
Require Export AbsCC.

More properties of complex numbers

Sequences and limits

Hint Resolve AbsIR_sqrt_sqr: algebra.

Lemma absCC_absIR_re : x : CC, AbsIR (Re x) [<=] AbsCC x.
 astepl (sqrt (Re x[^]2) (sqr_nonneg _ (Re x))).
 unfold AbsCC in |- ×.
 apply power_cancel_leEq with 2. auto. apply sqrt_nonneg.
   astepl (Re x[^]2).
 astepr (Re x[^]2[+]Im x[^]2).
 astepl (Re x[^]2[+][0]).
 apply plus_resp_leEq_lft.
 apply sqr_nonneg.

Lemma absCC_absIR_im : x : CC, AbsIR (Im x) [<=] AbsCC x.
 astepl (sqrt (Im x[^]2) (sqr_nonneg _ (Im x))).
 unfold AbsCC in |- ×.
 apply power_cancel_leEq with 2. auto. apply sqrt_nonneg.
   astepl (Im x[^]2).
 astepr (Re x[^]2[+]Im x[^]2).
 astepl ([0][+]Im x[^]2).
 apply plus_resp_leEq.
 apply sqr_nonneg.

Definition seq_re (s : natCC) (n : nat) := Re (s n).
Definition seq_im (s : natCC) (n : nat) := Im (s n).

Definition CC_Cauchy_prop (s : natCC) : CProp :=
  Cauchy_prop (seq_re s) and Cauchy_prop (seq_im s).

Record CC_CauchySeq : Type :=
 {CC_seq :> natCC;
  CC_proof : CC_Cauchy_prop CC_seq}.

Lemma re_is_Cauchy : s : CC_CauchySeq, Cauchy_prop (seq_re s).
 intro s; elim (CC_proof s); auto.

Lemma im_is_Cauchy : s : CC_CauchySeq, Cauchy_prop (seq_im s).
 intro s; elim (CC_proof s); auto.

Definition CC_Cauchy2re s := Build_CauchySeq _ _ (re_is_Cauchy s).

Definition CC_Cauchy2im s := Build_CauchySeq _ _ (im_is_Cauchy s).

Definition LimCC s : CC := (Lim (CC_Cauchy2re s)) [+I*] (Lim (CC_Cauchy2im s)).

Definition CC_SeqLimit (seq : natCC) (lim : CC) : CProp := e,
  [0] [<] e{N : nat | m, N mAbsCC (seq m[-]lim) [<=] e}.

Lemma AbsSmall_sqr : x e : IR, AbsSmall e xx[^]2 [<=] e[^]2.
 unfold AbsSmall in |- ×. intros. elim H. clear H. intros.
 astepl ([0][+]x[^]2).
 apply shift_plus_leEq.
 astepr ((e[-]x) [*] (e[+]x)).
 apply mult_resp_nonneg.
  apply shift_leEq_minus. astepl x. auto.
  rstepr (x[-][--]e).
 apply shift_leEq_minus. astepl ( [--]e). auto.

Lemma AbsSmall_AbsCC : (z : CC) (e : IR), [0] [<] e
 AbsSmall (e [/]TwoNZ) (Re z) → AbsSmall (e [/]TwoNZ) (Im z) → AbsCC z [<=] e.
 intros. unfold AbsCC in |- ×.
 apply power_cancel_leEq with 2. auto.
   apply less_leEq. auto.
  astepl (Re z[^]2[+]Im z[^]2).
 rstepr ((e [/]TwoNZ) [^]2[+] (e [/]TwoNZ) [^]2[+] (e[^]2) [/]TwoNZ).
 astepl (Re z[^]2[+]Im z[^]2[+][0]).
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
  apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
   apply AbsSmall_sqr. auto.
   apply AbsSmall_sqr. auto.
  apply less_leEq.
 apply div_resp_pos. apply pos_two.
  apply nexp_resp_pos. auto.

Lemma LimCC_is_lim : s : CC_CauchySeq, CC_SeqLimit s (LimCC s).
 unfold CC_SeqLimit in |- ×. unfold LimCC in |- ×. intros s e H.
 cut (SeqLimit (seq_re s) (Lim (CC_Cauchy2re s))).
  unfold SeqLimit in |- ×. intro H0.
  cut (SeqLimit (seq_im s) (Lim (CC_Cauchy2im s))).
   unfold SeqLimit in |- ×. intro H1.
   cut ([0] [<] e [/]TwoNZ). intro H2.
    elim (H0 (e [/]TwoNZ) H2). unfold seq_re in |- ×. intro N. intros H3.
    elim (H1 (e [/]TwoNZ) H2). unfold seq_im in |- ×. intro N'. intros H4.
    cut {M : nat | N M | N' M}. intros H5.
     elim H5. clear H5. intro M. intros.
      M. intros.
     apply AbsSmall_AbsCC. auto.
       astepr (Re (CC_seq s m) [-]Lim (CC_Cauchy2re s)).
      apply H3. omega.
      astepr (Im (CC_seq s m) [-]Lim (CC_Cauchy2im s)).
     apply H4. omega.
     elim (le_lt_dec N N'); intros.
      N'; auto.
     N; auto with arith.
   apply div_resp_pos. apply pos_two. auto.
    apply Lim_Cauchy with (s := Build_CauchySeq IR (fun n : natIm (CC_seq s n)) (im_is_Cauchy s)).
 apply Lim_Cauchy with (s := Build_CauchySeq IR (fun n : natRe (CC_seq s n)) (re_is_Cauchy s)).

Lemma CC_SeqLimit_uniq : (s : natCC) (l l' : CC),
 CC_SeqLimit s lCC_SeqLimit s l'l [=] l'.
 unfold CC_SeqLimit in |- ×. do 3 intro. intros H H0.
 apply cg_inv_unique_2.
 apply AbsCC_small_imp_eq. intros e H1.
 cut ([0] [<] e [/]ThreeNZ). intro H2.
  elim (H (e [/]ThreeNZ)). intro N. intros H3.
   elim (H0 (e [/]ThreeNZ)). intro N'. intros H4.
    cut {M : nat | N M | N' M}. intros H5.
     elim H5. clear H5. intro M. intros.
     apply leEq_less_trans with (AbsCC (s M[-]l) [+]AbsCC (s M[-]l')).
      apply leEq_wdl with (AbsCC ( [--] (s M[-]l) [+] (s M[-]l'))).
       apply leEq_wdr with (AbsCC [--] (s M[-]l) [+]AbsCC (s M[-]l')).
        apply triangle.
      apply AbsCC_wd. rational.
      rstepr (e [/]ThreeNZ[+]e [/]ThreeNZ[+]e [/]ThreeNZ). astepl ([0][+]AbsCC (s M[-]l) [+]AbsCC (s M[-]l')).
     apply plus_resp_less_leEq.
      apply plus_resp_less_leEq.
      apply H3. auto.
      apply H4. auto.
      (max N N'); auto with arith.
   auto. auto.
  apply pos_div_three. auto.

Lemma CC_SeqLimit_unq : (s : CC_CauchySeq) l, CC_SeqLimit s ll [=] LimCC s.
 apply CC_SeqLimit_uniq with (CC_seq s). auto.
  apply LimCC_is_lim.

Continuity for CC

Let f : CCCC.

Variable f : CCCC.
Definition CCfunLim (p l : CC) : CProp := e : IR, [0] [<] e
  {d : IR | [0] [<] d | x, AbsCC (p[-]x) [<=] dAbsCC (l[-]f x) [<=] e}.

Definition CCcontinAt p : CProp := CCfunLim p (f p).

Definition CCcontin : CProp := x : CC, CCcontinAt x.

Lemma CCfunLim_SeqLimit : p l pn,
 CCfunLim p lCC_SeqLimit pn pCC_SeqLimit (fun nf (pn n)) l.
 intros p l pn fl sl; unfold CC_SeqLimit in |- ×.
 intros eps epos.
 elim (fl _ epos); intros del H H0.
 elim (sl _ H); intros N Nh.
  N. intros m leNm.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsCC (l[-]f (pn m))).
  apply H0.
  apply leEq_wdl with (AbsCC (pn m[-]p)).
   apply (Nh _ leNm).
  apply cc_minus_abs.
 apply cc_minus_abs.

Definition f_seq (s : natCC) (n : nat) : CC := f (s n).

Lemma poly_pres_lim : CCcontin
  s : CC_CauchySeq, CC_SeqLimit (fun nf (s n)) (f (LimCC s)).
 intros cp s.
 apply (CCfunLim_SeqLimit (LimCC s) (f (LimCC s))).
  unfold CCfunLim in |- ×.
  intros e zlte.
  elim (cp (LimCC s) e zlte).
  intros d; d; auto.
 exact (LimCC_is_lim s).

End Continuity_for_CC.

Lemma seq_yields_zero : q : IR, [0] [<=] qq [<] [1] c : IR, [0] [<] c
  s, ( i, AbsCC (s i) [<=] q[^]i[*]c) → CC_SeqLimit s [0].
 intros q zltq qlt1 c zltc s H.
 unfold CC_SeqLimit in |- ×.
 intros e zlte.
 generalize (qi_lim_zero q zltq qlt1).
 intro Hqi.
 unfold SeqLimit in Hqi.
 elim (Hqi (e[/] c[//]pos_ap_zero _ c zltc)).
  intros N HN.
  intros m leNm.
  apply leEq_transitive with (q[^]m[*]c).
   astepl (AbsCC (s m)).
   apply H.
  generalize (HN m leNm).
  intro H0.
  unfold AbsSmall in H0.
  inversion_clear H0.
  rstepr ((e[/] c[//]pos_ap_zero IR c zltc) [*]c).
  apply mult_resp_leEq_rht.
   rstepl (q[^]m[-][0]).
  apply less_leEq. assumption.
  apply shift_less_div.
 rstepl ZeroR; assumption.