T-Th 9:05
T-Th 11:15
in Olin 155

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python

Spring 2015

The Assignments

You will learn more about programming from the assignments than from anything else we do in class. Keep in mind that the exams are tightly coupled to the assignments. Working on the assignments is tantamount to studying for the next exam. Here is the schedule:

Assignment What You Need Due Date
A1 (4%) Handout , Kepler.py , SOLUTION GUIDE, Friday, 6 Feb, 6pm
A2 (4%) Handout , Weather.py , GenWeather.py , Sun.py , simpleGraphics.py , A2 Grading Guide Friday, 13 Feb, 6pm
A3 (6%) Handout , Password.py , simpleGraphicsE.py , PasswordSol.py , Spiral.py , Thursday, 26 Feb, 11pm
A4 (5%) Handout , RW2.py , RW2Sol.py , Thursday, 5 Mar, 11pm
A5 (7%) Handout , ShowPS.py , ShowLS.py , ShowTF.py , simpleGraphicsE.py A5Sol.zip Thursday, 26 Mar, 11pm
A6 (8%) Handout , A6.zip , A6Sol.zip , Thursday, 16 Apr, 11pm
A7 (6%) Handout , A7.zip , A7Sol.zip , Wednesday, 6 May, 11pm

Recall that the assignments contribute 40% to your course grade. Notice that they are not equally weighted.

Every student is given a "bank account" of 4 slip days that can be spent over the semester. Thus, if your current balance is three slip days and you turn in A5 two days after it was due, then your new balance is one slip day. It makes sense not to exercise this option until later in the semester when your schedule is more crowded.

One constraint: you can spend at most two slip days on an assignment.

Course Material Authors: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, C. Van Loan & W. White (over the years)