The Lectures
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The "Slides" link will give you a pdf of the slides exactly as I use them in class.
Use these for review. The "Python Demos" are .py modules that figure in the lecture.
You are expected to download and play with these.
A compact schedule for the whole semester showing lectures, labs, readings,
due dates and prelim dates is available
Week 1
Week 1
22 January (Thursday): 1. Basics
We start out using Python as a calculator, what is called the interactive mode.
The idea of a variable is introduced and the dynamics of the assignment
statement are detailed. Three basic types are illustrated through examples:
integers, floats, and strings.
Week 2
27 January (Tuesday): 2. Modules and Scripts
A module is a .py file that contains Python code. The easiest kind of module
to understand simply houses a sequence of statements called a script.
Sample scripts that involve numbers and strings are used to
solidify our understanding of the assignment statement and types.
Mechanisms for input and output are discussed.
29 January (Thursday): 3. Conditional Execution
Sometimes a condition has to be checked before heading into a computation.
This requires an understanding of various “if” constructions.
The Boolean type is introduced together with the and, or, and not operations.
This will be an occasion to introduce the distinction between program structure and program flow.
Week 3
3 February (Tuesday): 4. Using and Building Simple Functions
Modules can also house functions. Functions are packagings of important calculations
that are typically used over and over again. Experts design useful modules
that can then be shared within the Python community. We show how to import
and use some of the functions from the math module. A simple module is used
to show how to design your own functions. We start simple with functions
that look like high school algebra math functions.
The mechanics of function execution are detailed.
5 February (Thursday): 5. A Simple Graphics Module
We get more practice with functions by using a simple module that permits
us to draw rectangles, circles and stars. These functions have multiple inputs
and they do not return values (like the familiar trig functions).
We will see how one function can call another function, how optional arguments work, and how ease-of-use
can affect the design of the function inputs.
Week 4
10 February (Tuesday): 6. How Functions are Accessed and Work
We use examples to lock in our understanding of how functions
work. Call frames. Tracing execution. Flow of control. Arguments, parameters, and
local variables. How one module can import the stuff in another module.
12 February (Thursday): 7. String Methods and For
In object-oriented programming functions and the data that they
manipulate are packaged in classes. We become acquainted with this
idea by practicing with the built-in string class. In this context,
the functions are referred to as methods. We get practice with various
string methods and introduce th econcept of iteration
with the for statement
Week 5
19 February (Thursday): 8. Iteration: More For-Loops
Iteration is all about the idea of repeated calculation and is an
absolutely essential part of the course. We have seen how for-loops
can be used to ``walk down a string.'' Now we will see another version
of the for-loop that can be used to manage more general iterations.
We revisit the sqrt function and use a for loop to handle the
rectangle averagings. We show how to draw an n-by-n checkerboard. Summation problems
and find-the-min problems provide instructive examples.
Week 6
24 February (Tuesday): 9. Random Simulation
We introduce the random module and use some of its functions to solve
interesting problems that involve random events. Estimating probabilities
and averages is very important throughout science and engineering
so we’ll get a good snapshot of how this is done.
26 February (Thursday): 10. While Loops
Iteration is all about the idea of repeated calculation and is an
absolutely essential part of the course. The while loop on of the key
language constructions in this regard and it requires a rock solid
understanding of Boolean expressions an ability to think iteratively.
A numerical example (summation) and a string example (search) drive the
discussion. With the while-loop in hand and an
ability to write functions, we can address a whole new
set of computational challenges.
Week 7
3 March (Tuesday): 11. More While
More practice with while via examples. We start out with Random Walks and Fibonacci numbers.
We then look at a spiral problem where th
e while loop turns off production when the
spiral gets "too big." As an illustration of a search-for-the-first-occurrence problem,
we look for "streaks" in a coin toss sequence.
5 March (Thursday): 12. Odds and Ends
We cover a collection of important topics that give us an excuse to review past ideas
and anticipate what is coming up. These include the use of break, isinstance, try-except., and assertions.
Discussion of math.floor, math.ceil, round, and int clarify the difference between type and value.
The use of "in" and other little string slicing facts rounds out the lecture.
Week 8
10 March (Tuesday): 13. Prelim Review
12 March (Thursday): 14. Lists
There is a way to package a sequence of numbers (or strings) into a single entity and
that entity is called a list. List thinking requires a facility with subscripts,
not unlike what we saw with strings.
The for-loop is particularly handy for organizing
certain list computations that involve iteration.
A function can have a parameter that is a list, but the "interactions"
require a new (and tricky) type reasoning that we review through examples.
Week 9
17 March (Tuesday): 15. Lists and Functions
Two examples are considered that highlight various aspects of functions
that have list parameters and/or return lists. Computing the diameter of a cloud of points is
look-for-the-maximum problem that involves nested loops. A pair of float lists that house the x and y coordinates of the points
is involved in the computation
The Python map function is introduced. The second example concerns selection sort.
Through this example we become acquainted with void functions and how they can modify a list in the callin program even though they do
not return anything. It is all about references to list objects.
19 March (Thursday): 16. More on Lists and Functions
More practice with void functions and references. Some basic ideas are reviewed: how to create a
copy of a list, comparing lists with "is", vs comparing lists with "==", the idea of an alias.
Two different
implementations are given for a function that can merge two sorted lists into a single sorted list.
of Merge are given.
Week 10
24 March (Tuesday): 17. Search and Sort
Searching a list for a particular value is a fundamental computation of
great importance. We discuss linear search (for arbitrary lists)
and binary search (for lists that have been sorted). We discuss efficiency and use the timit module to
compare these two algorithms. Binary search illustrates the divide-and-conquer paradigm.
So does the method of Merge Sort which we use to introduce the idea of recursion.
26 March (Thursday): 18. Recursion
We introduce recursion via two graphics procedures that do interesting
divide-and-conquer tilings. One deals with triangles and the other
with rectangles. A recursive implementation of the factorial
function is used to illustrate the mechanics behind recursive
function execution. Finally, we return our recursive implementation of merge sort
that we developed in the previous lecture.
Week 11
7 April (Tuesday): 19. Introduction to Classes
Introduction to classes and objects. Constructors. References. Attributes.
Functions that return objects and that have object parameters.
Lists of objects. Copy and DeepCopy.
9 April (Thursday): 20. Dictionaries
Yet another way to organize data in Python is with a "dictionary".
Whereas lists and strings are indexed with integers, e.g., x[4] = 10,
dictionaries are indexed with "keys", e.g., x{'NY'} = 'Albany'.
This can simplify many text-based computations.
Week 12
14 April (Tuesday): 21. Methods and Classes
Implementing methods. reasoning about method calls. Getters and Setters. Sorting a list of objects.
Using isinstance.
Week 13
21 April (Tuesday): 23. More 2D Arrays
Classes with attributes that are 2D numpy arrays. More on subscripting, class invariants, and
elementary operations with 2D arrays of data.
23 April (Thursday): 24. Working with Data Files and Numpy Graphics
We live in the era of Big Data, a phenomena driven by sensor technology and cheap memory. An important skill to have involves reading data from a file that has been downloaded from the Web, computing with that data on your computer, and then writing the results to another file. We step through this scenario thereby showing you how Python supports the process.
All along the way there will be opportunities for you to build up your facility with string manipulation.
Plotting a continuous function like y = sin(x) is a connect-the-dots exercise that involves a pair of lists: one for the x-values and one for the y-values. Using MatPloy we get practice doing this. The exercise is rich in object-oriented computing so we will have many opportunities to improve our skills in that arena as well.
Being able to produce beautiful plots and illuminating displays of data is an essential skill in many disciplines.
Week 14
28 April (Tuesday): 25. Odds and Ends
Operator overloading, more pylab and numpy
30 April (Thursday): 26. Inheritance
5 May (Tuesday): 27. Three Great Examples
Week 15