrite commutativity. now apply cut_minus_plus_r. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_toggle1 x y z : x y z y (y x) + (x z) = (y z) + (z x).
    intros. destruct (total (≤) x z).
     rewrite (cut_minus_0 x z), cut_minus_le_trans by easy. ring.
    rewrite (cut_minus_0 z x), cut_minus_le_trans by easy. ring.

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_toggle2 x y z : y x y z (x z) + (z y) = (z x) + (x y).
    intros. destruct (total (≤) x z).
     rewrite (cut_minus_0 x z), cut_minus_le_trans by easy. ring.
    rewrite (cut_minus_0 z x) by easy. ring_simplify. now auto.

  Lemma cut_minus_plus_toggle3 x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : x₁ y₁ y₂ x₂
      (y₁ x₁) + ((x₁ + x₂) (y₁ + y₂)) = (x₂ y₂) + ((y₁ + y₂) (x₁ + x₂)).
    intros. destruct (total (≤) (x₁ + x₂) (y₁ + y₂)).
     rewrite (cut_minus_0 (x₁ + x₂) (y₁ + y₂)) by easy.
     rewrite cut_minus_plus_distr by easy.
     setoid_replace (x₂ + (y₁ + y₂)) with (y₁ + (x₂ + y₂)) by ring.
     setoid_replace (y₂ + (x₁ + x₂)) with (x₁ + (x₂ + y₂)) by ring.
     rewrite <-cut_minus_plus_rev_r. ring.
    rewrite (cut_minus_0 (y₁ + y₂) (x₁ + x₂)) by easy.
    rewrite cut_minus_plus_distr by easy.
    setoid_replace (y₁ + (x₁ + x₂)) with (x₂ + (x₁ + y₁)) by ring.
    setoid_replace (x₁ + (y₁ + y₂)) with (y₂ + (x₁ + y₁)) by ring.
    rewrite <-cut_minus_plus_rev_r. ring.

  Lemma cut_minus_0_plus_toggle x : x + (0 x) = x 0.
    destruct (total (≤) 0 x).
     rewrite (cut_minus_0 0 x), (cut_minus_nonneg_0_r x) by easy. ring.
    rewrite (cut_minus_0 x 0), commutativity; auto.

  Lemma cut_minus_0_le x y : x y (y x) + (x 0) + (0 y) = (y 0) + (0 x).
    intros. rewrite <-!cut_minus_0_plus_toggle.
    apply (right_cancellation (+) x).
    setoid_replace (y x + (x + (0 x)) + (0 y) + x) with ((y x + x) + (x + (0 x)) + (0 y)) by ring.
    rewrite (cut_minus_le y x) by easy. ring.

  Section min.
  Context `{ x y : R, Decision (x y)}.

  Lemma cut_minus_min1 x y z : x (y z) = x y + ((x y) z).
  Proof with eauto; try ring.
    unfold meet, min, sort.
    case (decide_rel (≤) x y); case (decide_rel (≤) y z); intros F G; simpl.
       rewrite (cut_minus_0 x z)...
      rewrite (cut_minus_0 x y)...
     rewrite (cut_minus_0 y z)...

  Lemma cut_minus_min2 x y z : y z + ((y z) x) = y x + ((x y) z).
    rewrite <-cut_minus_min1.
    rewrite (commutativity x y), <-cut_minus_min1.
    now rewrite commutativity.

  Lemma cut_minus_min3 x y z : (x + (y z)) ((x + y) (x + z)) = ((x + y) (x + z)) (x + (y z)).
  Proof with auto; try reflexivity.
    destruct (total (≤) y z) as [G1|G1].
     rewrite (lattices.meet_l y z), (lattices.meet_l (x + y) (x + z))...
    rewrite (lattices.meet_r y z), (lattices.meet_r (x + y) (x + z))...
  End min.

  Context `{Negate R} `{!Ring R}.
  Add Ring R: (rings.stdlib_ring_theory R).

  Lemma cut_minus_ring_minus (x y : R) : y x x y = x - y.
  Proof. intros. apply (right_cancellation (+) y). ring_simplify. now auto. Qed.

  Lemma cut_minus_negate (x : R) : x 0 0 x = -x.
  Proof. intros. now rewrite <-(rings.plus_0_l (-x)), cut_minus_ring_minus. Qed.
End cut_minus_properties.

Section cut_minus_default.
  Context `{Ring R} `{!SemiRingOrder o} `{ x y : R, Decision (x y)}.

  Global Instance default_cut_minus: CutMinus R | 10 := λ x y, if decide_rel (≤) x y then 0 else x - y.

  Add Ring R2: (rings.stdlib_ring_theory R).

  Global Instance: CutMinusSpec R default_cut_minus.
    split; unfold cut_minus, default_cut_minus; intros x y ?.
     case (decide_rel (≤) x y); intros.
      ring_simplify. now apply (antisymmetry (≤)).
    now case (decide_rel (≤) x y).
End cut_minus_default.

Typeclasses Opaque default_cut_minus.

Section order_preserving.
  Context `{FullPseudoSemiRingOrder A} `{!TrivialApart A} `{!CutMinusSpec A cmA} `{ x y : A, Decision (x = y)}
   `{FullPseudoSemiRingOrder B} `{!TrivialApart B} `{!CutMinusSpec B cmB} `{ x y : B, Decision (x = y)}
     {f : A B} `{!OrderPreserving f} `{!SemiRing_Morphism f}.

  Local Existing Instance pseudo_srorder_semiring.

  Lemma preserves_cut_minus x y : f (x y) = f x f y.
    destruct (total (≤) x y) as [E|E].
     rewrite (cut_minus_0 x y E), (cut_minus_0 (f x) (f y)).
     apply rings.preserves_0.
     now apply (order_preserving _).
    apply (left_cancellation (+) (f y)). rewrite 2!(commutativity (f y)).
    rewrite <-rings.preserves_plus.
    rewrite (cut_minus_le x y E), (cut_minus_le (f x) (f y)).
    now apply (order_preserving _).
End order_preserving.