CS212 Problem Sets
Problem Set 5 - Spring 1999
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Friday, April 2
Due: Monday, April 19, 2pm

This problem set is much lengthier than previous problem sets. There's far more code for you to familiarize yourself with. It would be wise to begin early - learn the code we give you and then do the problem set.

We can promise that you will have fun if you put a good effort into this problem set. The sooner you finish, the more time you will have to do extra really cool stuff.

Expect their to be many bug fixes to our code. With the sources that we've provided, there is nearly 3000 lines of code - the chance there is a bug is fairly good. This makes it very important that you understand the interface between your code and ours. Should you find a bug, the best way to attack it is to ask about it on the newsgroup and allow a course staff member to respond. Should you be in a real crisis, you can send a message to cs212@cs.cornell.edu.

Synopsis of the Monty Python Movie
Characters in the Game
Goal of this Game
Explanation of the Code

Source Code
Version 5.0


Just for Fun

Cast and Credits

A lot of time and effort has gone into developing this game. Unfortunately, we diverge from the movie in the sense that we will not be sacking anyone if there are problems.

We thank Cindy Wells for allowing us to use the title graphic. Visit her web site for more information about the commercial release of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail game.

Last Modified 4/6/99 by BRB