CS 414: Introduction to Operating Systems
Fall 2000
TR 10:10-11:25, 255 Olin
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OLDer Assignments
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: A few questions have been put up to review the syllabus for the prelim 1.  These questions will be discussed in the review session on monday along with other questions.   (word) (html)

REJOICE AGAIN!!!  The second homework (Word format or  here for html format) is out for your entertainment!!!
9/29/00: The homeworks will be distributed Friday 3-4 and Sunday 1-3 in Upson 328a (the first bay in the room). We are still trying to get someone to distribute the homeworks for a couple of hours on Sat also. watch this space for more news.

Solutions to Homework #2 (word) (html) the average was 16.78 and the standard dev was 3.59.  All questions were graded for 5 points each.  The bonus question 3c) carries an extra 5 points.

REJOICE!!!  The first homework (Word format or  here for html format) (or  here for better-formatted html) is out for your entertainment!!!

Solutions to Homework #1 (word) (html) the average was 28.2 and the standard dev was 7.7.

Regrade requests for Homework #1
      Please approach the TA whose initial appears on your graded homework #1 first for any
      regrade requests.  In case you cannot decipher the initial, you can take the paper to Rama
      (UP5154) for regrade requests. 

Late Submissions:  late submissions of the first homework would be accepted until 8AM monday morning with some penalty.  All submissions between 3PM on friday and 6PM on saturday will be made by sliding your solutions under the door of UP 4119.  These will accrue 10% penalty.  All submissions between 6PM saturday and 8AM monday must be slid under the door of UP 5154.  These will accure 20% penalty. 

Frequently asked questions.

Questions? Contact mosse@cs.cornell.edu
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