
Require Export UniformContinuity.
Require Export Compact.
Require Export Prelength.
Require Export CompleteProduct.
Require Import QposMinMax.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import Classic.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Section Graph.


Uniformly continuous functions over compact sets can be graph. A graph of a funciton f : X --> Y is the the subset of X*Y {(x,f x) | x in S} where S is the domain under consideration. This graph is compact when S is a compact subset of X.
Variable X Y:MetricSpace.
Let XY := ProductMS X Y.

graphPoint is the fundamental function of graphing. It will be lifted in various ways to produce a graph
Definition graphPoint_raw (f:XY) (x:X) : XY := (x,f x).

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Variable f : X --> Y.

Definition graphPoint_modulus (e:Qpos) : Qpos :=
match (mu f e) with
| QposInfinitye
| Qpos2QposInf dQpos_min e d

Lemma graphPoint_uc : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (graphPoint_raw f) graphPoint_modulus.
 intros e a b H.
 unfold graphPoint_modulus in ×.
  change (ball_ex e a b).
  eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply H].
  destruct (mu f e) as [d|].
   apply Qpos_min_lb_l.
  apply Qle_refl.
 apply: uc_prf.
 eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply H].
 destruct (mu f e) as [d|].
  apply Qpos_min_lb_r.

Definition graphPoint : X --> XY :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction graphPoint_uc.

Hypothesis stableX : stableMetric X.
Hypothesis stableXY : stableMetric XY.

The compact image of graphFunction is the graph of Cmap f over any compact set S
Definition CompactGraph (plFEX:PrelengthSpace (FinEnum stableX)) : Compact stableX --> Compact stableXY :=
CompactImage (1#1) _ plFEX graphPoint.

Lemma CompactGraph_correct1 : plX plFEX x s, (inCompact x s) →
inCompact (Couple (x,(Cmap plX f x))) (CompactGraph plFEX s).
 intros plX plFEX x s Hs.
 unfold CompactGraph.
 setoid_replace (Couple (X:=X) (Y:=Y) (x, (Cmap plX f x))) with (Cmap plX graphPoint x).
  auto using CompactImage_correct1.
 intros e1 e2.
  unfold graphPoint_modulus.
  eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
  destruct (mu f e2); autorewrite with QposElim.
   assert (Qmin e2 q e2) by auto with ×.
   rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  apply Qle_refl.
 apply (mu_sum plX e2 (e1::nil) f).
 unfold graphPoint_modulus.
 eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf_ex].
 destruct (mu f e1) as [d0|]; try constructor.
 destruct (mu f e2) as [d|]; try constructor.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 assert (Qmin e2 d d) by auto with ×.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.

Lemma CompactGraph_correct2 : plFEX p s, inCompact p (CompactGraph plFEX s) →
inCompact (Cfst p) s.
 intros plFEX p s H e1 e2.
 unfold Cfst_raw.
 apply almostIn_closed.
 intros d.
 set (d':=((1#2)*d)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2 + d)%Qpos with ((e1 + d') + (d'+ e2))%Qpos; [| unfold d'; QposRing].
 assert (H':=H e1 d').
 clear H.
 unfold XY in ×.
 destruct (approximate p e1) as [a b].
 simpl in ×.
 unfold FinEnum_map_modulus, graphPoint_modulus in H'.
 set (d2:=match mu f d' with | Qpos2QposInf dQpos_min d' d | QposInfinityd' end) in ×.
 eapply almostIn_triangle_r with (approximate s d2).
  clear - H'.
  induction (approximate s d2).
  destruct H' as [G | [H' _] | H'] using orC_ind.
    auto using almostIn_stable.
   apply orWeaken.
  apply orWeaken.
  apply IHs0.
 eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
 unfold d2.
 destruct (mu f d') as [d0|]; auto with ×.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 assert (Qmin d' d0 d') by auto with ×.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.

Lemma CompactGraph_correct3 : plX plFEX p s, inCompact p (CompactGraph plFEX s) →
st_eq (Cmap plX f (Cfst p)) (Csnd p).
 intros plX plFEX p s H.
 apply ball_eq.
 intros e1.
 apply regFunBall_e.
 intros e2.
 set (e':=((1#6)*e1)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace (e2 + e1 + e2)%Qpos with ((e2 + e') + ((e' + e') + (e' + e')) + (e2 + e'))%Qpos; [| unfold e';QposRing].
 set (d' := graphPoint_modulus e').
 assert (Hd'1 : d' e').
  unfold d', graphPoint_modulus.
  destruct (mu f e'); auto with ×.
  apply Qpos_min_lb_l.
 assert (Hd'2 : QposInf_le d' (mu f e')).
  unfold d', graphPoint_modulus.
  destruct (mu f e').
   apply Qpos_min_lb_r.
 assert (H':= H d' d').
 apply ball_triangle with (approximate (Csnd p) d').
  apply ball_triangle with (f (Cfst_raw p d')).
   apply: (mu_sum plX e' (e2::nil) f).
   apply ball_ex_weak_le with (mu f e2 + d')%QposInf.
    destruct (mu f e2); try constructor.
    destruct (mu f e'); try constructor.
    clear - Hd'2.
    simpl in ×.
    autorewrite with QposElim.
    rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
   unfold Cfst_raw.
   assert (Z:=regFun_prf_ex p (mu f e2) d').
   destruct (mu f e2); try constructor.
   destruct Z; auto.
  assert (L:existsC X (fun xball (d' + d') (approximate p d') (x, (f x)))).
   clear -H'.
   simpl in H'.
   unfold FinEnum_map_modulus, graphPoint_modulus in H'.
   induction (@approximate (@FinEnum X stableX) s (Qpos2QposInf match @mu X Y f d' return Qpos with
     | Qpos2QposInf dQpos_min d' d | QposInfinityd' end)).
   destruct H' as [G | H | H] using orC_ind.
     auto using existsC_stable.
    apply existsWeaken.
    apply H.
  clear - L Hd'1 Hd'2 plX stableXY.
  destruct L as [G | a [Hl Hr]] using existsC_ind.
   apply (@ProductMS_stableY X).
     apply (approximate (Cfst p) (1#1)%Qpos).
    apply stableXY.
  apply ball_triangle with (f a).
   apply (mu_sum plX e' (e'::nil) f).
   unfold graphPoint_modulus in d'.
   apply ball_ex_weak_le with (d' + d')%Qpos.
    clear - Hd'2.
    destruct (mu f e'); try constructor.
    simpl in ×.
    autorewrite with QposElim.
    rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
    replace RHS with ((q + - d') + (q + - d')) by simpl; ring.
   apply Hl.
  apply ball_sym.
  eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply Hr].
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  clear - Hd'1.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  replace RHS with ((e' + - d') + (e' + - d')) by simpl; ring.
 eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.

Lemma CompactGraph_graph : (plX : PrelengthSpace X) plFEX p q1 q2 s,
 inCompact (Couple (p,q1)) (CompactGraph plFEX s) →
 inCompact (Couple (p,q2)) (CompactGraph plFEX s) →
 st_eq q1 q2.
 intros plX plFEX p q1 q2 s Hq1 Hq2.
 transitivity (Cmap plX f p).
  rewrite <- (CoupleCorrect2 p q1).
  apply: CompactGraph_correct3.
  apply Hq1.
 rewrite <- (CoupleCorrect2 p q2).
 apply: CompactGraph_correct3.
 apply Hq2.

Lemma CompactGraph_correct : plX plFEX x y s,
inCompact (Couple (x,y)) (CompactGraph plFEX s)
(inCompact x s st_eq y (Cmap plX f x)).
 intros plX plFEX x y s.
 split; intros H.
  split; rewrite <- (CoupleCorrect2 x y).
   apply (@CompactGraph_correct2 plFEX).
   exact H.
  transitivity (Csnd (Couple (x,y))).
   apply: CompactGraph_correct3.
   apply H.
  apply CoupleCorrect3.
 destruct H as [H0 H1].
 change (x, y) with (PairMS x y).
 apply: CompactGraph_correct1.

End Graph.

Section GraphBind.

Graph and Bind

The previous section used graphPoint to produce the graph of Cmap f over any compact set S. In this section we use graphPoint_b to produce the graph of Cbind f over any compact set S. It proceeds in largely the same way.

Variable X Y:MetricSpace.
Let XY := ProductMS X Y.

Definition graphPoint_b_raw (f:XComplete Y) (x:X) : Complete XY := Couple (Cunit x,f x).

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Variable f : X --> Complete Y.

Lemma graphPoint_b_uc : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (graphPoint_b_raw f) (graphPoint_modulus f).
 intros e a b H d1 d2.
  change (ball_ex (d1 + e + d2) a b).
  eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply H].
  unfold graphPoint_modulus.
  destruct (mu f e) as [d|].
   apply Qle_trans with e.
    apply: Qpos_min_lb_l.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 revert d1 d2.
 change (ball e (f a) (f b)).
 apply: uc_prf.
 eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply H].
 unfold graphPoint_modulus.
 destruct (mu f e) as [d|].
  apply: Qpos_min_lb_r.

Definition graphPoint_b : X --> Complete XY :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction graphPoint_b_uc.

Hypothesis stableX : stableMetric X.
Hypothesis stableXY : stableMetric XY.

Definition CompactGraph_b (plFEX:PrelengthSpace (FinEnum stableX)) : Compact stableX --> Compact stableXY :=
CompactImage_b (1#1) _ plFEX graphPoint_b.

Require Import Qordfield.
Lemma CompactGraph_b_correct1 : plX plFEX x s, (inCompact x s) →
inCompact (Couple (x,(Cbind plX f x))) (CompactGraph_b plFEX s).
 intros plX plFEX x s Hs.
 unfold CompactGraph_b.
 setoid_replace (Couple (X:=X) (Y:=Y) (x, (Cbind plX f x))) with (Cbind plX graphPoint_b x).
  auto using CompactImage_b_correct1.
 intros e1 e2.
  eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
  unfold graphPoint_modulus.
  destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e2)); autorewrite with QposElim.
   assert (Qmin ((1#2)*e2) q ((1#2)*e2)) by auto with ×.
   rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
   replace RHS with ((1 # 2) × e2 + ((1 # 2) × e2 + - Qmin ((1 # 2) × e2) q)) by simpl; ring.
 unfold Cjoin_raw.
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2)%Qpos with ((1#2)*e1 + ((1#2)*e1 + (1#2)*e2) + (1#2)*e2)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 eapply ball_triangle;[|apply ball_approx_r].
 eapply ball_triangle.
  apply (ball_approx_l (approximate (Cmap_fun plX f x) ((1 # 2)%Qpos × e1)) ((1#2)*e1)).
 set (e1':=((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos).
 set (e2':=((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos).
 apply (mu_sum plX e2' (e1'::nil) f).
 eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf_ex].
 unfold e1'.
 unfold graphPoint_modulus.
 destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e1)) as [d0|]; try constructor.
 destruct (mu f e2') as [d|]; try constructor.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 assert (Qmin e2' d d) by auto with ×.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×. Qauto_le.

Lemma CompactGraph_b_correct2 : plFEX p s, inCompact p (CompactGraph_b plFEX s) →
 inCompact (Cfst p) s.
 intros plFEX p s H e1 e2.
 unfold Cfst_raw.
 apply almostIn_closed.
 intros d.
 set (d':=((1#2)*d)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2 + d)%Qpos with ((e1 + d') + (d'+ e2))%Qpos; [| unfold d';QposRing].
 assert (H':=H e1 d').
 clear H.
 unfold XY in ×.
 destruct (approximate p e1) as [a b].
 simpl in ×.
 unfold Cjoin_raw in H'.
 simpl in ×.
 unfold FinEnum_map_modulus, graphPoint_modulus in H'.
 set (d2:=match mu f ((1#2)*d') with | Qpos2QposInf dQpos_min ((1#2)*d') d
   | QposInfinity ⇒ ((1#2)*d')%Qpos end) in ×.
 eapply almostIn_triangle_r with (approximate s d2).
  clear - H'.
  induction (approximate s d2).
  destruct H' as [G | [H' _] | H'] using orC_ind.
    auto using almostIn_stable.
   apply orWeaken.
  apply orWeaken.
  apply IHs0.
 eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
 unfold d2.
 destruct (mu f ((1#2)*d')) as [d0|].
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  assert (Qmin ((1#2)*d') d0 ((1#2)*d')) by auto with ×.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  replace RHS with ((1 # 2) × d' + - Qmin ((1 # 2) × d') d0 + (1#2)*d') by simpl; ring.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 replace RHS with ((1 # 2) × d' + e2 + (1#2)*d') by simpl; ring.

Lemma CompactGraph_b_correct3 : plX plFEX p s, inCompact p (CompactGraph_b plFEX s) →
st_eq (Cbind plX f (Cfst p)) (Csnd p).
 intros plX plFEX p s H.
 apply ball_eq.
 intros e1.
 apply regFunBall_e.
 intros e2.
 set (e':=((1#6)*e1)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace (e2 + e1 + e2)%Qpos with ((e2 + e') + ((e' + e') + (e' + e')) + (e2 + e'))%Qpos; [| unfold e'; QposRing].
 set (d' := graphPoint_modulus f ((1#2)*e')).
 assert (Hd'1 : d' e').
  unfold d', graphPoint_modulus.
  destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e')); autorewrite with QposElim.
   apply Qle_trans with ((1#2)*e'); auto with ×.
 assert (Hd'2 : QposInf_le (d') (mu f ((1#2)*e'))).
  unfold d', graphPoint_modulus.
  destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e')).
   apply Qpos_min_lb_r.
 assert (H':= H ((1#2)*d')%Qpos d').
 apply ball_triangle with (approximate (Csnd p) ((1#2)%Qpos×d')).
  simpl (approximate (Cbind plX f (Cfst (X:=X) (Y:=Y) p)) e2).
  apply ball_triangle with (approximate (f (Cfst_raw p ((1#2)*d'))) ((1#2)*d'))%Qpos.
   unfold Cjoin_raw.
   apply ball_weak_le with ((1#2)*e2 + ((1#2)*e2 + (1#2)*e') + (1#2)*d')%Qpos.
    autorewrite with QposElim.
    clear - Hd'1.
    rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
    replace RHS with ((1 # 2) × (e' + - d')) by simpl; ring.
   cut (ball ((1 # 2) × e2 + (1 # 2) × e') (f (Cfst_raw p (mu f ((1 # 2) × e2))))
     (f (Cfst_raw p ((1 # 2) × d')%Qpos))).
    intros L.
    apply L.
   apply (mu_sum plX ((1#2)*e') (((1#2)*e2)::nil) f)%Qpos.
   apply ball_ex_weak_le with (QposInf_plus (mu f ((1#2)*e2)) ((1#2)*d'))%Qpos.
    destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e2)); try constructor.
    destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e')); try constructor.
    clear - Hd'2.
    simpl in ×.
    autorewrite with QposElim.
    rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
    replace RHS with (q0 + - d' + (1#2)*d') by simpl; ring.
   unfold Cfst_raw.
   assert (Z:=regFun_prf_ex p (mu f ((1#2)*e2)) ((1#2)%Qpos×d')).
   destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e2)); try constructor.
   destruct Z; auto.
  assert (L:existsC X (fun xball (((1#2)*d') + d') (approximate p ((1#2)%Qpos×d')) (Couple_raw ((Cunit x), (f x)) ((1#2)*d')%Qpos))).
   clear -H'.
   simpl in H'.
   unfold Cjoin_raw in H'.
   simpl in H'.
   unfold FinEnum_map_modulus, graphPoint_modulus in H'.
   induction (@approximate (@FinEnum X stableX) s (Qpos2QposInf
     match @mu X _ f ((1#2)*d') return Qpos with | Qpos2QposInf dQpos_min ((1#2)*d') d
       | QposInfinity ⇒ ((1#2)*d')%Qpos end)).
   destruct H' as [G | H | H] using orC_ind.
     auto using existsC_stable.
    apply existsWeaken.
    apply H.
  clear - L Hd'1 Hd'2 plX stableXY.
  destruct L as [G | a [Hl Hr]] using existsC_ind.
   apply (@ProductMS_stableY X).
     apply (approximate (Cfst p) (1#1)%Qpos).
    apply stableXY.
  apply ball_triangle with (approximate (f a) ((1#2)%Qpos×d')).
   apply ball_weak_le with ((1#2)*d' + ((1#2)*e' + (1#2)*e') + (1#2)*d')%Qpos.
    clear - Hd'1.
    autorewrite with QposElim.
    rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
    replace RHS with (e' + - d') by simpl; ring.
   rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
   eapply ball_triangle;[|apply ball_approx_r].
   eapply ball_triangle;[apply ball_approx_l|].
   apply (mu_sum plX ((1#2)*e') (((1#2)*e')::nil) f)%Qpos.
   unfold graphPoint_modulus in d'.
   apply ball_ex_weak_le with (d' + d')%Qpos.
    clear - Hd'2.
    destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e')); try constructor.
    simpl in ×.
    autorewrite with QposElim.
    rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
    replace RHS with ((q + - d') + (q + - d')) by simpl; ring.
   eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply Hl].
   autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply ball_sym.
  eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply Hr].
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  clear - Hd'1.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  replace RHS with ((e' + - d') + (e' + - d') + (1#2)*d') by simpl; ring.
 eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply (regFun_prf (Csnd p) ((1#2)*d')%Qpos)].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
 replace RHS with ((e' + - d') + (1#2)*d') by simpl; ring.

Lemma CompactGraph_b_graph : (plX : PrelengthSpace X) plFEX p q1 q2 s,
 inCompact (Couple (p,q1)) (CompactGraph_b plFEX s) →
 inCompact (Couple (p,q2)) (CompactGraph_b plFEX s) →
 st_eq q1 q2.
 intros plX plFEX p q1 q2 s Hq1 Hq2.
 transitivity (Cbind plX f p).
  rewrite <- (CoupleCorrect2 p q1).
  apply: CompactGraph_b_correct3.
  apply Hq1.
 rewrite <- (CoupleCorrect2 p q2).
 apply: CompactGraph_b_correct3.
 apply Hq2.

Lemma CompactGraph_b_correct : plX plFEX x y s,
inCompact (Couple (x,y)) (CompactGraph_b plFEX s)
(inCompact x s st_eq y (Cbind plX f x)).
 intros plX plFEX x y s.
 split; intros H.
  split; rewrite <- (CoupleCorrect2 x y).
   apply (@CompactGraph_b_correct2 plFEX).
   exact H.
  transitivity (Csnd (Couple (x,y))).
   apply: CompactGraph_b_correct3.
   apply H.
  apply CoupleCorrect3.
 destruct H as [H0 H1].
 change (x, y) with (PairMS x y).
 apply CompactGraph_b_correct1.

End GraphBind.