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Finite Automata and Regular Sets
1/21 Welcome and introduction; finite alphabets; strings; decision problems; string concatenation; Σ*; length; null string ε; set operations; DFAs; δ^; regular sets K: 1-3
HU: 1.1, 2.1-2
1/23 more DFAs; closure properties; the product construction K: 4
HU: 3.2
1/28nondeterminism and NFAs; the subset constructionK: 4-6
HU: 2.3
1/29 Homework 1 due
1/30regular expressions; converting regular expressions to finite automataK: 7-9
HU: 2.5
2/4 Last day to add/change credits
2/4Converting finite automata to regular expressions; Kleene algebraK: 7-9, A
HU: 2.5
2/5 Homework 2 due
2/6Pumping lemma for regular sets: formal statement; use of PL to show nonregularityK: 10-11
HU: 3.1
2/11the quotient construction; DFA state minimization; Myhill-Nerode theoremK: 13-15
HU: 3.4
2/13Coalgebraic approach to automataSilva, §1-3
Rutten, §7
2/14 Homework 3 due
2/15-2/18 February break
2/20Brzozowski derivativesSilva, §3.1.2
Rutten, §8
2/252DFAsK: 16-17
HU: 2.6
2/26 Homework 4 due
Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Languages
2/27CFGs and CFLs; right-linear grammars; Chomsky and Greibach normal formsK: 18-21
HU: 9.1, 4.1-3,4.5-6
3/4Pumping lemma for CFLs: formal statement; use in showing sets not context-freeK: 22
HU: 6.1
3/5 Homework 5 due
3/6PDAs—formal definition; examples; configurations; acceptance by empty stack and final state; converting NPDAs to CFGs and vice versaK: 23-25
HU: 5.1-3
3/11Prelim review
3/13Prelim (in class)
3/18 Last day to drop/change grading basis
3/18Cocke-Kasami-Younger algorithm; closure properties of CFLsK: 27
HU: 6.2-3
3/20shift-reduce parsing; operator precedenceK: 26
3/21 Homework 6 due
3/25Chomsky-Schutzenberger and Parikh theoremsK: G,H
General Computability
3/27general computability; Turing machines; configurations; r.e. and recursive sets; universality; Church's ThesisK: 28
HU: 7.1-3; 7.6
3/28 Homework 7 due
3/29-4/6 Spring break
4/8variants of the TM; enumeration machines; nondeterminism; basic properties of recursive and r.e. setsK: 29, 30
HU: 7.4-5; 7.7-8
4/10universal TMs; diagonalization; undecidability of halting and membershipK: 30-32
HU: 8.1-3
4/15reductions—definition and use in showing problems undecidable; Rice's TheoremK: 33
HU: 8.4
4/16 Homework 8 due
4/17extended Rice's Theorem; VALCOMPS and undecidable problems for CFLsK: 34,35
HU: 8.4-6
4/22other formalisms—while programs; μ-recursive functions; λ-calculusK: 36-37, I
4/23 Homework 9 due
4/24beyond undecidabilityK: J
4/29logic and computation; Gödel's first incompleteness theorem (incompleteness of Peano Arithmetic)K: 37-38
4/30 Homework 10 due
5/1Gödel's proof; Gödel's second incompleteness theoremK: 37-38
5/6Final exam review
5/17 Final exam, 9–11:30am, location TBA