Name |
Email |
Phone |
Office Location/Hours |
Gries |
gries@cs.cornell.edu |
255-0393 |
Olin 167
Tues, 12:45-1:45 pm or by apptmt.
Walk-in: If Gries is in his office, he'll talk to you. |
TAs Unless
otherwise noted, all TA office hours are held in Upson 309. If
no one has signed up for
an "appointment hour" of a TA, the hour is considered "open". To
make an apptmnt for a one-on-one session with a TA, visit the undergrad
office (Upson 303) or call 255-0982 --24 hours in advance.
Mohamed Elhawary |
hawary@cs.cornell.edu |
open: Monday, 11:00AM,
4162 Upson
appt: Monday, 12:00PM, 4162 Upson |
Jay Henniger |
jlh75@cornell.edu |
open: Monday: 2:30PM,
657 Rhodes
appt: Monday: 3:30PM, 657 Rhodes |
Riaz Jahangir |
raj20@cornell.edu |
open: Thursday, 12:20PM
appt: Thursday 1:25PM |
Jason Li |
jcl43@cornell.edu |
open: Tuesday: 4:45PM
appt: Tuesday: 5:45PM |
Kryzs Ostrowski |
krzys@cs.cornell.edu |
open: Wednesday: 1:25PM
appt: Friday: 1:25PM |
Admin Asst to Instructor
Stacey Shirk |
shirk@cs.cornell.edu |
A TAs "appointment hour" will act like an "open hour" if no one has made an appointment
--and no one will very early in the semester. Get in the habit of dropping in on the TAs if you
have questions --drop in on any TA, not just your section TA.