T-Th 9:05 or 11:15 in Kimball B11 |
CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python Spring 2013 |
About: Announcements Staff Consultants Times & Places Syllabus Materials: Texts Python/Komodo Command Shell Terminology Handouts: Lectures Assignments Labs Assessment: Grading Exams Resources: CMS Piazza (link) Piazza (about) VideoNote AEWs FAQ Python Library Online Python Tutor Style Guide Academic Integrity Authors of these pages: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, & W. White, over the years |
LabsLabs are held every week, during section. You will not be graded on your performance during lab, though you are expected to do them. Up to two labs may be missed; any more unexcused absences and we reserve the right to reduce your course grade (e.g. B goes to B-). Unless told otherwise, should you do not finish during the lab, you have until the beginning of lab next week to finish it: show it to your lab TA at the beginning of the lab section. But you should always do your best to finish during lab hours; remember that labs are graded on effort, not correctness.