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CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python Fall 2016 |
About: Announcements Staff Consultants Times & Places Calendar Materials: Texts Python Command Shell Terminology VideoNote Handouts: Lectures Assignments Labs Assessment: Grading Exams Resources: CMS Piazza AEWs FAQ Python API Python Tutor Style Guide Academic Integrity |
Assignment 4 is PostedThe next assignment, which covers for-loops and recursion, has been posted. While it is due in two weeks, we recommend that you start it as soon as possible. Posted Friday, October 14th No Serial Number/Device ID on your iClicker?The device number, needed to register the clicker, can be recovered by bringing your clicker to (a) the Academic Technology Center Room 123, Computing and Communications Center on the Ag Quad, open 9-5; (b) the ATC's G27 Stimson Hall office near Day Hall, open 12-5; or (c) Walker White's office hours. Posted Friday, August 12th Register your iClicker, Even if UsedTo register your device, visit http://atcsupport.cit.cornell.edu/pollsrvc . You will login with your netID and password, and you will need the serial number, or device ID, of your clicker. The device id can be found on the back, perhaps near a "bar code". You may wish to put some invisible tape over the number or write it down somewhere, since the numbers can rub off. Note that each individual student in CS1110 needs their own clicker. We will use the clickers in class for the first time on Thursday, August 25. It is important that you have a clicker and register it by that class. Posted Friday, August 12th Textbook is available onlineThe textbook that we are using, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, is licensed under the Creative Commons. That means it is freely available online as either a PDF or an eBook. To get a copy, you should go to the author's webpage. We realize that not everyone likes eBooks, and that some of your would still like to have a printed copy. Unfortunately, it is out of print so you will have to buy it online in that case. Posted Friday, August 12th |
Course Material Authors: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, & W. White (over the years) |