
Require Export IVT.

Roots of polynomials of odd degree

Section CPoly_Big.

Monic polynomials are positive near infinity

Let R be an ordered field.

Variable R : COrdField.

Lemma Cbigger : x y : R, {z : R | x [<=] z | y [<=] z}.
 elim (less_cotransitive_unfolded _ x (x[+][1]) (less_plusOne _ _) y); intro.
   (y[+][1]); apply less_leEq.
   apply less_leEq_trans with y. auto. apply less_leEq; apply less_plusOne.
    apply less_plusOne.
  (x[+][1]); apply less_leEq.
  apply less_plusOne.

Lemma Ccpoly_big : (p : RX) n, 0 < n
 monic n p Y, {X : R | x, X [<=] xY [<=] p ! x}.
 intro. elim p.
 unfold monic in |- ×. simpl in |- ×. intros. elim H0. intros H1 H2.
  cut ([0][~=] ([1]:R)). intro. elim (H3 H1).
   apply ap_imp_neq. apply ap_symmetric_unfolded. apply ring_non_triv.
  intros c q. intros H n H0 H1 Y.
 elim (O_or_S n); intro y. elim y. intro m. intro y0.
  rewrite <- y0 in H1.
  elim (zerop m); intro y1. simpl in |- ×.
    (Y[-]c). intros.
   rewrite y1 in H1.
   apply shift_leEq_plus'.
   cut (q ! x [=] [1]). intro.
    astepr (x[*][1]). astepr x. auto.
    apply monic_one with c. auto.
   cut (monic m q). intro H2.
   elim (Cbigger [0] (Y[-]c)). intro Y'. intros H3 H4.
   elim (H m y1 H2 Y'). intro X'. intro H5.
   simpl in |- ×.
   elim (Cbigger [1] X'). intro X. intros H6 H7.
    X. intros.
   apply shift_leEq_plus'.
   apply leEq_transitive with ([1][*]Y').
    astepr Y'. auto.
    apply mult_resp_leEq_both; auto.
     apply less_leEq. apply pos_one.
     apply leEq_transitive with X; auto.
   change (Y' [<=] q ! x) in |- ×.
   apply H5.
   apply leEq_transitive with X; auto.
  apply monic_cpoly_linear with c; auto.
 rewrite <- y in H0.
 elim (lt_irrefl _ H0).

Lemma cpoly_pos : (p : RX) n, 0 < nmonic n p{x : R | [0] [<=] p ! x}.
 elim (Ccpoly_big _ _ H H0 [0]). intros x H1.
 apply H1. apply less_leEq. apply less_plusOne.

Lemma Ccpoly_pos' : (p : RX) a n, 0 < nmonic n p{x : R | a [<] x | [0] [<=] p ! x}.
 elim (Ccpoly_big _ _ H H0 [0]). intro x'. intro H1.
 elim (Cbigger (a[+][1]) x'). intro x. intros.
  x; auto.
 apply less_leEq_trans with (a[+][1]).
  apply less_plusOne. auto.

End CPoly_Big.

Section Flip_Poly.

Flipping a polynomial

Let R be a ring.

Variable R : CRing.

Add Ring R: (CRing_Ring R).

Fixpoint flip (p : RX) : RX :=
  match p with
  | cpoly_zerocpoly_zero _
  | cpoly_linear c qcpoly_inv _ (cpoly_linear _ c (flip q))

Lemma flip_poly : (p : RX) x, (flip p) ! x [=] [--]p ! ( [--]x).
 intro p. elim p.
 intros. simpl in |- ×. algebra.
  intros c q. intros.
 change ( [--]c[+]x[*] (cpoly_inv _ (flip q)) ! x [=] [--] (c[+][--]x[*]q ! ( [--]x))) in |- ×.
 astepl ( [--]c[+]x[*][--] (flip q) ! x).
 astepl ( [--]c[+]x[*][--][--]q ! ( [--]x)).

Lemma flip_coefficient : (p : RX) i,
 nth_coeff i (flip p) [=] [--] ( [--][1][^]i) [*]nth_coeff i p.
 intro p. elim p.
 simpl in |- ×. algebra.
  intros c q. intros.
 elim i. simpl in |- ×. ring.
  intros. simpl in |- ×.
 astepl ( [--] (nth_coeff n (flip q))).
 astepl ( [--] ( [--] ( [--][1][^]n) [*]nth_coeff n q)).
 simpl in |- ×. ring.

Hint Resolve flip_coefficient: algebra.

Lemma flip_odd : (p : RX) n, odd nmonic n pmonic n (flip p).
 unfold monic in |- ×. unfold degree_le in |- ×.
 elim H0. clear H0. intros.
  astepl ( [--] ( [--][1][^]n) [*]nth_coeff n p).
  astepl ( [--][--] ([1][^]n) [*]nth_coeff n p).
  astepl ([1][^]n[*]nth_coeff n p).
  astepl ([1][*]nth_coeff n p).
  Step_final ([1][*] ([1]:R)).
 astepl ( [--] ( [--][1][^]m) [*]nth_coeff m p).
 Step_final ( [--] ( [--][1][^]m) [*] ([0]:R)).

End Flip_Poly.

Hint Resolve flip_poly: algebra.

Section OddPoly_Signs.

Sign of a polynomial of odd degree

Let R be an ordered field.

Variable R : COrdField.

Lemma oddpoly_pos : (p : RX) n, odd nmonic n p{x : R | [0] [<=] p ! x}.
 apply cpoly_pos with n; auto.
 elim H. intros. auto with arith.

Lemma oddpoly_pos' : (p : RX) a n,
 odd nmonic n p{x : R | a [<] x | [0] [<=] p ! x}.
 elim (Ccpoly_pos' _ p a n). intros x H1 H2.
    x; assumption.
  elim H; auto with arith.

Lemma oddpoly_neg : (p : RX) n, odd nmonic n p{x : R | p ! x [<=] [0]}.
 elim (oddpoly_pos _ _ H (flip_odd _ _ _ H H0)). intro x. intros.
  ( [--]x).
 astepl ( [--][--]p ! ( [--]x)). astepr ( [--] ([0]:R)).
 apply inv_resp_leEq.
 astepr (flip _ p) ! x. auto.

End OddPoly_Signs.

Section Poly_Norm.

The norm of a polynomial

Let R be a field, and RX the polynomials over this field.

Variable R : CField.

Lemma poly_norm_aux : (p : RX) n, degree n pnth_coeff n p [#] [0].
 unfold degree in |- ×. intros p n H.
 elim H. auto.

Definition poly_norm p n H := _C_ ([1][/] _[//]poly_norm_aux p n H) [*]p.

Lemma poly_norm_monic : p n H, monic n (poly_norm p n H).
 unfold poly_norm in |- ×. unfold monic in |- ×. unfold degree in |- ×. unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 elim H. intros H0 H1.
  Step_final (([1][/] nth_coeff n p[//]poly_norm_aux p n (pair H0 H1)) [*] nth_coeff n p).
 astepl (([1][/] nth_coeff n p[//]poly_norm_aux p n (pair H0 H1)) [*] nth_coeff m p).
 Step_final (([1][/] nth_coeff n p[//]poly_norm_aux p n H) [*][0]).

Lemma poly_norm_apply : p n H x, (poly_norm p n H) ! x [=] [0]p ! x [=] [0].
 unfold poly_norm in |- ×. intros.
 apply mult_cancel_lft with ([1][/] nth_coeff n p[//]poly_norm_aux p n H).
  apply div_resp_ap_zero_rev. apply ring_non_triv.
  astepl ((_C_ ([1][/] nth_coeff n p[//]poly_norm_aux p n H)) ! x[*]p ! x).
 astepl (_C_ ([1][/] nth_coeff n p[//]poly_norm_aux p n H) [*]p) ! x.
 Step_final ([0]:R).

End Poly_Norm.

Section OddPoly_Root.

Roots of polynomials of odd degree

Polynomials of odd degree over the reals always have a root.

Lemma oddpoly_root' : f n, odd nmonic n f{x : IR | f ! x [=] [0]}.
 elim (oddpoly_neg _ f n); auto. intro a. intro H1.
 elim (oddpoly_pos' _ f a n); auto. intro b. intros H2 H3.
 cut {x : IR | a [<=] x x [<=] b f ! x [=] [0]}.
  intro H4.
  elim H4. clear H4. intros x H4.
  elim H4. clear H4. intros H4 H5.
  elim H5. clear H5. intros.
   x. auto.
  apply Civt_poly; auto.
 apply monic_apzero with n; auto.

Lemma oddpoly_root : f n, odd ndegree n f{x : IR | f ! x [=] [0]}.
 intros f n H H0.
 elim (oddpoly_root' (poly_norm _ f n H0) n); auto.
  intros. x.
  apply poly_norm_apply with n H0; auto.
 apply poly_norm_monic; auto.

Lemma realpolyn_oddhaszero : f, odd_cpoly _ f{x : IR | f ! x [=] [0]}.
 unfold odd_cpoly in |- ×.
 intros f H.
 elim H. clear H. intro n. intros H H0.
 cut (odd n).
  elim (oddpoly_root f n H1 H0). intros. x. auto.
  apply Codd_to.

End OddPoly_Root.