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Inductive type classes and large types

The types defined so far belong to an inductively defined collection according to the scheme for $T\ is\_a\
type$ in the last section. Let U1 denote this inductively defined collection of types; it has the characteristic of a type in that it has elements and is structured. Evaluation is defined on the elements, e.g.  ${{\mathbb{N} }}\ evals\_to\ {{\mathbb{N} }}$, $({{\mathbb{N} }}\times {{\mathbb{N} }})\ evals\_to\
({{\mathbb{N} }}\times {{\mathbb{N} }})$, etc. So all of the elements are canonical and are built up inductively themselves. In this regard U1 resembles ${{\mathbb{N} }}$. It has all the properties of a type.

We want to make U1 a type. So we add rules for its elements in terms of equalities. For example, there are rules $\mathbf{0} =
\mathbf{0}\ \mbox{in}\ U_1$ and

\begin{displaymath}\frac{A = A'\ \mbox{in}\ U_1\ \ \ B = B'\ \mbox{in}\ U_1}{A \times
B = A' \times B'\ \mbox{in}\ U_1} \end{displaymath}

The equality rules we have in mind are these

\begin{displaymath}{{\mathbb{N} }}={{\mathbb{N} }}\ \mbox{in}\ U_1\ \ \ \mathbf{...
\mbox{in}\ U_1\ \ \ \mathbf{1}=\mathbf{1}\
\mbox{in}\ U_1 \end{displaymath}

A=A' in U1 B=B'    in U1
    $(A \times B) = (A' \times B')$     in U1
    $list(A) = list(A')\ \ $       in U1
    $(A\rightarrow B) = (A' \rightarrow B')$   in U1
    (A+B) = (A'+B')     in U1

This is a structural or intensional equality (used in both Nuprl and [80]). It turns out that this equality is also extensional since A=Bin U1 iff $a \in A$ implies $a \in B$ and conversely. This is the only type so far whose elements are types, but it does not include all types, in particular U1 is not in U1 according to our semantics.

We have no way to prove that U1 is not in U1. We don't even have a way to say this. But it would be possible to add a recursion combinator on U1 that expressed the idea that U1is the least type closed under these operations. The combinator would have the form of a primitive recursive definition

        f(, x) = b0(x)
  f(1, x)=b1(x)
  f(N, x)=b2(x)
  $f((A \times B), x)=h_1(A, B, f(A, x), f(B, x))$
  f((A+B), x)=h4(A, B, f(A, x), f(B, x))

With this form of recursion and the corresponding induction rule we could prove that every element of U1 was either 0, 1, N, a product, a union, etc.

Once we can regard types as elements of a type like U1, then we can extend our methods for building objects, say over ${{\mathbb{N} }}$ or by case analysis over a type of Booleans, say ${{\mathbb{B} }}$ etc. to building types. Here are two examples, taking ${{\mathbb{B} }}$ as an abbreviation of 1 + 1 and abbreviating $inl(\bullet)$ as tt and $inr(\bullet)$ as $f\!f$.

Let T(tt)=A, T(ff)=B, then $\lambda(x. T(x))$ is a function ${{\mathbb{B} }}
\rightarrow U_1$. If we build a generalization of ${{\mathbb{B} }}$ to n distinct values, say ${{\mathbb{B} }}_n = ((\mathbf{1}+\mathbf{1})+\cdots +\mathbf{1})$ n times defined by ${{\mathbb{B} }}= \mathbf{1}, {{\mathbb{B} }}(suc(n))={{\mathbb{B} }}(n)+\mathbf{1}$ with elements $1_b, \ldots, n_b$, then we can build a function T(x) selecting n types, T(ib).

It is worth thinking harder about functions like $T:{{\mathbb{B} }}_n
\rightarrow U_1$. This is an indexed collection of types, $\{T(1_b), \cdots, T(n_b)\}$. We can imagine putting them together to form types in various ways, for instance by products or unions or functions

        $T(1_b) \times \cdots \times T(n_b)$ or
  $T(1_b) + \cdots + T(n_b)$ or
  $T(1_b) \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow T(n_b).$

We could define these types recursively, say by functions $\Pi$, $\Sigma$ and $\Theta$ if we could have inputs like this: m in ${{\mathbb{N} }}$, T in ${{\mathbb{B} }}_m \rightarrow U_1$,

  $\Pi_m(n)(T)=\Pi_m(n-1)(T) \times T(i_m(suc(n)))$
where im(k) selects the k-th constant of ${{\mathbb{B} }}_n$, kb.31 Likewise for $\Sigma$ and $\Theta$. However, we are unable to type these functions $\Pi,
\Sigma, \Theta$ with the current type constructors. We could type them with the new ones we are trying to define!

In the case of $\Pi$ and $\Sigma$ the operations make sense even for infinite families of types, say indexed by $T \in A \rightarrow U_1$for any type A. We can think of $\Pi$ over $T \in A \rightarrow U_1$ as functions f such that on input $a \in A$, we have $f(a) \in
T(a)$. For $\Sigma$ over $T \in A \rightarrow U_1$ we can use the elements a as ``tags'' so that elements are pairs $\langle a, t\rangle$where $t \in T(a)$.

These ideas give rise to two new type constructors, $\Pi$ and $\Sigma$over an indexed family of types $T \in A \rightarrow U_1$. We write the new constructors as $\Pi(A; T)$ and $\Sigma(A; T)$. We could use typing rules like these

5(160,80) $\frac{\textstyle A \in U_1\ \ \ \ \ T \in A
\rightarrow U_1}
{\stackrel{\textstyle \Pi(A; T) \in U_1}
{\textstyle \Sigma(A; T) \in U_1}}$

5(250,80) $\frac{\textstyle x \in A \vdash f\in
T(x)}{\textstyle \lambda(x.f) \in
...\vdash a \in A\ \ \ \vdash b \in
T(a)}{\textstyle pair(a; b) \in \Sigma(A; T)}$
The dotted lines forming the box indicate that this is an exploratory rule which will be supplanted later. We treat $\lambda(x.f)$ and pair(a; b) just as before, so we are not adding new elements to the theory, just new ways to type existing ones.

With $\Pi$ and $\Sigma$ and using induction over ${{\mathbb{N} }}$ we can build types that are not in this U1. For example, let $f(0)=A, f(suc(n))=A \times
f(n)$. Then f is a function ${{\mathbb{N} }} \rightarrow U_1$ where $f(n)=A \times
\cdots \times A$ taken n times. The actual function is $\lambda(n. R(n; A; u,
t. A \times t))$. Now we can build types like $\Sigma(N; \lambda(n. R(n; A; u,
t. A \times t)))$ and $\Pi(A; \lambda(n. R(n; A; u, t. A \times t)))$ which are not in U1. We could imagine trying to enlarge the inductive type class U1 by adding these operators to the inductive definition. We will take up this topic in the next section.

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James Wallis