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Women in Computing at Cornell (WICC) High School Programming Contest
Date: Saturday, March 4, 2023
Registration is open and ends by February 17, 2023.
The 2023 WICC High School Programming Contest is designed for students less experienced in computing competition. The WICC Contest includes an introduction to programming contest strategy and logistics, followed by a two-hour online contest. The contest includes problems ranging from “very easy” to “medium hard,” and limited programming experience is required. You can see sample questions from previous years here.
Students who identify as women, Black, Latinx, and Indigenous, and students with disabilities are strongly encouraged to participate in the WICC Contest. Participants should register for the contest in teams of three. If you wish to compete but don’t have a team, we will place you on a team with similar levels of experience to yours.
Support from CS mentors will be available on the day of the contest to coach your team during the contest. If needed, they will help you recognize and solve problems as a team. Though they will offer support and guidance, they will not be writing code for you.
The contest will be in person only, on campus space in both Ithaca and NYC. We will provide lunch, snacks, swag, and prizes for the winners!
Saturday, March 4, 2023
12:00pm: Arrival, registration and lunch
12:30pm: Logistics and introduction to the competition
1:00pm: Contest begins
3:00pm: Contest ends
3:15pm: Guest Speaker
4:00pm: Awards Ceremony
Main Contest
2023 High School Programming Contest Information
Date: Saturday, April 1, 2023
Registration is open and ends by March 17, 2023.
We’re excited to announce that the 2023 High School Programming Contest will be held Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 11:30am EST. Our contest is open to students who live or attend school in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Pennsylvania. The contest will be held in person on Cornell’s Ithaca and NYC Cornell Tech campuses. We can’t wait to see you on campus!
Students will compete in teams of 3. The Cornell HS Programming Contest generally includes 6-7 problems of varying difficulty (easy to very challenging) to be solved in 3 hours. Competitors will sharpen not only their computer science problem solving skills, but their strategy and teamwork as well. Students may compete using Python, Java, C, or C++.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
11:30am: Arrival, registration, and lunch
12:00pm: Logistics and introduction to the competition
12:30pm: Contest begins
3:30pm: Contest ends
3:45pm: Guest Speaker
4:00pm: Awards Ceremony
Have questions? Want more information? Contact Lizette DeJesus (Ithaca) at ld495@cornell.edu or Diane Levitt (NYC) at k12@tech.cornell.edu
Contest 2022 | Contest 2021 | Contest 2020 | Contest 2019 | Contest 2018 | Contest 2017 | Contest 2016 | Contest 2015 | Contest 2014