CS 612 Homework Assignments

3/28/05 - Homework 3 is now available. It may be done in lieu of an original project (you will have to do a presentation and a writeup of your papers regardless!). It is due April 14th

3/9/05 - A note from Kamen on one way to compute Distance vectors:
I would do this like this (syntax might be wrong since I have not done this for years):

System := {[ir, iw]: iw,ir: Delta=ir-iw && 0 <= iw <= ir < 100 && iw+100 = ir}
DeltaSystem := {[ir, iw] -> [Delta]: Delta = ir - iw}
FlowDist := DeltaSystem[System];

2/23/05 - Homework 2 is now available. It is due on March 8th.

2/17/05 - This paper may be useful when determining how to write your own MMM kernel.

2/17/05 - Many students have asked where to get access to Pentium-3 machines for use with the performance counter library. CFS has a cluster of Pentium-3 machines which you may use.

2/7/05 - Homework 1 is now available. It is due on February 22.