T-Th 9:05
T-Th 11:15
in Olin 155

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python

Fall 2016

CS 1110 Staff

Name E-Mail/Contact Office Availability
Walker White wmwhite@cs.cornell.edu
Phone: 255-8346
Gates 451

1. Office Hours: 10 - 11 am Tu, Th
    Carpenter Hall Atrium
2. By Appointment (via e-mail)
3. Walk-in if door is not closed

Administrative Assistant
Amy Elser ahf42@cornell.edu
Phone: 255-5331
Gates 401 Contact for administrative issues.

Get in the habit of dropping in on the TAs if you have questions. You should drop in on any available TA, not just your section TA.

Zechen Zhang zz335@cornell.edu Gates G17 Mon. 8-9pm
Qinru Shi qs63@cornell.edu Rhodes 657 Fri. 10-11am
Xinya Du xd75@cornell.edu Gates G19 Thu. 10-11am
Tania Tocalini tvt9@cornell.edu Gates G11 Fri. 3-4pm
Josselyn Tsai jt566@cornell.edu Gates G11 Thu. 2-3pm

The supervising consultants are Alex Parkhurst (anp56), Yiting Wang (yw428), and Ryan Dong (rfd83).

The consultants are as follows: Anna Brosowsky (ab2422), Anna Rice (acr235), Alexander Strandberg (ads286), Arielle Anderer (aea68), Amy Lin (al887), Anna Fang (amf269), Alan Yan (ayy23), Brynn Richter (ber65), Christian Rodriguez (cer95), Christopher Haralampoudis (ch677), Changxu Lu (cl795), Edward Li (eal87), Erissa Irani (eli8), Foteini Kriezi (fk233), Gee Hyun Kwon (gk297), Hannah Dunn (hld59), Ivan Dimitrov (idd2), Ingrid Libman (iml29), Ivan Zaitsev (iz44), Jordan Greissman (jag538), Jessica Lee (jal476), Jerica Huang (jh2263), Jacob Padilla (jsp264), Julia Sun (jys35), Jonathan Falk (jzf5), Katherine Armour (ka378), Karen Fang (kf288), Kevin Li (kl553), Karrie Shi (kms435), Kristy Liao (kpl44), Kristi Lee (ksl72), Kanchan Yawalkar (ksy9), Lavanya Aprameya (la334), Lauren Sedita (les278), Meghan Chen (mc2254), Mary Kaminski (mek282), Jian Maureen (mj394), Natasha Armbrust (nka8), Nicholas Shieh (ns665), Nancy Shen (nws37), Rohan Ghosh (rg547), Robert Barrett (rpb83), Samuel Opoku-Agyemang (so373), Stephanie Sun (ss2938), Stephanie Xu (sx49), Ugonna Erinne (ue24), Victoria Litvinova (vl242), Xiaoguang Huo (xh84), Xingchen Li (xl464), Xin Lin (xl466), and Yuntian Lan (yl653).

The consulting calendar can be found on this page

Course Material Authors: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, & W. White (over the years)