CS 612 -- Homework 1

Due: February 22, 2005


In this assignment, you will be asked to discover the cache parameters of your machine, analyze the performance effects of various types of codes on your machine, obtain an optimized MMM code for your machine and finally use this experience to create your own optimized MMM kernel. Note that this assignment is easiest to complete if it is all done on a P6-class machine (i.e. Pentium 2 or Pentium 3). The files for completing this assignment are linked to within the assignment.

Problem 1 -- Cache Parameters

In this portion, you will use a tool developed by Kamen Yotov, called X-Ray, to determine the cache parameters of the machine you are using. First, read this paper to learn how to download and use X-Ray. Then run X-Ray to determine the cache parameters of your system. Find all parameters you think relevant to optimization for cache performance. If possible, verify the results returned by X-Ray by comparing to hardware manuals, or information on the web. Turn this information in as part 1. You will also need it to complete later parts of the assignment. For further discussion of X-Ray (the papers referenced in the above document, etc), check here.

Problem 2 -- Miss Ratio as a Measure of Cache Effectiveness

The miss ratio of a program provides a measure of how effectively the program utilizes your cache, and, in some sense, how efficient the program is. Intuitively, the fewer times a memory access has to go all the way to main memory, faster the program will run. The miss ratio measures exactly this. In this problem, we will examine the miss ratio for a common linear algebra problem, Matrix Matrix Multiply (MMM), and see if the results give us some ideas as to how to best exploit knowledge of cache parameters.

In order to compute the miss ratio, we will use performance counters. Most architectures provide access to counters which measure such things as memory accesses and cache misses. We will use this information to determine the miss ratio for various versions of MMM.

If the machine you are testing on is in the P6 family, you can use this library to access the hardware counters. If you are using a Pentium 4 class machine, you will need to determine how to access the performance counters yourself. If you would like to use a PowerPC based machine, email Milind for information regarding the performance counters.

Once you are familiar with the access and use of the performance counters for your machine, write a simple, triply-nested loop MMM program, and run all 6 loop-orders for varying array sizes to produce a graph that looks like:

Explain the changes in the miss ratio for the graph. Discuss why some loop orders perform better than others, and explain any sudden changes in miss ratio. Finally, comment on how this information might provide optimization opportunities.

Problem 3 -- Empirically Optimized Cache-efficient Libraries

Rather than hand tuning linear algebra libraries to each architecture individually, a common approach is to use empirical optimization to automatically generate a high performance implementation of the library. The standard linear algebra library is BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms), and the most common empirical optimization tool for BLAS is ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software). In this problem, you will use ATLAS to generate the BLAS libraries optimized for your system.

First, download and install ATLAS, following the documentation on their website. Note that if you are using a Windows machine, you will need to also download and install Cygwin. After installing (and running) ATLAS, you will have generated a static library which contains the BLAS subroutines.

Now write a simple wrapper class to perform MMM using square matrices, and calling the BLAS routine for matrix matrix multiply. Reference this document to figure out how to call the generated routines (note: you are looking for the BLAS operation that allows you to do C = alpha*A*B + alpha*C without any constraints on A, B or C). For further help, here is a description of what the various arguments mean, and here is a sample program that shows how to call a similar BLAS function.

Once you get your code working, run it for various matrix sizes, and plot your results.

Problem 4 -- Write Your Own

Now you will try your hand at writing an efficient MMM kernel. Read this paper by Yotov et al. Focus on the technique of writing parameterized MMM. Once you are comfortable with tiling and unrolling to efficiently use registers and cache, write your own implementation of MMM. Find the parameters in any way you would like - e.g. using a model or experimentation - that give you the best results. Run your kernel for various matrix sizes, and plot your results. Compare them to the results of Problem 3.

If you were able to complete Problem 2 on the same machine that you completed the rest of the assignment, for extra credit, comment on how the parameters you found relate to the cache performance you noted in Problem 2.


For Problem 1, submit the cache information you discovered. For Problems 2 and 3, submit your discussions along with the plots. For Problem 4, submit your discussion, plots of data and your source code.