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The Master of Engineering Program in Computer Science allows students the freedom to design a program that enhances their knowledge in specific areas of interest. Students can augment their Computer Science requirements by taking courses outside of CS in several different areas. Browse through Courses of Study (the Cornell course catalog) and Course and Time Roster to see what is offered during the upcoming semester.
* Please note that although the courses below are pre-approved for CS MEng credit, some might not be available due to enrollment restrictions. If a course is not open to students outside of the offering field, please let us know and we will remove them from the list.
Below are some commonly chosen courses outside of Computer Science which have been pre-approved to count towards CS M.Eng. Degree credit.
- If a course you are interested in is not listed below please send an e-mail to the M.Eng curriculum committee requesting a review of the course for degree credit. Please include the course description.
- If a course is 5000 level or above and cross-listed with a CS course at the 5000 level or above it is automatically considered approved.
- If a course is at 5000 level or above and cross-listed with a CS course below the 5000 level it will not be approved.
- All courses outside of CS need pre-approval, if not pre-approved the course may not be counted towards degree credit.
- No courses outside of Computer Science will be counted as a required Computer Science credit.
- Not all of these courses are offered every year.
Information Science
- INFO 5101 Learning Analytics
- INFO 5200 Information Policy: Applied Research and Analysis
- INFO 5240 Designing Technology for Social Impact
- INFO 5250 Surveillance and Privacy
- INFO 5301 Ethics in New Media, Technology and Communication
- INFO 5321 Intro to Rapid Prototyping and Physical Computing
- INFO 5355 Human-Computer Interaction Design
- INFO 5505 Computing and Global Development
- INFO 5556 Business Intelligence Systems
- INFO 6113 Technology and Law Colloquium
- INFO 6120 Ubiquitous Computing
- INFO 6140 Computational Psychology
- INFO 6400 Qualitative User Research and Design Methods
- INFO 6130 Health and Computation
- INFO 6230 Games, Economic Behavior and the Internet
- INFO 6648 Speech Synthesis by Rule
- INFO 6850 The Structure of Information Networks
Johnson Graduate School of Management
- NBA 5070 Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers
- NBA 5100 Social Entrepreneurship
- NBA 5150 Leadership Theory and Practices
- NBA 5380 The Business Idea Factory
- NBA 5410 Project Management
- NBA 5600 Demystifying Big Data and FinTech
- NBA 5640 The Business of Entrepreneurship
- NBA 5690 Management Consulting Essentials
- NBA 5770 Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries
- NBA 6010 Electronic Business (formerly Electronic Commerce)
- NBA 6070 Designing Data Products
- NBA 6120 Disruptive Technologies
- NBA 6130 Women and Leadership​
- NBA 6145 AI Strategy and Applications
- NBA 6390 Data-Driven Marketing
- NBA 6920 Machine Learning Applications in Business
- NBA 6921 Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Strategy
Operations Research & Industrial Engineering
- OR&IE 5140 Model Based Systems Engineering
- OR&IE 5270 Big Data Technologies
- OR&IE 5300 Optimization II
- OR&IE 5310 Optimization II
- OR&IE 5350 Introduction to Game Theory
- OR&IE 5500 Engineering Probability and Statistics II
- OR&IE 5510 Intro to Engineering Stochastic Processes I
- ORIE 5581 Monte Carlo Simulation
- OR&IE 5600 Financial Engineering with Stochastic Calculus I
- OR&IE 5610 Financial Engineering with Stochastic Calculus II
- OR&IE 5640 Statistics for Financial Engineering
- OR&IE 5740 Statistical Data Mining I
- OR&IE 5741 Learning with Big Messy Data
- OR&IE 6500 Applied Stochastic Processes
- OR&IE 6741 Bayesian Machine Learning
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 5412 Bayesian Estimation and Stochastic Optimization
- ECE 5420 Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- ECE 5470 Computer Vision
- ECE 5660 Computer Networks and Telecommunications
- ECE 5620 Fundamentals of Data Compression
- ECE 5630 Information Theory for Data Transmission, Security and Machine Learning
- ECE 5670 Digital Communications
- ECE 5710 Datacenter Computing
- ECE 5720 Introduction to Parallel Computing
- ECE 5725 Design with Embedded Operating Systems
- ECE 5740 Computer Architecture
- ECE 5750 Advanced Computer Architecture
- ECE 5772 Autonomous Mobile Robots
- ECE 5780 Computer Analysis of Biomed Images
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Statistical Science
- STSCI 5065 Big Data Management and Analysis
- STSCI 5740 Data Mining and Machine Learning
Engineering Management
- ENGMT 5900 Project Management
- ENGMT 5930 Data Analytics
- ENGMT 5980 Decision Framing and Analytics
Biomedical Engineering
BME 5780 Computer Analysis of Biomed Images
Systems Engineering
SYSEN 5400 Theory and Practice of Systems Architecture
SYSEN 5860 Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence
SYSEN 6880 Industrial Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning
SYSEN 6888 Deep Learning
Science and Technology Studies:
- STS 6241 Science Technology and International Security
- STS 6321 Inside Technology
- STS 6661 Public Engagement in Science