CS212 Problem Sets

Characters in the Game

Following is a list of characters that you might find in the game.


Lady of the Lake - She gives a player Excalibur, thus ordaining him to be King of the Britons

Black Knight - A very dangerous Knight to enter battle with. He's defeated the Green Knight already.

Sir Lancelot, Sir Bevedere, Sir Robin, and Sir Galahad - These are Knights that join you at the Round Table

God - A supreme being who blesses things and makes them holy.

Random Bad Guy - Every game has a random bad guy.

French Taunter - This guy taunts you with his outrageous French accent, and pummels you with livestock. He's very hard to defeat.

Zoot - A young maiden who resides in the Castle Anthrax. She will tempt you with earthly pleasures, but try to resist.

Tim the Enchanter - A very wise person who helps you find the Holy Grail.

Knights who say Ni - These horrible Knights say the worst word known to man, Ni. You must appease them with a shrubbery in order to pass through the forest.

Roger the Shrubber - He arranges, designs, and sells shrubberies.

Bunny of Caerbannog - This vicious little animal will not let you pass. It wouldn't be wise to fight it either. A Holy Hand Grenade has historically killed this verment.

Bridgekeeper - You must answer the bridge keepers questions or fight him to pass the bridge of death.

Frank - He's a famous historian. You might try to talk to him, at least before he's dead.

Police - They're looking into the murder of Frank. Did you kill him?

The Grim Reaper - This is one bad dude! While he keeps Briton nice and sanitary, you don't want to get in the way of his job.

Amy, Gershon, Konna, Pet Potato, Corpse, Tinky-Wink the Teletubby - Some very nice characters that are your friends. Be kind to them or the course staff will be very unhappy when we're grading your problem sets.