Archived Notes on Grading: HW6

Homework #6

The sixth homework had...

The assignment's 64 points were (unevenly) divided among the 8 sections as follows:

   A    B    C
handout... 14    8    8    7    ...installment 1
handout... 15    5    10         ...installment 2
handout... 16    6    10    10    ...installment 3

You should be able to find the corresponding eight scores on the front page of your homework, arranged in a three-row table (8-cell table) quite similar to the above.

Your total score (out of 64) should also appear prominently on the front page.

A few notes on specific exercises...


The code "A1" is shorthand for "missing base case (-2)."

The code "A4" is shorthand for "no explanation/work shown (-2)."


The code "A2" is shorthand for "missing base case (-3)."

The code "A3" is shorthand for "no inductive hypothesis stated (-3)."


The bold-face T in the initial assertion is a propositional constant (defined on p. 17). It is not a variable.


The final assertion that you (most naturally) get from the if-then-else inference rule is...

(x < y /\ min = x) \/ (x >= y /\ min = y)    Q

...a postcondition which is slightly different from the one that the exercise asks you to verify:

(x <= y /\ min = x) \/ (x > y /\ min = y)    Q'

The solution argues that Q and Q' are logically equivalent, but many people overlooked this fact / step, resulting in several incidents of the following errors:

  • falsely claiming that the algorithm is not correct with respect to Q'
  • incorrectly stating Q' as the result of a straightforward application of the if-then-else inference rule
    [nit: it is possible to get Q' from the if-then-else rule, but doing so requires additional justification, most notably an extra case split--"x = y" vs. "x > y"--in the else branch of the argument]
  • implicitly assuming that !(x < y) is equivalent to x > y
  • proving the x < y and x > y cases but neglecting to address the x = y case

[If you simply see "-5" on your paper, then you made one of the above errors (or an error closely related to the above).]

Our solutions to the sixth homework have been posted.

For those who are curious, the median score was 37, and the mean score was 37.1 (sigma ~ 7).