Archived Notes on Grading: HW11

Homework #11

The eleventh homework had...

The assignment's 36 points were (unevenly) divided among the 11 sections as follows:

   A    B    C    D    E    F
handout... 28    5    3    2    3    3    8    ...installment 1
handout... 29    3    2    4    2    1         ...installment 2

You should be able to find the corresponding eleven scores on the front page of your homework, arranged in a 2-row table (11-cell table) quite similar to the above.

A few comments on specific exercises...


Please note that Rosen's definition of bipartite (def. 5 on p. 449) requires the partitions V1 and V2 to both be nonempty. This implies that a graph with exactly one vertex can never be bipartite, since its unique vertex would have to lie either in V1 (in which case |V2| = 0) or in V1 (in which case |V2| = 0). In particular, his definition implies that K1, the complete graph on 1 vertex, is not bipartite.

Our solutions to the eleventh homework have been posted.

For those who are curious, the median score was 33, and the mean score was 31.5 (sigma ~ 4).