Archived Notes on Grading: HW2

Homework #2

The second homework had...

The assignment's 49 points were (unevenly) divided among the 7 sections as follows:

installment 1    11    4    7    ...handout #2
installment 2    3    11       ...handout #3
installment 3    10    3       ...handout #4

You should be able to find the corresponding seven scores on the front page of your homework, arranged in a three-row table (7-cell table) quite similar to the above.

Your total score (out of 49) should also appear prominently on the front page.

Our solutions for the second homework have been posted.

Addendum: here's an explanation of the shorthand notation (the "A1" and "A2" codes) used for section A of the first installment...

   A1  =  -1 for lack of examples or explanation.
   A2  =  -1 for every incorrect answer. If the predicates are incomplete, the answer is marked as wrong. For instance, saying, "There exists a student in my class, and a CS course in my school such that that student has taken that class" is correct, while saying, "There exists a sudent and a course, such that that student has taken that course" is incorrect - the predicates are incomplete.

For those who are curious, the median score was 36, and the mean score was 34.6 (sigma ~ 9).