Lecture notes and other resources

We will place on this page notes handed out in class and other helpful material, as they are produced.
Basics of Java and Eclipse: pdf file   
Power point slides for all of Java: pdf (6/page)   pptx (slides)
Time-format changer. Write various methods to change times from one format to another. Do these if you are still not fluent with strings.  
Anglicize an integer. The development of an algorithm to turn numbers like 5,432 into their English equivalent.  
Parsing expressions. An explanation of recursive descent parsing arithmetic expressions with precedence given to */ over +-, with Java files.  
Development of an algorithm for the next higher permuation, making it Iterable  
Simple set implementations. This file gives simple implementations of sets: (1) in an array and (2) as a linked list. The latter contains a method to reverse a linked list in place, by hchanging the links, just because it's a good exercise to do.  
Asymptotic complexity (8 April) ppt  pdf
We looked a string manipulation in an image-processing setting. It was an assignment in CS1110 once: solution.zip   skeleton.zip   assignment.pdf