Utku Umur Acikalin

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: AI4Science

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Saksham Agarwal

Location: 440-2 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Datacenter Networking

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Simon Alford

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Theory induction, program synthesis, abstraction and reasoning in AI

Daniel Amir

Location: 440-1 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Adnan Armouti

Location: Bloomberg

Research Focus: Computational Imaging, Computer Vision, Systems

Research Areas: Vision

Marianne Arriola

Location: Bloomberg

Research Focus: Geometric deep learning, machine learning for biomedicine

Research Areas: Machine Learning

James Austgen

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Kushal Babel

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Security

Sidhika Balachandar

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Rohan Banerjee

Location: 349 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics

Jialu Bao

Location: 323 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Verification of Probabilistic Programs

Christian Belardi

Location: Gates 344

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Julian Bellavita

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Scientific Computing

Griffin Berlstein

Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Luke Bernick

Location: 455 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Geo-Distributed Databases

Research Areas: Programming Languages

Noah Bertram

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Katharine Blumer

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing

Marina Bohuk (Sanusi)

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Daniel Brous

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Fanjun Bu

Location: Tata 341

Research Focus: Human-Robot interaction

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Qizhe Cai

Location: 440-2 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Systems and Networking

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Ruojin Cai

Location: NW3-5 Bloomberg Center, Cornell Tech

Eric Campbell

Location: 430 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Benjamin Carleton

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Benjamin Chan

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Focus: Cryptography and Distributed Algorithms

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Jonathan Chang

Location: 350 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Natural Language Processing, Computational Social Science

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Jonathan Chang

Location: 350 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Yen-Yu Chang

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Graphics, Machine Learning, Vision

Shubham Chaudhary

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Operating Systems, Distributed Systems

Jerry Chee

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Hongzheng Chen

Location: 440 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Compiler Optimizations, heterogeneous computing systems

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Wenxin Chen

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Multimodal learning

Research Areas: Computational Biology

Xiangyu Chen

Location: 325 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Aditya Chetan

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Graphics, Vision

Erica Chiang

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Machine learning, algorithms, society

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Justin Chiu

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Gene Chou

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Vision

Cazamere Comrie

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

A. Feder Cooper

Location: 219 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Machine Learning Systems

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Keri D'Angelo

Location: 323 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Category Theory, Homotopy Type Theory

Alaa Daffalla

Location: NYC

Oliver Daids

Location: 407 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Graphics, Programming Languages

Research Areas: Graphics, Programming Languages

Xi Deng

Location: 345 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Youming Deng

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Graphics

Shachi Deshpande

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Focus: Casual Machine Learning

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Arjun Devraj

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Privacy and security

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Sowmya Dharanipragada

Location: 351 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Distributed Systems and Networking

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Kate Donahue

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Societal impact of AI

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Computing

Evan Dong

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: AIgorithmic Fairness and Social Movements/Theories

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Yuanqi Du

Location: G32 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI for Science, Computational Sustainability

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Promise Ekpo

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Human-Robot interaction

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Robotics

Nicolas Espinosa Dice

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Reinforcement Learning

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Andres Fabrega Gerbaud

Joshua Fan

Location: 344 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Sustainability

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Ali Farahbakhsh

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

John Fikioris

Location: 336 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Matthew Franchi

Ge Gao

Location: NYC

Research Focus: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Yixuan Gao

Location: NYC

Zhaolin Gao

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Susan Garry

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Dietrich Geisler

Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Programming Languages

Nora Gera

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: At the intersection of systems, security, and PL

Research Areas: Software Engineering

Surendra Ghentiyala

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Viktor Giannakouris Salalidis

Location: 440-1 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Database Systems

Aaron Gokaslan

Location: 345 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Computer Vision / Graphics

Research Areas: Graphics

Albert Gong

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: ML algorithms

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Gonzalo Gonzalez-Pumariega

Laura Greenstreet

Location: Gates 344

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Sophie Greenwood

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Algorithms, AI, and Society

Karuna Grewal

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Programming Languages; Systems and Networking

Marc Grimson

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Zeqi Gu

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Vision, Graphics, Robotics

Kevin Guan

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Software Engineering

Yifan Guan

M. Omer Gul

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Areas: Natural Language Processing, Vision

Mohit Gurumukhani

Location: 305 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Gemmechu Hassena

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Computer Vision and Graphics

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Graphics, Vision

Sam Havron

Location: NW2-3 Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Focus: Security & privacy for vulnerable populations

Research Areas: Human Interaction, Security

Rebecca Hicke

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Human Interaction

Yilun Hua

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Kuan Wei Huang

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Computer Vision/Graphics, Machine Learning

Research Areas: Vision

Yu-Ju Huang

Location: 440B Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Distributed system, operating system

Kei Imada

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Formal Verification of Distributed Systems

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Tharushi Jayasekara

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Software Engineering

Rajat Kumar Jenamani

Location: 349 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics

Rishi Jha

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Security and Privacy in Machine Learning

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Yan Ji

Location: NW2-3 Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Areas: Security, Systems and Networking

Lucy Jiang

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Accessibility

Research Areas: Human Interaction

Pengyue Jiang

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Software Engineering

Haian Jin

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: 3D Computer Vision and Graphics

Research Areas: Vision

Saehan Jo

Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Database Systems, Machine Learning for Systems

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems

Saravanan Kandasamy

Location: 455 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Suraaj Kanniwadi Sureshkannan

Location: 440 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Security, Systems and Networking

Chia-Hsiang Kao

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Deep Learning Algorithm

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Kimia Kazemian

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Focus: AI, Machine Learning, Optimization

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Kushal Kedia

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Human-Robot Interaction, Planning and Learning

Mahimna Kelkar

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Theoretical and Applied Cryptography, Security, Privacy

Research Areas: Security, Theory of Computing

Ariel Kellison

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Shreyas Kharbanda

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Resource Disaggregation

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Woojeong Kim

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

Varsha Kishore

Location: 325 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Haruka Kiyohara

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Decision making, Reinforcement learning, Counterfactual evaluation

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Woojin Ko

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Areas: Graphics, Human Interaction, Vision

Noriyuki Kojima

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Raunak Kumar

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithm Design

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Biology, Theory of Computing

Celine Lee

Location: 325 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Natural Language Processing

David Lee

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Program Synthesis, Machine Learning

Katherine Lee

Location: 325 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Katherine Lee

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall

Research Focus: NLP and security

Julia Len

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Focus: Cryptography

Research Areas: Security

Diyang Li

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Provable Machine Learning, Large-scale Optimization

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Kangbo Li

Location: 323 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Wen-Ding Li

Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Yueying Li

Location: Gates 440

Research Focus: Systems and Machine Learning

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Systems and Networking

Jyun-Jie Liao

Location: 336 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Pseudorandomness, Complexity Theory, Cryptography

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Shouxu Lin

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Jun You Liu

Location: 440B Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: cryptography, cryptosecurity, cryptoeconomics

Xinrui Liu

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: human-computer interaction, computer graphics & vision, human-robot interaction

Research Areas: Human Interaction

Yanyi Liu

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Areas: Security, Theory of Computing

Zhenzhen Liu

Location: 325 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Machine Learning

Ziang Liu

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: build robots that perceive, understand, reason, and interact in the physical world to better assist people with day-to-day tasks, leveraging inspiration from human cognition

Research Areas: Robotics

Justin Lovelace

Linda Lu

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Theory of Machine Learning

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Katie Luo

Location: 325 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Jacqueline Maasch

Location: NYC

Research Focus: Machine Learning, Computational Biology

Rishabh Madan

Location: 349 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Robotics

Edgar Marroquin

Location: 349 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Vaibhav Mehta

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Programming Languages/Formal Methods

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Michela Meister

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Sanketh Gora Menda

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Security

Qian Meng

Location: 350 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Programming Languages

Si Yi Meng

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Peter Michael

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Graphics, Vision

Yimeng Min

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Renee Mirka

Location: 324 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Mark Moeller

Location: 430 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Verification in Networking

Research Areas: Programming Languages

Anshuman Mohan

Location: 349 Gates Hall

John (Jack) Morris

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Natural Language Processing

Rajiv Movva

Armin Namavari

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Focus: Security and Applied Cryptography

Research Areas: Security

Kevin Negy

Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Haobin Ni

Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Formal Verification of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems

Research Areas: Programming Languages, Systems and Networking

Sloan Nietert

Location: 336 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing

Rachit Nigam

Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Programming Languages and Hardware Design

Research Areas: Programming Languages

Darian Nwankwo

Location: 350 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Computing

Princewill Okoroafor

Location: 324 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Theory, Algorithms, Machine Learning

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Chidozie Onyeze

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Algorithmic Game Theory

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Miruna Oprescu

Location: NYC

Research Focus: Robust Decision Making, Causal Inference

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Carolina Ortega Perez

Marios Papachristou

Location: 302 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Data Science, Network Science, Algorithms, Statistics

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing

Dhrumilkumar Patel

Kenneth Peng

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Algorithms, machine learning, fairness

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Spencer Peters

Location: 336 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Cryptography and Lattices

Richard Phillips

Location: 302 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Mahika Phutane

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Human Interaction

Wasu Piriyakulkij

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Delia Qu

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Brendan Rappazzo

Location: 344 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Richa Rastogi

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning

Silei Ren

Location: 440-1 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Shreelekha Revankar

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: visual discovery through the integration of diverse data sources

Research Areas: Vision

Travers Rhodes

Location: Cornell Tech, 351 Tata

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics

Andy Ricci

Location: 350 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Human Interaction, Robotics

Oliver Richardson

Location: 324 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Mathematical Foundations of Fallible Agents, Probabilistic Modeling, Loss Functions

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages, Theory of Computing

Noam Ringach

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing

Gloire Rubambiza

Location: 440B Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Cloud Computing, Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Digital Agriculture

Research Areas: Human Interaction, Systems and Networking

Emily Ryu

Location: 302 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Goktug Saatcioglu

Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Programming Languages, Security, Systems and Networking

Subham Sahoo

Location: 440-2 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Yuta Saito

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Machine Learning

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Aditya Saraf

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Economics and Computer Science

Nitika Saran

Location: 440-1 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Distributed Systems

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Yair Schiff

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Aditya Senthilnathan

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Shaden Shaar

Location: 325 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Natural Language Processing

Michelle Shu

Mariia Soroka

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Rendering, Differentiable Rendering

Research Areas: Graphics

Jinyan Su

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: machine learning and natural language processing

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Jiatian Sun

Location: 345 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Graphics, Scientific Computing

Yihong Sun

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Vision

Zhen Sun

Location: 430 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Florian Suri-Payer

Location: 440B Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Distributed Systems

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Networking

Zachary Susag

Location: 407 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Programming Languages

Hao Tang

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Research Focus: neuro-symbolic AI

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Luming Tang

Location: 302 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Jorge Tapias Gomez

Bradon Thymes

Trishita Tiwari

Location: 471 Rhodes

Research Areas: Security

Kiran Tomlinson

Location: 302 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Computational Social Science

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Theory of Computing

Albert Tseng

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Aaron Tucker

Location: 302 Gates Hall

Khonzodakhon Umarova

Location: 323 Gates Hall

Katherine Van Koevering

Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Networks, Ethics, Machine Learning, and Human Interaction

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Human Interaction, Theory of Computing

Spencer Van Koevering

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Programming languages and Theory

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Abhishek Vijaya Kumar

Location: 301 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Andrew Violette

Midhul Vuppalapati

Location: 440-2 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Andrew Wang

Location: G23/33 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Machine Learning

Huaxiaoyue Wang

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Robotics

Junxiong Wang

Location: 349 Gates Hall

Kaiwen Wang

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Research Focus: RL, causal inference, ML

Yanbang Wang

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Network Science, Machine Learning on Graphs

Yifan Wang

Location: 455 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Networking

Yingheng Wang

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Ziyun Wei

Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Database Systems

Tegan Wilson

Location: 324 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Theory, Algorithms, Combinatorics

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Anne Wu

Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)

Runzhe Wu

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Youya Xia

Location: 349 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Yi Xu

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: physically-based simulation

Research Areas: Graphics

Himank Yadav

Location: 350 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Machine Learning

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Ethan Yang

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Vision, Graphics, Computational Imaging

Yuting Yang

Location: 455 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Machine Learning Systems

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Gregory Yauney

Location: 214 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Ruolin Ye

Location: G23 Gates Hall

Research Areas: Robotics

Seung Won Yoo

Location: 302 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Ayaka Yorihiro

Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Areas: Software Engineering

Tao Yu

Location: 325 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Privacy and Security

Research Areas: Machine Learning

Yunchen Yu

Location: 345 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Hongbo Zhang

Location: 440-2 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Ruijie Zhang

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Distributed System, Applied Crypto

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Tingwei Zhang

Location: Gates G23

Research Focus: Machine Learning Security

Research Areas: Security

Xiaoji Zhang

Location: 345 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Yunhao Zhang

Location: 437 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Theory and Practice of Distributed Systems

Research Areas: Systems and Networking

Wenting Zhao

Location: 344 Gates Hall (Ithaca)

Research Focus: Computational Sustainability, Reasoning, Machine Learning

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Yunya Zhao

Location: Gates G23

Research Areas: Theory of Computing

Jin Zhou

Location: 325 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Machine Learning

Joyce Zhou

Location: 344 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Artifical Intelligence, Human Interaction

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Human Interaction

Noam Zilberstein

Location: 323 Gates Hall

Research Focus: Programming Languages and Formal Methods