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CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python Fall 2018 |
About: Announcements Course Staff Times & Places Calendar Materials: Lectures Texts Python Text Shell Videos Assessment: Grading Assignments Labs Exams Resources: CMS Piazza AEWs FAQ Python API Introcs API Python Tutor Style Guide Terminology Academic Integrity |
LabsLabs are held every week, during section. You will not be graded on your performance during lab, though you are expected to do them. You may miss up to two labs over the course of the semester with no penalty. If you miss any more than that, we will reduce your course grade by half a letter grade (e.g. B goes to B-) for every two labs missing. Because of the course size this semester, all labs will be done through the online lab system. We have used this as an optional interface for the past two years, and students really like it. If you are busy, it is a way to give you immediate feedback on your own time. The online system can be a little daunting because it requires exact answers, which is hard if you are still struggling to learn the material. Fortunately, it is still possible to get the lab checked off manually if you are having problems. Talk to the course staff during your lab section, and they will review your submission. If they believe that you have put in enough work, they will give you credit regardless of the correctness of your answers. The goal for the labs is practice, not perfection. Some labs this semester will include thought questions. These are open-ended questions that we have to grade manually. You will not get immediate feedback on these questions from the online system, and you will need to show them to the course staff in your lab. Whenever you need to have your lab manually graded -- either for a thought question or getting credit for a troublesome lab -- you must do this in your lab section, one week after the lab is assigned. Except in extreme circumstances (which require prior approval from your lab instructor), we do not permit students to check off labs during consulting hours this year. When a lab becomes available, a link will appear in the table below. Follow that link to the online system.
Course Material Authors: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, & W. White (over the years) |