CS212 Problem Sets

Goal of the Game

The best way to approach this game is to explore. While you could be a crafty little hacker and just look at the world we created and figure out how to get around, that would be no fun. We suggest that you finish the first few programming assignments so the game becomes functional. From there you can play the game. The last few problems deal with extending the game to make it more exciting.

For those purists, we say get over it - there is a way to win the game!

Starting the Game

After you finish Problem 3, you will be able to play a complete game. In order to start the game, after executing your code and ours, type in (single-game) as seen in main.ss.

Here you will be asked three questions that prove your worthiness to play this game, and you will suddenly appear in the starting locations. Here you can type help to get a list of commands. Remember, when you're playing the game, you're not using Scheme commands, rather your using the game's commands.

Explore Your World

No we're not on the Discovery Channel, but we are in England in the year 932 AD. You start in The Lambda Den, essentially a pub. From there you can move out and explore. You can look around and talk to characters. Get a feel for your location and how to get from here to there. Draw a map, this could come in handy.

How do I get a character to follow me?

If a character is a follower, it will say something to the effect when you look at the character. To get all the characters in a room that are currently not following some other player to follow you, you must say follow me out loud.  In order to get all of your following characters to leave you, you must say leave me.

What Should You be Doing?

You are a player and can assume the role of Arthur. You should be looking for knights to join you at the Round Table. You only need one knight though, since most knights are incompetent and too chicken to fight.

Once you get your knight, you can wait for a heavenly message that informs you of your quest. From thereon, you have a purpose in life: you're one and only goal is to fulfill that quest.


There are many obstacles in the midst of your quest. Very much danger awaits you. You will end up fighting characters and each other. The sooner you learn your world, the easier it is to overcome these obstacles and win the game.

When attempting to fight characters, it's a good idea to be prudent about who you fight. Some characters are your friends, while others are very strong and can only be defeated certain ways. Be careful, or you may end up dying because you didn't know when to run away...

Why are the police looking for me?

Didn't you kill Frank, the famous historian? Well, if you didn't; you better be able to prove that you did not murder him. Remember these are the days before common law, so you are guilty before proven innocent!

A Short Walk Through

With the last update of the source code, you finally have the ability to interact with characters. While the character interaction is limited and crude (Hey! There's an extra credit opportunity - improve character interaction), it works and you can play the whole game.

Starting in the pub when you first join the game, do the following:

In order to interact with characters, you tell them something. The phrases must be in lower case. The phrase, "pass?", is used when you want to know how to pass a particular character, such as the Knights who say Ni. As you progress through the game and talk with more characters, you'll learn more phrases that you can use to interact with characters.