Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ include | |
▼ cugl | |
► assets | |
cu_assets.h | |
CUAsset.h | |
CUAssetManager.h | |
CUFontLoader.h | |
CUGenericLoader.h | |
CUJsonLoader.h | |
CUJsonValue.h | |
CULoader.h | |
CUScene2Loader.h | |
CUSoundLoader.h | |
CUTextureLoader.h | |
CUWidgetLoader.h | |
CUWidgetValue.h | |
► audio | |
► graph | |
cu_audio_graph.h | |
CUAlgorithmicReverb.h | |
CUAudioFader.h | |
CUAudioInput.h | |
CUAudioMixer.h | |
CUAudioNode.h | |
CUAudioOutput.h | |
CUAudioPanner.h | |
CUAudioPlayer.h | |
CUAudioRedistributor.h | |
CUAudioResampler.h | |
CUAudioScheduler.h | |
CUAudioSpinner.h | |
CUAudioSynchronizer.h | |
cu_audio.h | |
CUAudioDecoder.h | |
CUAudioDevices.h | |
CUAudioEngine.h | |
CUAudioQueue.h | |
CUAudioSample.h | |
CUAudioTypes.h | |
CUAudioWaveform.h | |
CUSound.h | |
► base | |
cu_base.h | |
CUApplication.h | |
CUBase.h | |
CUDisplay.h | |
CUEndian.h | |
► input | |
► gestures | |
cu_gesture.h | |
CUCoreGesture.h | |
CUGestureRecognizer.h | |
CUPanGesture.h | |
CUPinchGesture.h | |
CUSpinGesture.h | |
cu_input.h | |
CUAccelerometer.h | |
CUGameController.h | |
CUInput.h | |
CUKeyboard.h | |
CUMouse.h | |
CUTextInput.h | |
CUTouchscreen.h | |
► io | |
cu_io.h | |
CUBinaryReader.h | |
CUBinaryWriter.h | |
CUJsonReader.h | |
CUJsonWriter.h | |
CUTextReader.h | |
CUTextWriter.h | |
► math | |
► polygon | |
cu_polygon.h | |
CUComplexExtruder.h | |
CUDelaunayTriangulator.h | |
CUEarclipTriangulator.h | |
CUPathFactory.h | |
CUPathSmoother.h | |
CUPolyEnums.h | |
CUPolyFactory.h | |
CUSimpleExtruder.h | |
CUSplinePather.h | |
cu_math.h | |
CUAffine2.h | |
CUColor4.h | |
CUEasingBezier.h | |
CUEasingFunction.h | |
CUFrustum.h | |
CUMat4.h | |
CUMathBase.h | |
CUPath2.h | |
CUPlane.h | |
CUPoly2.h | |
CUPolynomial.h | |
CUQuaternion.h | |
CURay.h | |
CURect.h | |
CUSize.h | |
CUSpline2.h | |
CUVec2.h | |
CUVec3.h | |
CUVec4.h | |
► net | |
cu_net.h | |
CUICEAddress.h | |
CUInetAddress.h | |
CUNetcodeChannel.h | |
CUNetcodeConfig.h | |
CUNetcodeConnection.h | |
CUNetcodePeer.h | |
CUNetcodeSerializer.h | |
CUNetworkLayer.h | |
► physics2 | |
► net | |
cu_net_physics.h | |
CUGameStateEvent.h | |
CULWDeserializer.h | |
CULWSerializer.h | |
CUNetEvent.h | |
CUNetEventController.h | |
CUNetPhysicsController.h | |
CUNetWorld.h | |
CUObstacleFactory.h | |
CUPhysObstEvent.h | |
CUPhysSyncEvent.h | |
cu_physics2.h | |
CUBoxObstacle.h | |
CUCapsuleObstacle.h | |
CUDistanceJoint.h | |
CUFrictionJoint.h | |
CUGearJoint.h | |
CUJoint.h | |
CUMotorJoint.h | |
CUMouseJoint.h | |
CUObstacle.h | |
CUObstacleSelector.h | |
CUObstacleWorld.h | |
CUPolygonObstacle.h | |
CUPrismaticJoint.h | |
CUPulleyJoint.h | |
CURevoluteJoint.h | |
CUWeldJoint.h | |
CUWheelJoint.h | |
CUWheelObstacle.h | |
► render | |
cu_render.h | |
CUCamera.h | |
CUFont.h | |
CUGlyphRun.h | |
CUGradient.h | |
CUMesh.h | |
CUOrthographicCamera.h | |
CUPerspectiveCamera.h | |
CURenderBase.h | |
CURenderTarget.h | |
CUScissor.h | |
CUShader.h | |
CUSpriteBatch.h | |
CUSpriteSheet.h | |
CUSpriteVertex.h | |
CUStencilEffect.h | |
CUTextAlignment.h | |
CUTextLayout.h | |
CUTexture.h | |
CUTextureRenderer.h | |
CUUniformBuffer.h | |
CUVertexBuffer.h | |
► scene2 | |
► actions | |
cu_actions.h | |
CUAction.h | |
CUActionManager.h | |
CUAnimateAction.h | |
CUFadeAction.h | |
CUMoveAction.h | |
CURotateAction.h | |
CUScaleAction.h | |
► graph | |
CUCanvasNode.h | |
CUMeshNode.h | |
CUOrderedNode.h | |
CUPathNode.h | |
CUPolygonNode.h | |
CUSceneNode.h | |
CUSpriteNode.h | |
CUTexturedNode.h | |
CUWireNode.h | |
► layout | |
cu_layout.h | |
CUAnchoredLayout.h | |
CUFloatLayout.h | |
CUGridLayout.h | |
CULayout.h | |
► ui | |
CUButton.h | |
CUButtonGroup.h | |
CULabel.h | |
CUNinePatch.h | |
CUProgressBar.h | |
CUScrollPane.h | |
CUSlider.h | |
CUTextField.h | |
cu_scene2.h | |
CUScene2.h | |
CUScene2Texture.h | |
► util | |
cu_util.h | |
CUAligned.h | |
CUDebug.h | |
CUFiletools.h | |
CUFreeList.h | |
CUGreedyFreeList.h | |
CULogger.h | |
CUStrings.h | |
CUThreadPool.h | |
CUTimestamp.h | |
cugl.h | |